Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

From Top Trumps

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was the first Harry Potter pack. Many thought that Winning moves should have released Harry Potter 1 and 2 first, but it never happened. This pack was a great hit as it was the first of its kind. However, continuing to the end of Harry Potter releasing a pack on each movie. It just seems not right to not release the first 2 packs. Or at least make a pack with the first 2 movies. Buckbeak is the STT for this pack.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Producer Winning Moves
Country UK
Year 2005
Packaging/Colour blue
Stats Magic, Cunning, Courage,

Wisdom, Temper

No. of Cards 30

External Links

The Prisoner of Azkaban at the Ultimate Top Trumps Reference Site

The Prisoner of Azkaban at Planet Top Trumps

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