Darcy Rose

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 01:05, 25 June 2006 by (Talk)
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Name: Gigi Sinclaire Gender: Female Age: 16 Grade: 10th School: Hobbsborough Extra Curricular Activities: Dance Committee, Dance Team

Description: Gigi Sinclaire is a girl completley devoted to the 60's. Her attire is all of the 60's, she loves the style, she loves the feeling and wishes she could live during the time. She is white but has nice toned skin. She has aburn hair puffed up into the large hair they had back then. She has brown eyes which are usually covered by huge bugeye sunglasses and checkerboard patterned skirts and blouses. She loves the music and dancing to the beat of it. She's in good shape, actually pretty. She has her curves, a decent rack, and of course then legs of a dancer. She's fit and strong and healthy for her age.


Taylor Brennan - Gigi is one of Taylor's close friends but isn't as close as his best friend. She hangs out with him him all the time. A friend is a friend to her, she just loves hanging out!

Other: Gigi is not one of those peace lovers. Although she roughly beleived in Flower Power and everything that came with it. She was a girl who beleived in fighting when the time came, she wasn't pro-violence but if a she had to be in a fight then so be it.

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