Sydney Morvran

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 02:53, 13 March 2006 by Megami (Talk | contribs)

Name: Morvran, Sydney
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 10th Grade
Extra Curricular Activity: Basketball; Point Guard.
School: Aberthol Highschool

Appearance: Syd has an all-around childish look to him. He's not that tall, and his bright green eyes are always filled with the look of an innocent child, curious to discover the rest of the world. To complete his child-ish look, he often wears a light-hearted grin on his face. Rarely is there a time that Syd actually looks mean, or angry, mainly because of his parents teaching him to ALWAYS have a positive look on things, and that there is ALWAYS a reason to why someone is "evil".

Biography: Sydney was brought up in a good family, which explains his light-heartedness. He was taught to always look at the good side of things, and know that there is always a reason for someone to be evil. Sydney was taught loss and the fact that someone's life can just end at any moment at an early age. His older brother, 16 at the time, and a star basketball player at his highschool, illegally bought a weapon and went on a shooting spree at his school, Aberthol Highschool, for reasons unknown. Sydney's older brother was shot down by law enforcements, who were called just in the nick of time by a kid fortunate enough to have smuggled in a cell phone that day. Sydney became depressed at the loss of his brother (who wouldn't?), and would often lock himself up in his room immediately afterschool. His parents coaxed him out of that habit...telling him that Dwayne (Sydney's older brother) wouldn't want Sydney to just lock himself up in his room. He'd want Sydney to be active, and do something with his life. Sydney, age 9, tried out for his Elementary School's basketball team. When he was accepted, he slowly started to get a more positive look on things. Of course, once and a while, he'd plead with his parents for him to switch school systems, but his parents refused that, saying that there was nothing wrong with the school system. Syd, mainly, didn't want to go to Aberthol Highschool. Funny thing is...if his parents had actually listened to him, he wouldn't have even participated in this whole SOTF ACT, most likely, as Aberthol Highschool was one of the first schools targeted for the SOTF ACT.... During his junior high and highschool years, Sydney was a great basketball player. Well, great, except for the fact that he couldn't shoot. He was reduced to simply just passing the ball to his teammates. He didn't mind...he had to think positive, that's all. But, through it all, he was hoping for his one day in the spotlight...where he'd be the one to shoot.

Other: Sydney, even with his positive attitude, doesn't have many friends. Mainly thanks to his brother Dwayne's little Highschool shooting spree all those years ago. Kids fear Sydney mainly because of Dwayne Morvran, but once people get to know Syd, he's actually quite the nice guy to know.

Number: Male Student No. 13.

The above biography is as written by Kaishi. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon(s): Flashbang Grenades x8, & Protective Goggles
Conclusions: His light-heartedness might prove fatal to him during the game. Probably won't kill due to his philosophy of no one being evil (pfft...). Will die early on, most likely, because he will probably be unwilling to kill a soul.

WARNING! B13's file is out of date! You are viewing the old, un-updated file. B13 has played the SOTF ACT, and has successfully survived. Unfortunately for B13, some new groups of students (such as the students from Barry Coleson High) have arrived, so he hasn't tasted victory for long. File to be updated at a later time, once sufficient has been gathered.


Game Evaluations


Killed by:

Collected Weapons:



Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


Sydney was either the 'winner' of SOTF v0, or the last Survivor of the first half of v1. This has never been fully explained, due to Sydney's death shortly after SOTF began.

Sidney was the first person in the game to be rolled.


Below is a list of threads that contain Syd, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Sydney Morvran. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!

I was so disappointed that Syd got rolled so early. Even though I joined the site later, I read his bio and thought "Wow, he's sort of lke Kawada"... well, ya know, except that he never escaped. I think that's the part that really peaked my curiosity about Sydney. In a way, not knowing why sort of gives you a sense of foreboding, though. It's like... is that what will happen to the next winner at the end of version 1? Since we don't know the circumstances surrounding Syd being left behind, it gives us something to look forward to at the end, and might actually be foreshadowing it. - Megami

It might be foreshadowing for you guys, but I have a general idea on what happened thanks to a friend of mine (classified information, don't ask). :) Anyway, I agree he was an interesting character, too bad he died so early. It didn't even help with the development of any characters.- Slayer

I've gotta say, it kinda sucked that Sydney got rolled as early as he did, mainly because I was lookng forward on getting info about the last SOTF, about Danya, on...just general stuff. Sadly, it wasn't elaborated upon, because he was the first to die. Interesting, though, that the last game essentially completed itself in that he didn't really 'win', per se. -d0ddi0slave

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