Panom Ning~Tom

From Survival Of The Fittest

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Current revision as of 18:12, 6 July 2006

Name: Panom Ning~Tom
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: None since moving to America, but when he was living in Thailand he fought as a Thai boxer. Whilst this is all too common amongst the lower classes of Thailand, who find it hard to make money through any other outlet, it is particularly worth mentioning in Panom's case because in his short career before emmigrating he fought twenty-four times officially and did not lose a single bout. His uncommon skill led him to believe he could become a champion, until his mother, wanting a better life for him, moved to the US.

Description: Panom is alomost always silent, for despite having just as broad a grasp of the English Language of any of his peers, he lacks the basic intelligence required to capitalise upon this grasp. He is not merely uneducated, but pretty stupid to boot.

Due to his lack of intelligence his also lacks any of the more human traits; malice, cruelty, manipulation, etc. His emotional behaviour is almost animal, he is best described figuratively as a puppy-dog trained as an attack hound, whilst he can tear a man apart, he wouldn’t do so unless ordered or heavily antagonised.

His appearance is average for a Thai, and most westerners would say that they all looke the same anyway. He is five foot six, thin, with a tan-brown skin, broad nostrils, short, dark hair, relatively thick lips and deep set black eyes. All in all he is actually quite good looking, though in the US he is often viewed as just another ‘little brown guy’.

Clothing wise his sense of US fashion is surprisingly good, in that he is entirely non-experimental, only ever wearing Jeans, white trainers and plain tops, often vests, as he is used to wearing these when training.

Clique: Panom is a loner.

Relationships: None, though has a strange interest in Elizabeth Waters.

Other: His surname was invented by his mother by using her own first name, his fathers identity is unknown. He does not however have a close relationship with his mother, but rather resents her for moving him to the US. He also smokes weed, having become addicted to it in the slums back home. As an interesting side-note, he has watched the entire SOTF act with envious eyes. Longing to return to his home where he had to fight for survival himself, the SOTF act embodies everything he left behind in the country he never had any desire to leave, and he is wildly jealous of everyone who was chosen for the oppurtunity to compete, not because of his desire to kill, but because of his desire to live and feel alive.

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