Adam Dodd

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 01:00, 9 February 2006 by Dodd (Talk | contribs)

Name: Dodd, Adam

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Grade: 10th

Extra Curricular Activity: Ice Hockey, School Plays

School: Barry Coleson High

Appearance: Adam doesn't look like the atypical sixteen year old, and is almost always being mistaken for that of an 18-21 year old. He stands about 5'11, give or take a few inches. He's in deceptively good shape, as he shares the family gene of being huskier than most. While he isn't skinny, and weighs about 210. He has a full head of red hair, which is more orangey in the light than red. Adam has brown eyes and a goatee on his chin which is also orangey-red. Usually you'll find him wearing a pair of loose-fitting blue jeans and a hockey jersey of some sort, usually a Toronto Maple Leafs one.

Biography: Adam is relatively new to BC High, as he originally hails from Toronto, Canada. He's proud of his Canadian heritage, and while not overly patriotic, he usually jokes around that things'd be different if it were Canada. A kind-hearted person, Adam is the type of person who's known by everyone as 'a good guy'. He's quick to laugh and is always trying to cheer other people up. He has legendary self-control, and is often turned to in a crisis, especially at home. The problem that Adam usually faces is that when he loses that self control, he gets incredibly angry and almost violent at times. Adam's a good listener, and he usually finds people (mostly his parents) saying to him: "Well, I shouldn't be telling you this, but...". He's not the type that girls find attractive, and as such has had little to no luck in that area, but most people who meet him feel comfortable around him. Adam has a genuine love for life and while he considers himself an optimist, he sometimes overthinks situations and gets himself down in the dumps. Finally, Adam isn't popular in the usual sense that one would think, but mostly everyone, from the nerds, to the jocks, to the bitches, to the loners know who he is. Very few, if anyone, has a problem with him, and that's the way he likes it.

Adam is the oldest child in a family of five. He has two brothers, Oliver and Luke, and lives with both of his parents. His middle-brother is currently in a hospital in Canada, spurned on by an incident when he snapped under pressures from depression and stress and attacked Adam, tossing him through several windows. Adam still has issues with his brother, and has not spoken to him in almost a year. Adam still keeps in contact with several of his friends in Canada, two of whom he formed a group that was known around their school as 'the A-Team', because of the fact that him and his four friends' names all started with A, and they were, in fact, named either Andrew or Adam.

Adam's family moved to the United States because of his father's company transferring him to the US after ownership changed. One of his best friends, Andrew Lipson had his father also transferred and moved to the US with him. Adam has a sarcastic sense of humor, and is often found using foul language, which is a habit he tries to stop but cannot. He also has, as previously mentioned, an affinity for hockey jerseys, and wears them a lot. He has often interjected on the behalf of people who were being bullied, mainly because he couldn't stand to see it happen. Gilbert Archambault is an example of someone who he helped out in that respect.

Adam has a large crush on Amanda Jones, a fellow drama student, though he has never let her know his feelings because he is afraid of being rejected.

Other: As mentioned before, Adam overthinks the shit out of nearly everything, and that could potentially harm him during this 'competition'. While not a person who could harm anyone else, if his own life is threatened, he will do whatever it takes to come out alive.

Number: B77


Designated Weapon: Ballestair-Molina

Conclusions: Everyone knows him, so that should come in handy when gaining allies. He better keep that self-control, though...who knows what he might do...but, that violent attitude might come in handy, aswell (heh).

Game Evaluation

Kills: (6) B29 - Blaine Eno, B11 - Marcus Roddy, B14 - Jacob Starr, B62 - Shoar Wilson, B69 - Jonny Lamika, B42 - Jason Andrews

Killed by: N/A

Collected Weapons: Ballestair-Molina, Remington 11-87, Mauser M2, Tokarev TT, Browning BDM, Aluminum Baseball Bat, Taser, Machete, Combat Knife, Uzi (9mm), Arcus 94

Allies: Amanda Jones, Hawley Faust, Madelaine Shirohara, Marcus Roddy, David Jackson, Andrew Lipson, Alan Shinwrath, Callum Hadley, Jill Gatling, Martyn Ferdinand, Gilbert Archambault, Elise Aversano, Marie Zaid

Enemies: Jacob Starr, Cody Jenson, Uriel Hunter, Jonny Lamika, Danya

Mid-game evaluation:

End-game evaluation: TBD.

Memorable Quote(s): "It doesn't make any FUCKING sense to me. Then again, you're terrorists. Why should it make sense? Maybe the US isn't going to save us. Maybe we'll have to play it to the end. Be that as it may, I am personally promising you, Danny - yeah, that's right, you forget, I pay attention to your little shitty jokes - well, Danny, I promise you - the person who stands before you at the end of thie game will be me. The person who stares you down, and points a gun at your forehead will be me. The person who makes you beg for your life like a little bitch - that'll be me, too. And then the person who puts a bullet into your forehead, to remind you how people like Andrew Lipson felt before they died? That motherfucker will be me as well." - ranting at a camera in the Eastern Shore after discovering the body of Andrew Lipson.

"And as much as your offer of rapage with the butter knife was exciting, I'm going to have to pass, I'm just NOT in the mood today." - to Marie Zaid in the bathrooms after she walked in on him showering.

"You know...I...I really hope that he's friendly...because...yeah. Well...he's fuckin' HUGE! God, he could probably eat me, and still have room left in him for you." - to Hawley Faust, after seeing Marcus Roddy for the first time.

"In any case, we know one thing about you,'re a durable fellow. If you were a company, I'd buy stock in you." - to Hawley Faust.

"And yeah, I know that they can hear me, and that's fine. I hope they're listening. Because goddamn you, Danya, you're going to pay for what you've done. You're going to pay for Andrew Lipson, and now you're going to pay for Hawley Faust. I hope they are listening, Madelaine, because I want them to know that I'm coming for them. I'll get out, one way or another, and when I do, I won't rest until they're all dead. All of them." - after witnessing the death of Hawley Faust.

"So yeah. Before you judge me, before you say anything, trust me, I've said it to myself; I've judged myself ten ways from Monday. So...go ahead, think whatever you want to. Yeah, I told you that I wouldn't kill anyone in cold blood. I won't. Did I say that I hadn't killed anyone? No." - explaining to Jill Gatling his decisions while in the game

"This game brings out the worst in you all, I promise you that. I promise you that by the time your time has come, you'll probably be hating yourself for one reason or another. Fuck, I know I do. I dont' hate myself because I killed someone though, no. I hate myself because I couldn't protect the people that were most important to me. And guys, I hate to break it to you, but fuck, if you think that you're going to get out of here unscathed, you aren't. You won't, you can't. Everyone has their innocence ruined by this game, and that's not an opinion, that's a fact.

I'm leaving this place, and I'm never going to return. I've seen more of my friends die in this river that I thought that I ever would. If you want to find me, you'll be following the motorcycle sounds. I've got a new purpose on this island. I'm going to fucking murder Cody Jensen, and I'm going to do it in cold blood. You see, he took away my friends, their innocence, he took away my fucking soul, and for that, I've got a duty to fulfill: I've got to make sure that he rots in fucking hell, sitting next to the devil himself." - after discovering the bodies of Madelaine and Amanda

"Cracker?" - offering Jacob Starr a cracker, just before the two fought for the last time.

''"That's the thing, though, Jacob. You and I took very different paths to where we are now. I made a promise to six people that I'd help protect them and I'd find a way off of the island. Now they're all dead. That tells me that in order to get off of this island, I've gotta do what I've gotta do.

No matter how much it fucking eats me up inside." - explaining to Jacob his rationale for playing.


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