Smash Bros Lexicon

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 02:13, 23 January 2006 by (Talk)

Smash Bros Lexicon refers to terminology colloquially used in conversations involving Super Smash Bros. Often such phrases are invented during play.


Attack Nomenclature

Invented and standardized on [1], there is a specific attack nomenclature that is used sometimes (those who surf smashboards). Because there are two basic categories of attacks, A attacks and B attacks, the nomenclature first divides there.

A Attacks - This includes ground smash attacks, ground non-smash attacks, and air attacks.

  • Ground smashes are fairly intuitive, just place the abbreviation for the direction of the smash attack plus the word smash. Example, Ganon's wizard elbow would be called an Fsmash and Link's up slash smash would be called a Usmash.
  • Ground non-smash attacks are called 'tilts' because you must hold the control stick either neutral or tilted (and not pressed hard, as in smash attacks) and hit the A button. The naming system is similar to the one for ground smashes - the abbreviation for the direction is followed by the word tilt. Example, Shiek's famous combo starting roundhouse kick is referred to as the Ftilt because the Shiek player must press forward lightly and press A. When the control stick is not pressed and the player just presses A, it is referred to as a jab.
  • Air Attacks - Simply, air attacks occur whenever a player presses A in the air. The naming system is fairly intuitive - The name begins with the direction abbreviation and is then followed by the word air. For example, Marth's large forward air slash would be called an Fair and Captain Falcon's Falcon Knee would be called a Fair also (though it is usually just called "FALCON KNEEEE!!" because it is so great). When no direction is pressed, the move is called a Nair.

B Attacks

  • B attacks are simpler, having really only one category, as the attack does not change much depending on the character's status (in air, on ground, etc). Usually, the whole direction word is used and then followed by the word B. Link's whirlwind slash would be called UP-B.

Gay Character Names

Some characters just have really gay costumes. Examples: Happy Valentine's Day Captain Falcon, Bumblebee Ness, Pink Doc, Princess Marth, Michael Jackson Marth

"Losing Stock"

"Losing Stock" refers to real life events in which a person has been hurt badly - similar to actually losing one stock in a game of smash. For example, doing poorly on an exam might constitute the loss of a stock, or breaking your foot might be considered a loss of several stock.

Nintendo Physics

Possibly coined by Jeremy (illustrating his love of both Nintendo and Physics). The implied set of physical laws that govern the Smash Bros universe, similar to those in other Nintendo games. This includes very low gravity and the ability to exert downward force by flipping one's body.

Space Animals

A popular nickname for Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi taken from the [2] Smash Brothers Community Forums. A reference to how Fox and Falco are animals that come from space. Generally used for its cuteness.


In itself, a reference to e-mail spam. Spamming in Smash Brothers lexicon refers to a repetitive use of a single attack as an effective fighting style or strategy.

Examples include:

  • Andy spamming Falco's Falcofire attack.
  • Jeremy spamming Donkey Kong's charge up punch.
  • Brett spamming Yoshi's roll attack and butt stomp attack.
  • Jamie spamming Roy's F-smash and Neutral-B
  • Terry spamming the Knee
  • Tanner spamming Link's whirlwind attack
  • Raz spamming the pills
  • Taj spamming Young Link's D-air
  • Jim spamming the Captain Falcon elbow
  • Rizky spamming turnips and the Dsmash with Peach
  • Everyone spamming Fair with ganon


This describes a situation in which two or more players have chosen Link, Young Link, Marth or Roy, and also refers generally to this set of sword users. Because of their range and power of attack, this is often indicative of a difficult fight. Often used disparaginly by those who don't use 'Swords Characters'.

The fact that people read Smash Bros message boards

Is really concerning.

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