Walter Smith

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 13:36, 20 July 2006 by Slayer (Talk | contribs)

Name: Walter Smith
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (was homeschooled for most of his life, got bored and "convinced" his father to allow him to enroll in public school, so he started late)
Grade: 10th
School: Bathurst High, Mrs. Rowena’s homeroom.
Extra Curricular Activities: He's the son of a politician, albeit more corrupt than the one that spawned Jack Bexley, and he occasionally "helps" his father with "business". Some say he tortures and murders people for fun and doing so to attractive females arouses him (he refused to confirm or deny the second, and when asked about the first he said "I do it sometimes, it's kind of cool I guess, now are you going to get out of my face or is something bad going to have to happen to you?" to the kid who worked up the courage to ask.).
Description: Most people would describe him as "creepy looking", but whether that is because of his actual physical appearance or his reputation depends on the person asked. He is pretty tall, around six feet, and also thin, with the only outstanding muscle groups on him being the gut and leg area due to an error made in his exercise plan (which is in contrast to his "greedy pig of a father" as he calls him. Ryan Smith is almost as wide around as a large globe and is seemingly made of several layers of flesh thrown onto each other. Walter has a relatively easy time bending his father to his will, since Ryan finds his son to be somewhat intimidating.). His eyes are hazel and uninteresting, so they will not be mentioned much, though the pupils of said eyes tend to always look dilated, making the majority of the eye appear to be hazel. It makes his stare rather disconcerting. He has dark brown hair he has shaped into an almost "greaser" like look, long on the back and with some of the front going down to his forehead, allowed less growth on the sides and top but still thick there. His face would be described as “handsome” if it weren’t for his overall intimidating demeanor, with a well defined jaw line, rather “smooth” facial features unbroken by acne or excess facial hair and eyebrows somewhere in the middle between “thin” and “bushy”. He tends to wear a casual black sweatshirt along with jeans.

Most would sum up his personality as “sick and twisted”, and they’d be pretty damn right. He is a psychotic, twisted and “evil” individual, easily angered and prone to random bursts of violence that often leave people badly injured (or worse). He loves the suffering of others (whether physical or emotional. He'd get just as much joy out of stringing along a girl who has a crush on him and breaking her heart as he would crushing a man's skull.), and revels in the power his cowardly father’s position gives him. There is not one ounce of mercy or compassion in his heart. His speech always carries a tone of hatred and contempt for those “below” him, such contempt for talking to those not of his standards has led to him normally being rather quiet in classes, usually only volunteering answers when it is obvious nobody else will (this is not out of a desire to help them learn, he does it to rub the lack of knowledge in). He has never been seen smiling while in Bathurst, and seems to approach everything seriously.

