Automobile Lamborghini

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 06:20, 3 May 2006 by (Talk)
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Automobili Lamborghini was a racing game for the Nintendo 64. This game was won by Gavin in a Nintendo Power contest when he got second prize, and Gavin also received a leather jacket with the game's logo emblazoned on the back.

Gavin and Terry tried playing the game on several occasions, and while the game was technically competent it didn't appeal to either Gavin or Terry as it did not have much replay value and was just a lot of racing. They did eventually begin to enjoy the game when it was discovered that in two player races one player could park his lamborghini in the middle of the track to serve as a roadblock, while the other driver would back up and repeatedly ram the trapped cars while Gavin and Terry laughed with delight. It was also discovered that when cars were driven into each other they would begin to mold together. Eventually the game faded into obscurity as better games were embraced.

Later when Gavin brought his Nintendo 64 to college, largely to play Mario Kart 64, it was found that one of his friends recognized the game. It turns out that this friend had actually paid money for the game which was a surprise to Gavin.

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