Kouji Ginsenshi

From Survival Of The Fittest

Revision as of 04:37, 16 February 2006 by Megami (Talk | contribs)
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Name: Kouji Ginsenshi
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
School: Northwood High, Georgia, USA.

Appearance: That of a punk with long black hair to his shoulders, black t-shirt and black jeans with a - black leather belt around his wrist. Kouji is always seen wearing a black leather jacket every where he goes.

Biography: The oldest of three children, Kouji had gotten into may fights mustly streetfights back Tokyo, Japan. Later in life he moved to the States. His mother and father were killed in a car crash when he was 9. Only Kouji and his younger sister, Yuki age7 at the time and brother Kouichi 10 at the time lived after the crash. Though Kouji is one to keep to himself and not talk much to others since then, but once you get to know him he’s an okay guy. Yuki, Kouichi and Kouji lives try and understand, as to why they dead. So Kouji trains the in martial arts and the way of the sword to keep his mind off his trouble past. Kouji also writes Haiku and English potrym lyrics etc.

“I'm a bit of a lone wolf, I don't need anyone's help or friends.”- Kouji

“But when his friends are in a pinch, my bro will rush to help them out, without even thinking of the danger he's putting himself in!”- Yuki

Other: n/a

Number: 114

As written by Ginsenshi. No edits have been made to the author's original work.


Designated Weapon: M67 Bayonet
Conclusions: Okay, don't tell me. This type of guy is pretty easy to guess. He's a punk ass with martial art skill. Heh, isn't that all of the kids now a days? Hopefully, he gets kicked in the mouth for all the black and leather that he wears, and doesn't last too long because of his punkish qualities.


Kills: 0

Killed by:

Collected Weapons: M67 Bayonet (issued weapon, to Eh-Sun Choi)

Allies: To some extent, Nevera Aero and Jeremy Torres were his allies for a short time.

Enemies: Eh-Sun Choi

Mid-game evaluation:

End-game evaluation:

Memorable Quote(s):



The various threads that contained Kouji. In order from first to finish.

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