"It was the best of both worlds, it was the blurst of both worlds"

From The Extended Group

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"It was the best of both worlds... it was the blurst of both worlds" is a statement iterated by the Uncontrollable Jeremy persona. The night of this statement is perhaps the most celebrated instance of this personality emerging.



The night of this incident was precipitated by what is perhaps Jeremy's most intoxicated state yet observed. A party was not even occuring at the time, but several group members, including Brett, Rama and Stuart (this will be important later) were hanging out at Nordheim 2210. Most of this group eventually migrated into Jeremy's room. Stuart had brought with him his trademark box wine, Franzia, and so a drinking game was proposed in which Stuart and Jeremy would compete to name Radiohead songs produced by the iTunes shuffle feature. Jeremy, an avid fan of the group, instantly adopted a competitive attitude, and agreed to take a swig of wine for every time he was beaten to a song name.

Uncontrollable Jeremy

After only about 15 minutes of this game, Jeremy had consumed roughly three glasses of wine, and was urged to stop by his wary compatriots, whose memory of the last time Jeremy drank was still fresh in their minds. Jeremy did indeed stop, but by this time the damage was done. Much like Bruce Banner, Jeremy could anticipate the coming transformation, and he started running around the upstairs common room yelling "I can feel it coming! I can feel it inside me!"

Within a very short period of time (which seemed almost instantaneous) Jeremy's skin turned bright red and this started perhaps the most prolonged, and intense instance of this substance-driven personality yet documented.

Hours later, Jeremy was shirtless, rolling around on the floor, with bruises all around his body, when it was decided that he needed to be taken somewhere. He was judged not capable of properly dealing with his parents at home (a sentiment he did not share at the time) and so Rama and Brett took him in Rama's car to the Reddy home. There Brett was given the task of watching Jeremy in the Reddy basement while Rama slept upstairs. This lasted about the duration of the night (until about 7:00).

The Line

At some point in this mayhem, Jeremy uttered a line that is forever remembered as one of the most unintentionally clever statements ever made.

"It was... the best of both worlds... it was (starts laughing) the blurst of both worlds..."


Jeremy was attempting, for some reason, to recite the opening line of Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities," which reads "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." However, in Jeremy's drunken recollection, he accidently substituted in "The Best of Both Worlds" which is a famous two-part episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which Captain Picard is assimilated by the Borg (believed also to be a favorite of the Cho family). In a finally twist, however, Jeremy included the alternative ending to the quote given in The Simpsons in which a typewriting monkey is scolded by Mr. Burns for writing "...it was the blurst of times" in place of the proper sentence. Thus the statement is actually a triple-entendre and instantly became one of the most celebrated puns produced in a Brett-Jeremy situation since Killing Two Birds with One Phone.

Later Jeremy would note that they were sitting in the "Reddy Room"--another TNG reference.

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