Rumors and Speculation

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 18:31, 1 August 2006 by (Talk)

Baseless Speculation

In this section, speculation that has no real relevance and may completely go against the storyline, but likewise cannot really be disproven either, is posted.

  • Whitney Acosta has a crush on Vesa Turunen

Although it is stated that Franklyn Senior School's Whitney Acosta harbors a crush on baseball player Ricky Callahan, that is not the truth! Whitney, in fact, harbors a very large crush on hockey player Vesa Turunen, and Ricky simply fails by comparison. This is illustrated in A Matter of Convenience, where Whitney becomes all quiet and dumbstruck when Vesa arrives. Some may think that Whitney was off in her own world at the time, but you, my friends, are WRONG! Whitney likes Vesa, and thus became all shy and awkward when he came around!

Just the Facts

This section is for speculation that can actually be proven by the storyline. Speculation on which characters might prove to be heroes and villains, or which characters may wind up in a tangled-up love triangle or a bloody feud go here.

  • Eric Silvstedt will be a villain in V2

Franklyn Senior High's Eric Silvstedt is predicted to become one of the "baddies" of Version 2. Eric's overaggressive nature and inability to cope with problems by a means other than violence almost secure him a spot on the baddie roster. Could the dream sequence illustrated in Premonition be foreshadowing events to come? Now that is purely speculation...

Rumor Has It

Rumors that have not been proven as fact or exhibited in the storyline go here. The rumors can be completely off the wall or right on target. School gossip is a nasty thing, after all, and some crazy scenarios often result from it.

  • Ali Grayston and Preston Grey: More than meets the eye?

Bathurst High School students Ali Grayston and Preston Grey were seen in a rather compromising position in Bathurst's cafeteria recently. Preston had his arm drooped around Ali, and the rumors started flying. Are the two a couple? Is there more than meets the eye to these two friends? Where does Ali's lust for Ian Rico come into play? Could this turn into a messy situation in Version 2?

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