The individual known as Walter Smith was conceived during a night of intercourse between a corrupt politician and his recent wife. How the wife could control her urge to regurgitate long enough to marry and breed with him will forever be a mystery however, as she died of complications in childbirth. Considering the personality and position of Ryan Smith, a reasonable conclusion is that he blackmailed her into doing so, but this is Walter’s history, not his mother’s. Regardless, when Walter was born he seemed to be completely normal, other than the slight oddity that was the appearance of his eyes. Growing up however, he started to act stranger and stranger. His father and his hired caretakers all noticed this, but did not know what the problem was. This got more and more disturbing as the years went on, by seven he had started to develop a vicious temper and equally vicious methods of dealing with said temper. By nine, he was exhibiting obvious pleasure in the pain of others. At twelve years three months and six days old, his father found him covered in blood holding a kitchen knife, one of his caretakers cowering on the ground clutching a partially severed hand and a certain area of his pants that was soaked in his blood, his chest also bloody. Looking up to see his father, the young Walter simply said “Oh, hello father. I did not see you there.”. Deeply disturbed by this turn of events, Ryan talked Walter into going to a nearby psychiatrist for a psychological evaluation (much to Ryan’s relief, Walter accepted the idea with no struggle, though he refused to explain what happened to the caretaker, who sadly passed away on the way to the hospital a few minutes later). The evaluation results came as expected: Walter was a complete psychopath, he had been born that way. Anyone there for that event could easily tell you about the haunting quality Walter’s eyes had as he nodded at the results, seeming as if he had known in advance, but wanted professional confirmation. Just as disturbingly, they received word of the caretaker’s death shortly after they arrived back at Ryan’s mansion, but Walter showed no remorse. In fact, he merely shrugged and said “I suppose I should wash the stains out of the carpet.” and got to work doing so. When the police went to investigate the death, Ryan told them it had been a robbery gone wrong, which they believed (though one officer needed “alternate” means of persuasion, namely bribery and Ryan threatening the lives of the officer’s entire family if he did not believe him.) due to his position. This would be the beginning of the true relation between political father and psychopathic son, the son doing as he wished while the father bailing him out of any trouble he got in and doing whatever he asked out of fear of ending up like that one caretaker, occasionally taking enemies of his into his house for Walter to “take care of”. Walter had complete diplomatic immunity, and both Smiths knew it. Of course, what they also knew was who really was in control of the alliance. Ryan was secretly frightened of his son, doing as he desired to avoid drawing his ire. From then on, people looking at the Smith Mansion felt a sense of dread very similar to that Harper Lee and her main character Scout described the Radley House as giving in To Kill a Mockingbird. For the next few years, people in Denton had a habit of disappearing. Undesirables, derelicts, bums, drunks, political enemies, it was almost like Nazi Germany. Of course, around the time he was fourteen, the gang war between the Jackals and Hellbirds was in full swing as the son of the assassinated Hellbirds leader took control and swore revenge against the animalistic gang. His actions in his time would set the stage for many of his relationships, so listen up. Both sides wanted the politicians on their side for an advantage, and the Jackals approached him first. Three high-ranking members showed up at his door, asking to meet with him. Not trusting them in his house, he went out to meet them. Here they spoke to him about joining them, which Walter was thoroughly disinterested in. The members were persistent and tempers started to flare. Finally, Walter stopped them.
“Look, you do not want to make me or my family angry, and you are starting to. I advise that you leave.” one of the gang members made the stupid move of challenging him after he said this.
“And what will you do if we don’t?”
