Cole Quentin Hudson

From Survival Of The Fittest

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Name: Hudson, Cole Quentin Gender: Male Age: 16 Grade: 10th Extra Curricular Activity: School Newspaper, Dealing Drugs School: BC High Appearance: Cole is short, even compared to many of the girls. Standing at 5’3, he’s almost always found wearing a hardened expression on his boyish face. Cole is one of those people who didn’t seem to really grow up all that much, and as such received a lot of teasing about it. He has no discernable facial hair at all, and his short blonde hair is cropped so that it almost always stands up on end. His eyes are green and are the kind of eyes that make you almost fall into his entrancing gaze. As innocent as Cole looks, he is very much the opposite. He has a scathing wit, coming much from the recent divorce of his parents, and much of that comes out in the editorials he writes for the school newspaper. He despises the student council and all that they stand for, and as such he’s displayed that in his columns. Once you get to know him and you breach the barriers that he has within him, Cole’s not a bad guy, but almost nobody gets in that far. Biography: As most writers are, Cole is one of those people with a very vivid imagination. So much so that some of his personal stories that were discovered by students at his previous school were brought to the attention of the principal and Cole was kicked out and arrested. After that, Cole became increasingly bitter and almost paranoid about his things. He moved from a school in Alberta to another school in Winnipeg, but was kicked out soon after when he attacked another student for looking into his things. The student was so injured that Cole and his parents had to leave the province and move to New York. His mother, however, chose to go back to Alberta, leaving him and his semi-abusive father to fend in New York. It was here that Cole began to deal drugs to make money. While he doesn't smoke himself, he's probably the main source for marijuana in the whole high school, and none of the teachers are any the wiser. Other: Cole'e been bashed around for most of his life by his father, his mother, his step-father, his teachers...pretty much everyone. He holds a disdain for anyone who's ever wronged him in any way possible. He's a very bitter teenager, much beyond his years. Number: Boy #33


Designated Weapon: Sledgehammer Conclusions: Cole's gonna get his revenge on everyone through aid of this game. Now it's his turn to bash everyone else around...all the while bashing in some heads while he does it!

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