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From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 20:04, 21 January 2006 by Hatemesoftly (Talk | contribs)

Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest, or SOTF, is a Battle Royale based roleplaying site. Unlike most, if not all, the other Battle Royale roleplays out there, SOTF has its own original storyline. Instead of playing a Japanese class thrown into the BR ACT, you get to play as a member of an American class thrown into the SOTF ACT, run by a mysterious figure known as Danya.

Currently, SOTF is going through its first version with version two well on its way. Applications have been closed since November 25th, 2005, which means that, asides from alternate universe roleplays held on the forum, new members can't really join in. There are less than half of the 120 students (+3 terrorists) remaining. The recent (read: January 8th, 2006) addition of the three main terrorists hopefully will have the numbers drop signifigantly.


  • Survival of the Fittest - The site that the SOTFwiki is all about.
  • Storyline - The Survival of the Fittest storyline.
  • SOTF ACT - Explanation on the ACT.
  • Danya - The man behind the ACT.
  • Terrorists - The men and women working for the man behind the ACT, and the three fighting in the ACT.
  • Locations - Areas on the island that the students shall be risking in.
  • Students - The various students fighting for their lives. (Note: This section will be ridiculously incomplete for a while. Please mind any of the mess!)
  • Handlers - The owners of the above characters. You can also find the staff here. (Note: This section, aswell, will be incomplete for the longest of times.)
  • The Dice - What you need to know about SOTF's dice rolling system.
  • Announcements - Information on the announcements made by Danya.
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