Cillian Crowe

From Survival Of The Fittest

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Cillian was the brainchild villain of none other than Ebonydear, who after eating something sugary decided that a character with Kevin's (''Sin City'') nasty claws and Scarecrow's (''Batman'') nasty mind would make an interesting roleplay. Add a little twist and a squeeze of lime (you put the lime in the coke, you nut!) and we've got lil' old Cillian Crowe, the villain many people were dying to either kill or get killed by.
'''Name:''' Crowe, Cillian (pronounced Kill-yan)<br>
'''Gender:''' Male<br>
'''Age:''' 16<br>
'''Grade:''' Would be in 10th<br>
'''Extra Curricular Activity:''' N/A<br>
'''School:''' Arkham Asylum
'''Appearance:''' The first thing that many people notice about Cillian are his eyes. An ice-light blue, combined with a piercing gaze that can either strike one as engaging...or deadly. Yet, as one gets an even better look, it seems every feature of his face gives purpose. His defined cheek-bones, arched eyebrows, even his thin lips almost always pulled into a demonic smile provide a look of ferocity. His body is of medium height, and almost no muscle definition, but he over-compensates with being flexible. His dark brown hair looks matted and greasy, often hanging off like side bangs to keep out of his eyes. Clothing-wise, Cillian hasn't had much luck as he is usually adorned in a beige straight-jacket with navy blue drawstring pants and no shoes.
'''The Critics'''
'''Biography:''' Cillian was born a ward of the state. His mother being a crack-addict caused her to give birth to him pre-maturely, and while he was on the brink of death she left the hospital to find a fix. However, he lived on and eventually was placed into a foster home. Fast-forward to a Cillian of age 5, where his foster parents began to suspect... maybe he wasn't the little angel they were hoping for.
Actually, there was only one really, quoted to say ''"...Cillian may be a freakin' psycho, but he's shallower than a draining kiddie pool...."'' and so on where he talked himself in circles, and got powned by two other moderators. Yay for pownage!
He loved to draw, with his little crayola crayons, scenes of massacre and of a little black creature. He called the creature "Haddy", and whenever he finished the pictures, each becoming more gruesome, he would pin it on the refrigerator. The foster mother would take them off and throw them out immediately, but just as she did that a new one was in its place. In kindergarten, however, he was never suspected of anything. His teachers thought him forward thinking, and often pushed the foster parents to have him skip a grade.
By the age of ten Cillian's tendencies began to leak into his social endeavours. At a school play, he grasped a hold of the fake theatre blood and covered the scene backdrops with large, scratchy letters saying "I will KILL you." He was caught, and immediately expelled from the school. In fear for their lives and others as well, the foster parents pretended to take him on a trip. As they stopped about 10 miles from their town for little Cillian to go to the bathroom, they left him there and began to head back to their home. They could see the ice blue eyes as their car tore out of the driveway.
'''The Story'''
A few months later, in the dead of night, both of the parents were sleeping in their room. Neither of them heard as the kitchen window was lifted, and none of them awoke to the sound of a dark figure crouching to the floor. It was only when the knife was raised, and the ice blue eyes stared down, that they realized their past had come back. Their screams alerted the neighbors, and the police arrived. They were too late. The scene was described as horrific, things that would make mass murderers piss their pants in fear. And in the midst of it all sat an 11 year old boy. The evidence overwhelming, authorities still couldn't believe that a boy this young could have done someting so completely disgusting. While being questioned, the only thing Cillian said was, "Today is my birthday... could you sing to me?"
The Bio explains the specifics before the asylum stay, then generalizes the hell out of him. For the most part Cillian was a slaughterboy in the game because of Ebonydear's lack of attention span in keeping up with what she was planning for him. And boy, was there a lot of planning. Cillian's story starts out as he exits the plane/helicopter of the terrorists and runs into his first competitor, whom he scares the hell out of. With things picking up at a quick pace, and with Ebonydear wanting to establish his role early on, she took on the death of inactive Jon Tognetti. The kills went on from there until what was "The Great Inactivity," and ultimately Cillian's death.
Cillian's sentence was immediate: life in Arkham Asylum, for corrections. These "corrections" were nothing more than shrink after shrink trying to unlock his mind, to decipher his insanity. It couldn't be a simple answer like, "He was just insane." Eventually Cillian became worse, his friend "Haddy" beginning to make more and more appearances. They eventually had to give up fixing him and instead locked him in isolation. Five years later of being all alone began to take a toll on Cillian, he began to beg to be let out, to tell them he was a good boy. It became to the point where the only thing he would utter as he rocked back and forth was, "I'm a good boy...I'm a good boy...good boy."