“This.” Walter replied, and much to the shock of the other two, he ripped out the member’s eyes, kicking him to the ground while he screamed. The two unharmed Jackals took the hint and ran, but the first wasn’t so lucky. Before he could go into the inevitable shock, Walter had stomped on his throat three times, which finished him off (actually, the first two broke his neck, the third was just to get rid of some stress.). Viewing this with no more disgust or remorse than he had the caretaker he had killed when he was twelve, he simply said “I tried to warn you.” to the corpse and went inside, finding his father and getting him to get rid of the corpse. Yet another person had “disappeared” and the case went cold as all the cases Walter was responsible for did. Yet another notch in Walter’s evil belt. Some time later, Ryan was approached by a contingent of Hellbirds, who had heard about the incident with the Jackals and relayed a message from their new leader, stating their proposal to act as bodyguards against enemies like the Jackals (who would likely attempt revenge for the incident, which they actually did on two occasions, both times fought off by the Hellbirds.). Ryan quickly accepted. Time passed and life went on, the Hellbirds not interfering directly in Walter’s activities except when they needed to do the job they were there for. At sixteen Walter convinced his father to allow him to enroll in the nearby Bathurst High School (unknown to him, Hellbirds leader Alexander Stevens and a few other members were also students there) and a few fights between the rival gangs happened near his mansion, but otherwise life was still normal. Later that year, the gang war ended in a Hellbird victory. To celebrate, a good deal of the Hellbirds’ membership went down to a nearby bar to essentially drink themselves to oblivion, while Alex asked him to show up at his apartment to discuss matters that were Hellbirds business. When he arrived there, Alex was accompanied by several other members, and gave him a beer can while they discussed what to do with the new territory and the business arrangement with the Smith family. After about an hour of discussion, the settlement was reached that the Hellbirds would continue to act as bodyguards of the Smith family and would also take on the role of “enforcers” while Walter attended Bathurst. Of course, Walter had been drinking the can during the discussion, believing turning it down would offend the gang leader (who was of course a hardened criminal, even if he didn’t like it. Best way to survive talking to a hardened criminal is not to offend or anger him, whether you‘re a psychopathic son of a corrupt politician or not.). Since he had not done so before, he unfortunately did not have a very high alcohol tolerance, and by the time both parties agreed to the conditions of the deal and shook hands, he was apparently intoxicated. Staggering out the door, he heard Alex and another member conversing on whether or not it was a good idea to become his permanent ally (or “attack dog”, as the unknown member put it). Unfortunately, relations between the political family and the street gang would be forever soured by the following event. While leaving through the hall in the apartment building and heading towards the staircase that would take him back down to the lower floors and eventually to the exit, he encountered Alex’s older sister, who was coming home from her part time job as a waitress in a nearby restaurant. Drunk and knowing his judgment was impaired, he stood still as she came up, trying to figure out what to do in the situation. When realizing he was standing in her way, the girl at first greeted him and politely asked him to move, but when he showed no signs of response she tried to push past him. This proved to be a mistake as, when her shoulder brushed his arm, he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her against the wall. Before she could protest, he was on her, kissing her while forcing her down to the floor. As soon as she was free to, she screamed, that coupled with the noise made with her other attempts at struggle, alerting Alexander and the other Hellbirds in his apartment as Walter tore her shirt. Due to being drunk, he was still clumsily trying to remove her bra and stop her struggling when he heard the footsteps and looked up just in time to see the sole of Alexander's shoe heading right towards his head. The kick caught him right between the eyes, sending him tumbling/falling down the stairs and hitting the wall with a stunned "thud". When he got up, they were on him, though especially the enraged Alexander Stevens, each beating at him with no mercy. He fought back, and even hit Alex with a surprise headbutt and took another Hellbird out with a strike to the throat, but his intoxicated state made him no match for them, and he was eventually thrown down the second set of stairs into the main lobby/entrance of the apartment complex, where the back of his head was smashed against the floor until he completely blacked out. Moving quickly, Alex and a few other Hellbirds dropped him on the front door of his mansion, leaving a note pinned to his shirt (since said note and the reaction to this are in the "Relationships" section I will leave that part to talk about it). Walter had many bruises, a sizeable bump on the head, a bloody nose and the hair on the back of his head was matted with blood, but they would fade in time.

