Lukas Typing in Huge Paragraphs

From The Extended Group

Revision as of 02:56, 16 January 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

The concept of Lukas Typing in Huge Paragraphs has existed for as long as his peers have corresponded to him through electronic means. It describes how Lukas Peter will, when recalling specific events or describing an incident to another individual, include every intricate detail of his story, within the confines of one large paragraph.


  • An example of a huge paragraph from AOL Instant messenger:
elporko8: so the rama legend of yesterday goes as follows: i picked him up, got kevin and terry, then we went up and ate korean food, then we were gonna go down to SPU to hang out, when rama suggested "instead of going to SPU, can we just go to the area around SPU?" but terry wanted to see my dorm and my friends, so we went there instead, but before we got south of 175th street, he said "hey want to go hang out with john chang for a bit? he's leaving in a couple weeks" so we literally made a guilt trip over to changs where we hung out for about 20 minutes, which turned out not to be that bad because he had a hilarious cat. Anyways, after hanging at the dorm, we walked down the big hill to go look at campus, but rama's butt was hurting from jui jitsu, so instead of walking back up, he made me go up and get the car, drive back down and get him then continue on to tower records. When we were done there, terry wanted to eat food, so we were gonna go to a grocery store, but rama insisted that he had food and drinks at his house, which ended up being old lamb curry with old rice and orange juice. So when we were done there, we were gonna go hang out sitting in the einstein parking lot talking, but rama was the last out of the house carrying a can of frozen orange juice to put on his butt, so it wouldnt hurt so much, except we hung out for 3 hours there, and rama fell asleep after one hour, and spent the rest of the hangout passed out on terrys lap.
  • An example from the Edit This article "Busgirl":
The phenomenon known as busgirl arose in late sophomore year or early junior year when Jamie and Lukas used to ride the bus together to school. One afternoon, Jamie pointed in an excitedly subdued tone out the window "woah, that girls really cute!". Lukas, straining to see out the window rapidly panned across the rapidly retreating faces of the students who had just exited the bus going from face to face trying to find this cute girl. Upon returning empty handed, he asked "wait, which girl?" and "that one, right there, in the black sweatshirt" came the reply. Lukas, not wanting to be rude said something to the effect of "oh, yeah?" followed by jamie recanting somewhat from his original fervor "well, she's kinda cute", "huh" said Lukas. In the days to come, jamie attempted to initiate conversation with her, by first hoping she'd sit by him, but then becoming emboldened enough to talk to her at the bus's usual stop outside the bus-lane. After a conversation which could be described as "hilarious" to passers-by, Jamie returned and admonished Lukas for "melting" which was a slang term for blushing at the time. Lukas was said to be restraining laughter at a distance of approximately 2M (7ft) distance. Jamies initial report was not promising; indeed she was a self-proclaimed aetheist vegan with distain for any holidays such as Christmas and an equal distain for all animal-products, both of which were near and dear to Jamie's heart. After deciding that it was not worth it after all, Jamie gave up chase, but that did not stop a series of semi-awkward confrontations at the local Subway sandwich shop where Bus-girl was gainfully employed. Perhaps apocryphal statements state that Jamie indeed ordered extra meat on his subway sandwiches, but this is unsubstantiated.--Lukas 01:39, 15 January 2006 (PST)

See also

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