'''Other:''' The only other thing worth mentioning is his nails. They grew thick and long, and whenever they tried to cut them, Cillian would jerk his hand so that the nails ended in sharp points. When the officials tried to fix it, he would thrash about and kick furiously, growling. They gave up, thinking he couldn't possibly do damage in a straight jacket locked in one of the safest asylums in the country.
'''What Could Have Been...'''
'''Number:''' 25
To establish Cillian's character and how he would develop in the game, there were many behind-the-scenes discussions with other handlers to aid in the storyline. Much of this had been shared with user d0ddi0slave and LadyMakaze, but was not disclosed to many others.
'''''The above biography is as written by [[Lien|Ebonydear]].  No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.'''''
Things that were discussed but did not happen were as follows:
1. Cillian would have a fight with Slayer's Character Jacob (Initial moment of Possibly Never-ending Feud).
2. Cillian would take out Hawley Faust in battle.
3. Madelaine Shirohara would fall under Cillian's meatcleaver. *
4. A final showdown with Cillian's last shred of sanity.
5. Flashbacks to show Cillian's stay in the asylum.~
* Madelaine's death was going to shed a bit of light on the reality of what Cillian was doing. He didn't seem to realize the concept of death because of the child-like immaturity he kept throughout his life. Which, can also help to explain why Cillian was never developed as much as other "sane" characters. Ever seen a five year old carry on a real thought process beyond the simple things in life? Any and most development had already happened or was planned, and the flatness was rather a plateau that carried on for a long time.
'''Designated Weapon:''' Meat Cleaver<br>
'''Conclusions:''' Ah, the secret weapon. Surely, he'll get a lot of kills. Afterall, what do you expect out of a madman? He's killed before, what will stop him from killing another? I'm sure he'll hack the competition to peices with his weapon...we should keep an eye on him.
~ This is the most important part, because, as Cillian was already fried when he entered SOTF, this would be the real development beyond the killing. Call it an odd approach. His life had the most dramatic changes in the asylum where he spent most of his days, not his childhood and the murders surrounding it. For people who didn't understand him: he was child-minded. He would think people were toys, had an imaginary friend, and basically no regard for a realistic environmental living. He only remembers asylum rooms and white-coated guards. So, immaturity ruled most of his rationalization in the plot.
== Game Evaluations ==
'''Kills:''' 5 - [[Jon Tognetti]] (chopped to pieces with meat cleaver); [[Dahlia Riviera]] (eviscerated with fingernails); [[Arturo Villamor]] (stomped to death); [[Devi Satome]] (decapitated with meat cleaver); [[Ash Holmes]] (skull split in half with meat cleaver, tongue pulled out).
'''Killed by:''' [[Peri Barclay]]
'''Collected Weapons:''' Meat Cleaver
Cillian suffered from delusions, sociopathic tendencies, and ''multiple personality disorder''. Hence the reason for Haddy, the sadistic little "imaginary friend" Cillian kept around him during the game. After so many years in solitude and copious amounts of tranquilizers and hallucinogens, Haddy became a more defined and awful part of Cillian's insanity as time passed on. What started as a childhood imagination turned out to be one of Cillian's worst fears.
'''Allies:''' None, except for "Haddy"
'''Enemies:''' Everyone else.
'''How Graphic'''
'''Mid-Game Evaluation:'''  
The posts containing Cillian's victims are numerous, gory, and demented. Most had no plot development, but some scary detailed events on the deaths of people like Jon Tognetti. This, and not the fact that Ebonydear was a mod, could have been a reason for people to like/dislike/fear/loathe/eat Cillian's character. He liked his kills messy, and despised guns and the whole point of them (derived from a comic title JTHM). For the most part, the kills were planned ahead of time and with as much detail as the handlers could muster. And each was original in design, with input from the victim's handlers as well. Some ideas included decapitation, mutilation, cat-got-your-tongue, and sickening hide and seek. You know, the tame stuff.
'''Post-Game Evaluation:'''
'''Memorable Quote(s):''' "Would you like to see my present?" - to [[Ash Holmes]] in the open field.
'''A Return?'''
"Dolly shouldn't run '''away'''!" - to [[Dahlia Riviera]] before slaughtering her at the gazebo.
Probably not in any other Roleplay, as he was exclusive to SOTF (Limited Time Only!) and deeply flawed. However, Ebonydear considers shedding more light on the character for fellow friends on the site to show the real life before his "reality show" debut. For details, be sure to email the handler.
"You're dirty." - Final words to [[Devi Satome]] before her decapitation.
== Other/Trivia ==