So far, he has lived somewhat normally after that, sure there was the occasional corrupt "favor" or someone randomly disappearing, and there was once a rumor circulating about several grisly "accidents" connected to him that he had to shoot down, but nothing too out of the ordinary for him has happened since then (key word's "for him").
Clique: None, the few who aren’t openly his enemies he considers beneath his level anyway, and he even counts most of his said enemies as “below” him (anyone he considers equal is almost always also considered a threat though, so maybe it's better to be seen as below him considering what he likes to do to people who threaten him).
The Hellbirds: They used to act as his bodyguards a few years ago, but they've been his enemies ever since he got drunk and attempted to rape the sister of gang leader Alexander Stevens. Not wanting to risk killing him, they beat him into unconsciousness and dumped him onto the front porch of his mansion, leaving a note pinned to his shirt. The note read: "We're letting you off easy this time, you son of a bitch. Never show your face around my home again, or you'll find out why they call me "Blade". From now on, the Hellbirds will no longer have any business with your family. Sincerely but no longer yours, Alexander Stevens.". Surprisingly, he made no move to punish them, and when asked replied "I can't remember most of it, but I guess I kind of deserved it from what my brain will tell me happened." overall they're all his enemies, but here's the layout of what he thinks of the three in Bathurst:
Alexander Stevens: Alex would like nothing more than to kill him, and Walter would absolutely love to torture Alex into a near death state and have him shipped off to Gitmo.
Thomas Diftre: Walter sees him as nothing more than a muscleheaded brute from a family of worthless trash, and Thomas would probably have tried to fracture every bone in Walter's body (and most likely succeeded, considering Thomas's sheer muscle mass and strength) if it weren't for Walter being a political heir.
Jenna Cassidy: Really the only reason he has a problem with her is she’s a Hellbird. Otherwise he never really notices her.
Normal Students:
Jack Bexley: There’s nobody Walter hates more than his fellow political heir. Walter sees Jack as everything he’s not, the yin to his yang, the good to his evil, the Robin Hood to his Sheriff of Nottingham, though he does not know if Jack thinks similarly of him (rumors have up to now told him nothing, and he would not be able to bear a straight up conversation with him without snapping.). The two have never confronted each other directly, but Walter would probably have attacked him by now if he thought he could get away with it.
Elizabeth Waters: Jack’s ex-girlfriend and the leader of a left wing group in Bathurst, Walter considers her more a nuisance than a threat, and has been ignoring her since his and his father’s political moves against her group have almost always been countered. He is confident her protests will never work.
Panom Ning~Tom: They’ve never spoken to each other, but Walter sees great potential in the seemingly unstoppable Thai as a bodyguard or enforcer.
Ali Grayston: Her status as a Senator’s daughter means he sees her as just as much a rival and threat as Bexley, but he does not hate her. In fact, if it weren’t for her oh so stereotypical attitude (and that he sees her as using her heritage as a shield. Walter is aware he acts similarly, but he claims he uses it as his weapon, not his defense) and her overly enthusiastic love of causing trouble, he’d have probably asked to join up with her and try to have their combined influences used against Bexley (“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”).
Carmen Somerset: He almost sees her as an equal, but seeing as he thinks, in his words “She’s a complete bitch, I have no respect for her.” it’s likely he technically considers her one of the people “below” him.
Mitch Gunther: Walter considers him very annoying and a waste of oxygen, overly idiotic and ruled by impulse (the irony of the "ruled by impulse" thought is lost on Walter).
Cathalie Meguro: He just sees her as another derelict, unworthy even of the effort that would be used to hate her.
Rowan Kavanagh: Walter thinks he's...interesting, and really doesn't know what to make of him. Really a person Walter feels the need to keep an eye on lest he try anything.
The Bloody Fists: They leave him alone, so he doesn't have an opinion of them (though he respects Seth's courage for making a rival gang in the middle of Hellbirds territory.), thus that's all that will be said about them pending events to change his opinion.
Other: He's a psychopath and he's damn proud of it. He has no qualms about killing (though once when he accidentally killed someone he was torturing he had this to say: "Damn. Why do they always die before I'm done?" so he most likely considers it more an annoying habit than a crime. To him it is, and he knows it.) and loves causing pain. He knows his father's position means he can literally get away with anything short of murdering the President (who he referred to as "a respectable fellow, it's a tough job he's doing, and he does good sometimes." so it's unlikely he'd do that), and takes ample advantage of it in every way. Not only does he do anything he wants, knowing nobody short of another politician would have a hope of stopping him, but he often uses his and his father's influence to have anyone he doesn't like "disappear". On a less dark and less relevant note, his favorite movie is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and he will often spontaneously start whistling the famous theme of that movie. Also, he has never used a gun in his life. Despite this inexperience, Walter’s psychosis will probably give him a leg up in the upcoming SOTF Program in Bathurst High’s future, as he is already willing to kill, and is just given permission by the assigned weapon and detonating collar. His habit of whistling the tune of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’s theme might hinder him if he tries to sneak up on someone, though.

The following profile is written by Slayer, no edits have been made to the original work.

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