Terry Woodard

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 08:03, 8 February 2006 by (Talk)

Name: Woodard, Terry
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 9th
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Barry Coleson High

Appearance: Terry is very tall and gangly with unruly dark blonde hair and brown eyes. He has a very innocent look to him which is inesnsified by his huge, round, eyes.

Biography: Terry is in his second year in Barry Coleson High even though he is only a Freshmen. He spent his first year at BCH with the Sophomore class but was unfortunately left back due to failing both Biology and Algebra and being unable to make it up in summer school. Terry's mother and him have been living in the nearby trailer park since he was three years old when his father died. His mother is fairly abusive and is an alcoholic. Although Terry is relatively bright and hardworking he's missed a lot of school during his scholastic career because of his mother going in and out of the hospital and Terry's frequent attempts at running away. Terry in general is a really nice guy. He generally wants everyone to like him (weather or not he likes them) and can be a little sensitive sometimes. He's an infamous flirt, but a very loyal (minus the flirting) boyfriend and friend. People are wary of him sometimes because of his home and the fact that he's gotten into a few infamous fights. One of these ended when his opponent hit his head on the sidewalk and had to go into the hospital, which left Terry with a tough reputation even though he felt extremely guilty (although it wasn't really his fault) and actually visited the boy in the hospital several times.

Other: Terry's generally a good person who is still a decent guy despite the fact that he's been pushed around a few too many times. However, ever since he was little he's been dreaming of a better life for himself so who knows what he'll do to get one.

Number: B09

As written by batspleenfriend. No edits have been made to the author's original work.


Designated Weapon: Box Cutter
Conclusions: He'll probably go down fighting, for sure, trying to fight for this "better life" that he's dreaming of. Shame he'll probably die like the rest. (Heh...)


Kills: None

Killed by:

Collected Weapons:



Mid-game evaluation:

End-game evaluation:

Memorable Quote(s):


Coming Soon...


The various threads that contained Terry. In order from first to finish.

Starting Place for Boy 09
Lighthouse Ambush

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