The Bio explains the specifics before the asylum stay, then generalizes the hell out of him. For the most part Cillian was a slaughterboy in the game because of Ebonydear's lack of attention span in keeping up with what she was planning for him. And boy, was there a lot of planning. Cillian's story starts out as he exits the plane/helicopter of the terrorists and runs into his first competitor, whom he scares the hell out of. With things picking up at a quick pace, and with Ebonydear wanting to establish his role early on, she took on the death of inactive Jon Tognetti. The kills went on from there until what was "The Great Inactivity," and ultimately Cillian's death.
To establish Cillian's character and how he would develop in the game, there were many behind-the-scenes discussions with other handlers to aid in the storyline. Much of this had been shared with user [[d0ddi0slave]] and [[LadyMakaze]], but was not disclosed to many others.
Things that were discussed but did not happen were as follows:
1. Cillian would have a fight with Slayer's Character [[Jacob Starr|Jacob]](Initial moment of possibly never ending feud.)  
2. Cillian would take out [[Hawley Faust]] in battle.
3. [[Madelaine Shirohara]] would fall under Cillian's meatcleaver. *
4. A final showdown with Cillian's last shred of sanity.
5. Flashbacks to show Cillian's stay in the asylum.~
Madelaine's death was going to shed a bit of light on the reality of what Cillian was doing. He didn't seem to realize the concept of death because of the child-like immaturity he kept throughout his life. Which, can also help to explain why Cillian was never developed as much as other "sane" characters. Ever seen a five year old carry on a real thought process beyond the simple things in life? Any and most development had already happened or was planned, and the flatness was rather a plateau that carried on for a long time.  
~ This is the most important part, because, as Cillian was already fried when he entered SOTF, this would be the real development beyond the killing. Call it an odd approach. His life had the most dramatic changes in the asylum where he spent most of his days, not his childhood and the murders surrounding it. For people who didn't understand him: he was child-minded. He would think people were toys, had an imaginary friend, and basically no regard for a realistic environmental living. He only remembers asylum rooms and white-coated guards. So, immaturity ruled most of his rationalization in the plot.
Cillian suffered from delusions, sociopathic tendencies, and ''multiple personality disorder''. Hence the reason for Haddy, the sadistic little "imaginary friend" Cillian kept around him during the game. After so many years in solitude and copious amounts of tranquilizers and hallucinogens, Haddy became a more defined and awful part of Cillian's insanity as time passed on. What started as a childhood imagination turned out to be one of Cillian's worst fears.
The posts containing Cillian's victims are numerous, gory, and demented. Most had no plot development, but some scary detailed events on the deaths of people like Jon Tognetti.  It has often been said that the two reasons brought up the most about why Cillian was so disliked was the afformentioned lack of development. Whatever the case, Cillian still had his fans. He liked his kills messy, and despised guns and the whole point of them (derived from a comic title JTHM). For the most part, the kills were planned ahead of time and with as much detail as the handlers could muster. And each was original in design, with input from the victim's handlers as well. Some ideas included decapitation, mutilation, cat-got-your-tongue, and sickening hide and seek. You know, the tame stuff.
Cillian Crowe; like it or not, was a unique character. He had his detractors, and while the reason for disliking the character were varied, depending on whom you spoke to; however there is no getting around the fact that Cillian was SOTF's first pure psychopath. He was brought onto the island by the terrorists for the sole purpose of letting him around and seeing how many people that he could kill. They got their answer (6). While Cillian didn't have as large an impact as some would have hoped, nor as large a backstory as some would have liked, he did make his mark on the game, just like all the other 119 students, and he will forever be remembered for being the first purely psychopathic character in the game.
== Threads ==
''Below is a list of threads containing Cillian, in chronological order.''
[ Cillian~It's My Birthday]<br>
[ Boys 20 - GAME START]<br>
[ Birthday Games And Homocide At The Gazebo]<br>
[ Dead Man's Party]<br>
[ The Home Away From Home]<br>
[ The Arrival]<br>
[ Starting Point For G#18]<br>
[ Girl #50 - Let It Bleed]
== Your Thoughts ==
''Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Cillian Crowe.  What did you like, or dislike, about the character?  Let us know here!''
Every game needs a villain who kills just for the sake of killing, and SOTF's was Cillian.  The flashbacks to his past were intriguing, and it's truly a shame that his stint in the game was so brief. I, for one, would have liked to see more of how this maniac came to be.  Not to mention, I'd have loved to see a showdown between Cillian and Adam, or better yet, Cillian and one of the terrorists. - '''[[Megami]]'''
I can't say, I'm biased...
Ah, fuck, I'll say anyway. I couldn't stand him as a character (admittedly he was an interesting concept, I'll give him that much). No development, completely shallow and everything he did just felt pointless. He's incredibly overrated, and I wonder if he'd be as well recieved if [[Lien]] hadn't been a mod at the time '''-[[Slayer]]'''

