List of Things that have Hit Andy's Head

From The Extended Group

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The High School Years

  • A Wooden Two-By-Four: Occurred when Andy attempted to smuggly lean back in his chair at a debate tournament after giving a "good speech". The chair slipped out beneath him, and he hit the back of his head against the two-by-four nailed to the wall behind him. A mild concussion was sustained. An explanation of exactly why there was a two-by-four nailed to the wall remains elusive.
  • The Roof of Alan Vo's Car: Occurred when Andy tried to get into the car. Alan's dad was surprisingly unconcerned with Andy's welfare after the incident. This would be the first time Andy has ever experienced dizziness after an impact to the head.
  • A Digital Camera (?): During a White Stripes concert being held at the Seahawks Exhibition Center, Andy was struck in the right eye by a digital camera which had been thrown haphazardly into the crowd. It is unknown who threw it, why it was thrown, or more importantly why Andy did not simply catch the flying object (as he saw it coming). Some people still doubt that this event ever happened as no one saw it happening but Andy, and no camera pieces were ever recovered after the incident.

The College Years

  • A Metal Soap Dish Tray in the Dorm Showers: Occurred after Andy had dropped his soap one day. The soap dish that was attached to the wall was never the same after.
  • A Solid Wooden Door: Occurred when Andy attempted a breakdancing move known as a "flare". The resident of the room was surprisingly angry after the incident and scolded Andy for almost breaking his door.
  • A Metal Fire Extinguisher Box: A notorious incident that ocurred in the beginning years of Andy's freshman year. Up their first year at college, Terry and Andy had spent many days pretending to do Pro Wrestling moves on one another, and it was thought that if Terry pretended to slam Andy's head into the box people would laugh. In their crude mind, this is how friends are made. However, oddly familiar to how Owen Hart's fatal stunt to drop in from the rafters to wow the crowd went horribly wrong, the execution of Terry and Andy's plan was also botched. Instead of lightly throwing Andy into the box, Terry became overly excited during the stunt and subsequently threw Andy too hard into the box. The zealotry at which Terry threw Andy into the box denied Andy the precious few seconds he needed to brace himself with his hands as to avoid head-to-box impact.
  • Bulk Candy Bins @ Top Foods: Yet another incident in which Andy thought Pro Wrestling moves were a good idea to do.
  • The wall of a Nordheim Court apartment: Occurred shortly after Andy had jumped on Jeremy in a violent fashion. Partly in retaliation, Jeremy began shoving Andy's head repeatedly into the wall, which caused Andy to get up and leave the apartment.
  • Elevator Doors: Possibly the most peculiar of all head impact occurrences, this incident took place during what is known as "Dawg Daze" at the UW. In exchange for being able to move into his dorm room early and a horrible looking shirt, Andy agreed to help move new students into their dorm. All that was required was one 4 hour shift of carting around student's possessions. However, this task proved to be a bit too dangerous for Andy. While carelessly poking his head out past the elevator doors to see if anyone else needed a ride up, the doors of the now 25-year old dormitory, began to shut on Andy. Although it is rumored Andy wields cat-like reflexes, his reaction to retract his head was not fast enough, and the doors attempted to shut on Andy's head in a highly comical fashion.

Items Which Have Had Repeated Contact with Andy's Head

  • Frisbees: Just happens WAY too much
  • Frames of Many Lofted Beds: Jenny's, Hyung's, Hieu's, Stephen's, and even his own on multiple ocassions
  • Sports Balls: Basketballs and Baseballs. It is often speculated that this is the reason why Andy switched to wearing contacts.
  • Jeremy Cho's Head
  • Textbooks
  • Desks and all other forms of tables
  • Low clearance ceilings
  • Walls

See Also

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