
From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 15:28, 22 March 2006 by Megami (Talk | contribs)
  • Continuity: When Jason Andrews goes down to the Eastern Shore to contemplate playing the game, Cillian Crowe is walking away after killing Ash Holmes, in fact he is within shouting distance of Jason, but seeing as Jason arrived almost as soon as Cillian killed Ash, Cilian should have still been removing Ash's bulletproof vest.
  • Continuity: At the warehouse when talking to Katherine Marks, Aaron Redfield states that "Jacob helped him and David with a game winning double play in the state championships.", but in David's flashback, it's a triple play that wins the game, not a double.
  • Continuity: It's stated that Barry Coleson won the State Championship the year before SOTF, but the picture clearly has the banner for the National Championships (this error has been fixed).
  • Factual Error: Baseball does not have a National Championship, the closest thing is Division.
  • Continuity: When looking at the picture, David claims all nine members of the baseball team are on the island, but only seven got on before the cap (this error has been fixed).
  • Continuity: In the encounter between Jacob Starr and Shinya Motomura, Jacob spoke to Shinya while moving around the gazebo, with Shinya following closely. The error is that no mention is made of Shinya actually moving in the posts during this encounter, giving off the feeling that he just teleported around the room.
  • Continuity: During the fight scene at the waterfall with Eh-Sun Choi, Kouji Ginsenshi states that his mother wouldn't allow him to bring his katana along with him on the day he was abducted. Later on during the scene, however, he tells Eh-Sun that both of his parents were murdered sixteen years prior.
  • Name Error: When Danya announces the death of Waldo Woodrow, he calls him "Woodrow Wilson".
  • Factual Error: Lyndi Thibodeaux tells Fred Hughes that she'd only been on the island for roughly a day before meeting up with him. However, her biography states that she was from Barry Coleson, and thus was with the group on the plane. Why she didn't start the game until day 5 is never explained, and is simply an error on Megami's part.
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