Tanesha Lexx

From Survival Of The Fittest

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Current revision as of 23:29, 18 July 2006

Name: Tanesha Lexx
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Grade: 10th; Ms. Gussie's Homeroom 131
School: Bathurst High School
Extra Curricular Activities: Marching Band (Xylophonist)

Description: Tanesha is easy to pick out of a crowd. She is very short, standing at about 5'2". Unfortunately, Tanesha has a large weight problem and tips the scale at almost 300 pounds. Her hair is black in color and is cropped almost boy-short, except it is not noticeable because she has just recently had long braids woven into her hair, and it now extends to her mid-back. Her eyes are small and squinty, and so dark in color that they almost appear black. In contrast, her nose is smashed and rather pug-like, except for the fact that it is wide. She has lips that are almost too thick, and straight teeth from having braces. In fact, she had braces so recently that she still wears her retainer. Being African-American, Tanesha's skin is dark, almost chocolate colored. She wears no makeup at all, except on very special occassions. In terms of build, Tanesha has an hourglass figure, even though she is excessively large in size. She is broad-shouldered with a large bust, her waist is relatively small, but what sticks out about Tanesha the most is that she is rather large in the hip department. Tanesha's attire is a bit lacking, and does not show any sort of femininity at all. Generally, she wears a large t-shirt,usually either camoflauge or something with a Star Wars logo on it, baggy pants, and tennis shoes.

Before Tanesha was born, her mother was forced to move back home, to Louisiana, because of financial issues. Her mother had experienced a divorce prior to that and currently had one child who was already eight years of age. When Linda, Tanesha's mother, moved to Louisiana, she met a young man to whom she wound up marrying. Tanesha was born into a poor family, but, seeking better, her father searched desperately for a well-paid job. He finally found one, on an oil rig. When Tanesha was two, a terrible accident occurred. One day, during a thunderstorm, the oil rig that her father was working on was struck by lightning. It ignited and exploded, causing her father's untimely demise. Soon after, Linda gathered up Tanesha and her older sister and moved away from Louisiana, unable to cope with the death of Tanesha's father.

After moving back to New Jersey, Tanesha's family was not very financially stable. Her mother had a hearing disability and as such, had problems finding work. To make matters worse, the disability check her mother received every month was barely enough to pay for the run-down apartment in which they lived. Inevitably, Tanesha's mother wound up remarrying the father of her older sister, who was a supervisor at a large factory in town. Their income increased dramatically after that, and Tanesha and her family were finally able to enjoy the finer things in life.

Tanesha lead a relatively boring life up through elementary school and junior high. She was not very popular and did not have many friends. She liked to play with the boys, and a lot of the girls thought she was weird because of that. She would much rather have played Power Rangers than Barbies. Even throughout junior high, things remained the same. Tanesha had a group of friends that she was very close to, but never really socialized with anyone outside of that group.

In high school, things started to change. She joined the band, and began making new friends, some of whom were a lot like herself. This is when Tanesha encountered her first "love", so to speak. His name was Marvin Angell, and he became her entire world. Marvin convinced Tanesha to do some things she is not proud of, then pretty much broadcast her actions to the entire school. Tanesha lost many friends, who deemed her a 'slut' for her actions when they were no better. Despite that, she tried to shrug things off and go on as best she could.

Tanesha has a lot wrong with her health-wise. First off, she has problems because of her weight. She has recurring pains in her lower back and her ankles sometimes ache. Not to mention, she is drastically out of shape and cannot run fast or very long distances. After the incidents with one, Marvin Angell, Tanesha became very depressed, and is now on a slew of anti-depressants and the like to keep her mentality in check. If that were not enough, Tanesha is an avid hypochondriac. She leads a relatively good life in most respects, but she is always complaining about how bad something or another is.

As of late, Tanesha has gone a little boy crazy. As one could imagine, Tanesha did not get many looks from guys throughout school. Had she chosen to fix herself up at all, she might have been a pretty girl, but the fact that she dressed like a boy, acted like a boy, and had very few feminine qualities led a whole bunch of people to believe that she was a lesbian, when in fact, she is not. The happenings with Marvin were a result of her boy-craziness. She had almost taken that issue to a whole new level before this new ordeal...

Clique: Tanesha has very few friends, so she really doesn't associate herself with any sort of clique. The few friends she does have, however, tend to be the "band nerds".

Marvin Angell: The first and only person that Tanesha has ever engaged in any sort of sexual acts with, and the person who proceeded to tell the entire school about it afterward. Now, the entire ordeal is a joke to Marvin, and he claims it was done on a bet, which is yet another blow to Tanesha's already low self-esteem.

Panom Ning~Tom: Tanesha has harbored a crush on the Thai boy ever since he transferred in to Bathurst High School. He is the object of attention on many of her diary pages. Although Panom has never even spoken to the girl, Tanesha believes they are destined to be together.

Elizabeth Waters: An object of hatred for Tanesha. Tanesha is fully aware of the ongoings between Panom and Elizabeth, and has deemed it all Elizabeth's fault. She believes that Elizabeth is trying to ruin her life by going after the boy she likes, no matter how twisted from the truth that concept may be.

Mariavel Varella: To put it bluntly, Tanesha thinks Mariavel's a low-class slut. It's girls like Mariavel who give women a bad name, and give people the misconception that most girls are sluts. Tanesha never talks to her, and often tries to avoid her. Not because she's jealous, but because she thinks of Mariavel as an embarrassment to the human race.

Carmen Somerset: Tanesha is secretly jealous of Carmen, and of the Sisterhood in general. Carmen symbolizes everything Tanesha wishes she could be: beautiful, popular, etc. After all the bullying and antagonizing she has undergone over the years because of the Sisterhood, Tanesha can't help but be wary of Carmen and have a severe distrust for the girl.

Other: Tanesha seems to like a different boy every week, and she completely obsesses on all of them. We're talking borderline-stalkerish obsession, such as getting their telephone numbers and screen names off the internet and the like. She also tends to go for guys who're way out of her league, then becomes depressed when they shun her advances.

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