Uriel Hunter

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 07:32, 8 February 2006 by (Talk)

Name: Hunter, Uriel
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: is a member of the schools wrestling team.
School: Barry Coleson High

Appearance: Quite long and muscled. Uriel Keeps his head clean shaven. He wears a long, black robe and a priest gown, but unlike you would think, he can still move as good as anybody else. A large, silver cross hangs around his neck, another interesting detail are the words ‘ innocence proves nothing ‘ that are tattooed on his right arm. Uriel also carries “ the witch hunter handbook ‘ wherever he goes.

Biography: Raised by a priest , Uriel started his life as a servant of god. The first ten years of his life where filled with study. He could read small books when he was six, and started to read the first half of the bible when he was seven. The next tree year of his life were filled with memorizing the bible, praying, and doing his best on school. The next important step in his life took place when he was ten years old. His father thought the time was ripe for uriel to take his devotion to a higher level, and gave him his first book about the inquisition for his birthday, and Uriel loved it. The blind passion of the ancient witch hunters entered his veins, and he knew he would someday start a new crusade against the witch and the heretic. His father couldn’t be more happier about his sons passion, and started to learn him everything he knew about torture, the use of weapons and martial arts.

Uriel reached the age of thirteen when he started to use his knowledge against his classmates. And he felt a strange pleasure while doing it. One day, uriel saw a kid preaching the words of his arch enemy, and something inside uriel snapped. He pushed the boy against a nearby pole and bound his arms around it with a belt. A lighter and some gasoline turned the demon into a screaming ball of fire. Uriels teachers knew this couldn’t go on any longer, but instead of sending him to prison, they let him go to Barry Colson High. In the first days on this school, Uriel hunter got in a fight with the leader of “ the wrestlers “ Jason Giovanello. And surprisingly won. Jason accepted his defeat and welcomed Uriel in his team, where he learned even more techniques to hurt someone.

Now, 2 years later , Uriel hunter transformed into one of the best high school wrestlers of the US. His team mates agreed to send uriel as representative of B.C high to one of the most popular tournaments : High School Wrestlemania. It was there were he earned his nickname “ the witch hunter “.he fought his way up to the finals, where he was matched against another servant of satan. The heretic entered the ring completely dressed in red, his head was decorated with two little horns and a tail was attached to his behind. Filled with anger, Uriel dashed towards this devil and beat him to a pulp. The next thing he remembered was the sound of a tranquillizer gun.
ok kids, is everyone here?
the teacher looked around and noticed that one of his students was missing. has anyone seen uriel yet?
two guys just dragged him into the plane a few minutes ago,
so I guess he got a little to drunk yesterday, one of the students replied.
good, then we're all here.
i'ts time to board the plane guys.

Other: advantages : his strength and devotion. Disadvantage: he hates everybody that doesn’t believe in god, so he has a lot of enemies. He’s a little paranoia.

Number: 6

As written by Kiri666yama. No edits have been made to the author's original work.


Designated Weapon: Pipe Wrench
Conclusions: He'll certainly make everything into a bloody mess, probably claiming everyone to be heretics. B06 will definately be a fan favorite for that reason, what with his talk of heretics and demons and all, and the fact that everyone might aswell be demons anyway, what with the fact that they'll eventually start killing eachother like crazy.



Killed by:

Collected Weapons:



Mid-game evaluation:

End-game evaluation:

Memorable Quote(s):


Coming Soon...


The various threads that contained Uriel. In order from first to finish. Please note that for Uriel, the list is incomplete, and only the last 3 topics have currently been provided.

On the run
Starting Place for B29
The Smell of Blood

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