
From Survival Of The Fittest

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[[Image:Smookkee.jpg|thumb|Riserugu; Co-Administrator of SOTF]]
A rather active member of the board Riserugu joined Survival of the Fittest on June 28, 2005 as the 20th member, around the time that the roleplay itself was just starting up. She found SOTF through fansite dedicated to Battle Royale, having always wanted to be a part of one having watched the movie so many times she took this as she chance to truly get into a BR roleplay early. At the time of her joining, there were only two topics; one in the School Building and the other in the Bamboo Coppice and only a handful of accepted characters. Though she noted none had that air of ruthlessness compared to some, and that is how her first character came to be and how Riserugu went on to become the member she is today.
As Survival of the Fittest became more popular Riser found herself handling a number of characters that ranged from the child-like, psycho killer [[Blaine Eno]] to the former sadistic, to somewhat-hero [[Hawley Faust]]. Though she didn’t mean it to happen she found herself gaining Hawley as her flagship, and he soon became a rather popular character amongst the members of the site (he even has his own ultimate-fangirl [[Swoosh]].) On the fifth day of SOTF, after receiving a number of wounds that where left untreated and open to the harsh elements of the island resulted in him subcoming to an infection caused by those wounds and dying by blood loss.
When the first round of applications came through when [[Kaishi]] found herself in need of help in running the site, she along with [[ebonydear]] and [[Sephy]] became the first moderators of SOTF. Though during what Riserugu has nicknamed the “down-time” of SOTF with both [[ebonydear]] and [[Kaishi]] having taken leave, [[Sephy]] and herself tried to handle the still oncoming number of new members and new characters, and deal with talk of moving onto a new forum. Though by the end of September was greeted with [[Kaishi]]'s return, and the second round of applications where she found herself unsure if she wanted to re-apply for a position, but decided in the end doing so, and earning herself the spot as co-administrator.
The name Riserugu is what came out of a Japanese Name translator when she put in Shaman King character Lyserg Diethel’s name into it.
Compared to some, she is rather open as too who she really is outside of the world of the Internet. Currently the oldest active member of the site, she is a twenty-one-year-old college student by the name of Zilya Faust (formally Merchenkov) currently living in Swansea, Wales. A native of Russia, from a Russian mother, and a German father she grew up back in the land of the nothing but snow in St. Petersburg. Though soon found herself shipped off to the middle of nowhere, Russia (also known as Tiksi to outsiders) at the age of four and lived there until the age of eighteen. She has some ‘stereotypical’ Russian parts about her in that she happens to love Vodka, heck she even has a theme song about her and vodka, and that she’s rather decent gymnast.
She’s the baby of five siblings, which include herself and her twin brother Ustin, older twin brothers Vladislav and Vladmir (24) and her oldest brother Lesta (26). Her brothers, as well as her mother and a majority of her mother’s side of the family still live in Russia. Her father, stepmother, half-siblings, and his side of the family who she rarely sees, let alone have met, live in Germany. When she was 13 she met a friend of her brothers who had moved to Tiksi because of his father’s business who just so happened to be named Caden Faust. A rather hate formed early between the two when Caden pushed her into the lake near her house, it soon changed when her brothers forced him into asking her out which became a eight year relationship, and where married 2003.
She is also happens to be married to [[Swoosh]] though her husband doesn't seem to mind the bit. ;D
Riser is a rather big animal lover, currently owning three ferrets (Mr. Bojangles, the Captain, and Milkshake) a rather large, and rather annoying parrot (named It – a gift from her mother-in-law). And nine cats (all named after random animals) she found love to have a dog (namely a Shiba Inu) but due to the fact her husband fears them that doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon.
[[Image:Th_Z.jpg|thumb|left|The Z in one of her finer moments; having just fallen from a bed but making it look good]]
She currently attends the University of Wales in Swansea where she is training to become a doctor, she also works part-time at a local video rental store. Which is better compared to her last job, but annoying all the same. As one of the more reasonable members of the site, she hasn’t been known to hate anyone expect her current next-door neighbours who she has given the same amount of hate back to them. Once being in the form of a few lit firecrackers in their mailbox.
As of February 3, 2006 she is currently located back in Tiksi, Russia in order to attend the funeral of her great-grandmother (who hated her, and made it quite clear too,  but none the less decided to waste some time in Riser’s life by stating on her death-bed she wanted all her grandchildren there.) 
Riserugu has handled the following character since starting at SOTF which are;<br>
[[Hawley Faust]]<br>
[[Edward Rommel]]<br>
[[Blaine Eno]]<br>
[[Glenn Hughes]]<br>
[[Fredrik Hughes]]<br>
[[Martyn Ferdinand]]<br>
and [[Lucinda Garnett]].
At the time of writing this, only [[Martyn Ferdinand]] and [[Lucinda Garnett]] remain alive.

Current revision as of 04:09, 26 June 2015

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