AP Spanish

From The Extended Group

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For many in the group, AP Spanish was one of the most harrowing classes taken during their high school career. Teacher Ms. Louden would spin tales of fantastical excursions and delightful feasts that awaited after completing the AP, but in reality the class was just a nonstop terror ride to hell.

Notable Students

Notable Incidents

  • As the year progressed, Lillian came to class less and less frequently. Occasionally, Ms. Louden would point this out by sarcastically asking the class, "donde esta Lillian", followed by either a drinking or smoking motion.
  • One of the culminating projects in the class was a 15 minute autobiographical presentation. Midway through Jeremy's presentation, he held up a piece of paper with the word "ayudame" or "help me" (this was for reasons unknown, even to the author). As was typical, Jamie spent his entire presentation talking about his childhood toys.
  • The final project of the year was to construct an educational video that Ms. Louden would show her first year Spanish students. Melvin, Jamie, and Jeremy attempted to tackle the topic of el vs. ella vs. usted. To do so, they would approach random people at Richmond Beach and commence speaking to them in Spanish. This involved very questionable situations such as asking young children if they knew where their parents were. To make matters more suspicious, all participants were handed Pixy Sticks following the completion of their humiliation. In the end, Ms. Louden found the video very humorous, but refused to show it to her students.
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