Jeremy Torres

From Survival Of The Fittest

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Name: Torres, Jeremy

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Grade: 9th

Extra Curricular Activity: He was on his school's wrestling team.

School: Franklin Central

Appearance: He is 5'9 with short dark hair. He has hazle eyes and is about 160 lbs. he is in good shape from being on his school's wrestling team. He has a scar under his chin from a swimming accident, and a small spot on the back of his head that doesn't grow hair from a falling backwards on some weights accident, but its hardly noticible. He sometimes looks intimidating and has a serious look a lot of times, but he isn't that serious.

Biography: His dad is a deputy sheriff and that's what he always wanted to be when he grew up. He joined the wrestling team because his dad always tought him that team sports were for girls and individualized sports were the best. His dad is basically his hero and role model, especially after his mom left them. He had never got over that, but his dad, who is a 4th degree black belt, kept teaching Jeremy all about fighting. Jeremy was never some sad, depressed kid though, his mother left him at a too early of an age to remember, and he led a particularly good life.

Other: He is a good fighter at hand to hand combat, but he never was that great with a gun. He didn't practice shooting much with his dad so he isn't the best shot. He never went hunting with his dad, he felt it was wrong to kill innocent animals, that had no way to protect themselves.

Number: 54


Designated Weapon: Handscythe (AKA Sickle)

Conclusions: Hm, I have a feeling that this guy is the protector type, whom will probably dying trying to save some weak fool. The training from his father will certainly come in handy during the SOTF ACT, as will any moves he learned from the wrestling team. Shame he'll most likely never get a chance to be a deputy sheriff like his father...

Game Evaluation

Jeremy Torres Male Student #54

Kills: 0

Killed by: no one, still alive

Collected Weapons: A now bloody sickle

Allies: Fred and Glenn Hughes, Scott Jameson, Heather Pendergast, Mallory DeLuca, Nevera Aero ((Jeremy has yet to realize his cousin Ryan Torres is also on the island, it is presumed they will be allies once they meet up))

Enemies: Antonio Franchini

Mid-game evaluation: Starting the game at the old warehouse Jeremy Torres was alone and scared. He knew he wasn't going to start killing students but he didn't believe he could trust anyone, especially since he knew no one on the island. (Unkown to Jeremy, his cousin would be thrown on the island a little later) Jeremy met Fredrick Hughes early in the game, meeting at the warehouse, an encounter that would change him forever.

After a brief discussion the two boys learned to trust each other and Jeremy promised to help Fred find his twin brother, Glenn. Using a cell phone they heard Glenn before the cell phone died. Before the two set off though Heather Pendergast came in, loaded with weapons. The wild girl soon became another of Jeremy's ally and the three set off to find Glenn.

After a short search they did find Glenn, and when the brothers were re-united, Jeremy continued to follow Fred around, until a couple incidents led them to a shootout at the river. Jeremy wasn't harmed luckily and the now growing group went to the makeshift hospital. Meeting up with another friendly group outside the hospital Jeremy was going to sing his name on a paper to be part of a group that would attempt to escape from the island. Jeremy never did get to sign his name before the group was ambushed.

Ending up inside the makeshift hospital the group was forced to hold off against a group of attacking players. Jeremy's sickle became lodged in Mallory's shin, and Glenn went to help her. That's when Glenn and Mallory met. After the sickle was out Jeremy took it back and met Mallory. Jeremy's best friend on the island was Fred, and Fred then decided to run off to lead the attackers away. Jeremy was now worried about Fred, but the group headed to the school...wrong choice.

It wasn't long before the school became another battle ground, Jeremy recieved more wounds, and the group was dispering in all directions. Jeremy then got in a shootout with Antonio. When Jeremy and Antonio were both held up by a more powerfully armed opponent Jeremy makes a deal to work with Antonio, only to backstab him and run off to the lookout point to meet up with Glenn and Mallory, only Jeremy never gets to the lookout point.

Jeremy ended up at the small house where he met up with neville. Quickly becoming friends as she helped bandage Jeremy's wounds, they were visited by Scott. Scott initiall was playing the game and attacked Jeremy, but Jeremy overpowered the boy and forced the kid into submission, Jeremy wasn't a player of the game and believed in giving everyone a second chance, so Scott was given one and he earned his stay when he attacked Kouji helping Jeremy in the small house. It wasn't long though before Antonio showed up and started to shoot up the house, and Jeremy, Scott, and Nev made it out the back window.

Heading the the lookout point the three encountered Two bodied. One which was significant to Nev but it was Glenn's body that mattered to Jeremy. By this time Jeremy knew that Fred was dead and even with Nev and Scott by his side he never felt so empty and alone. They agreed to go to the waterfall to rest, but Jeremy got lost and ended up at the hillside cliff, where he was re-aquanted with Mallory. Jeremy agreed to help mallory find Glenn's killer, but he was told he couldn't help in the fight. They first went to search at the Gazebo.

Upon reaching the Gazebo Jeremy and Mallory were held up by an armed student, but randomly Mallory took off on her own leaving Jeremy alone. The student took mercy on Jeremy and headed off, and Jeremy was once again alone and decided to head back to the small house, which unknown to him now housed his cousin, a dead Antonio, and a couple other dead and alive students.

Jeremy is of now still living, but wounded, and his view on the game has cahnged greatly. Jeremy now will have no problem killing a student, he had already lost Fred, Glenn, and Mallory, and he knew that if everyone else is willing to play this game then he will have to fight fire with fire, but Jeremy will not stoop down to the others level, and he chooses to be a protector, helping out studends on the island. Jeremy has currently been on the island for a total of five days.

End-game evaluation: To be determined

Memorable Quote(s): "Yeah, I got shot, used my shirt to try to stop the bleeding. When you're being shot at by a shotgun, handgun, and a machine gun a couple bullets are bound to hit you."

"It's ok, everyone has emotions. Wouldnt be human if we didn't have them."

"Find the bed and get the sheets from it. We're going to tie the kid up. Murder is wrong, we won't do that, but I won't let him roam the island."

"If you try to resist I will kill you without hesitation. I am giving you a chance now to live, one mistake and I take that away. Do you understand?"


Jeremy Torres is modeled mainly after his handler. Jeremy and his handler are both wrestlers and both look the same. Their personalities are the same and a bunch of other minor information is the same.

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