Current revision as of 20:56, 3 April 2006

Name: Crowe, Cillian (pronounced Kill-yan)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: Would be in 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Arkham Asylum

Appearance: The first thing that many people notice about Cillian are his eyes. An ice-light blue, combined with a piercing gaze that can either strike one as engaging...or deadly. Yet, as one gets an even better look, it seems every feature of his face gives purpose. His defined cheek-bones, arched eyebrows, even his thin lips almost always pulled into a demonic smile provide a look of ferocity. His body is of medium height, and almost no muscle definition, but he over-compensates with being flexible. His dark brown hair looks matted and greasy, often hanging off like side bangs to keep out of his eyes. Clothing-wise, Cillian hasn't had much luck as he is usually adorned in a beige straight-jacket with navy blue drawstring pants and no shoes.

Biography: Cillian was born a ward of the state. His mother being a crack-addict caused her to give birth to him pre-maturely, and while he was on the brink of death she left the hospital to find a fix. However, he lived on and eventually was placed into a foster home. Fast-forward to a Cillian of age 5, where his foster parents began to suspect... maybe he wasn't the little angel they were hoping for.

He loved to draw, with his little crayola crayons, scenes of massacre and of a little black creature. He called the creature "Haddy", and whenever he finished the pictures, each becoming more gruesome, he would pin it on the refrigerator. The foster mother would take them off and throw them out immediately, but just as she did that a new one was in its place. In kindergarten, however, he was never suspected of anything. His teachers thought him forward thinking, and often pushed the foster parents to have him skip a grade.

By the age of ten Cillian's tendencies began to leak into his social endeavours. At a school play, he grasped a hold of the fake theatre blood and covered the scene backdrops with large, scratchy letters saying "I will KILL you." He was caught, and immediately expelled from the school. In fear for their lives and others as well, the foster parents pretended to take him on a trip. As they stopped about 10 miles from their town for little Cillian to go to the bathroom, they left him there and began to head back to their home. They could see the ice blue eyes as their car tore out of the driveway.

A few months later, in the dead of night, both of the parents were sleeping in their room. Neither of them heard as the kitchen window was lifted, and none of them awoke to the sound of a dark figure crouching to the floor. It was only when the knife was raised, and the ice blue eyes stared down, that they realized their past had come back. Their screams alerted the neighbors, and the police arrived. They were too late. The scene was described as horrific, things that would make mass murderers piss their pants in fear. And in the midst of it all sat an 11 year old boy. The evidence overwhelming, authorities still couldn't believe that a boy this young could have done someting so completely disgusting. While being questioned, the only thing Cillian said was, "Today is my birthday... could you sing to me?"

Cillian's sentence was immediate: life in Arkham Asylum, for corrections. These "corrections" were nothing more than shrink after shrink trying to unlock his mind, to decipher his insanity. It couldn't be a simple answer like, "He was just insane." Eventually Cillian became worse, his friend "Haddy" beginning to make more and more appearances. They eventually had to give up fixing him and instead locked him in isolation. Five years later of being all alone began to take a toll on Cillian, he began to beg to be let out, to tell them he was a good boy. It became to the point where the only thing he would utter as he rocked back and forth was, "I'm a good boy...I'm a good boy...good boy."

Other: The only other thing worth mentioning is his nails. They grew thick and long, and whenever they tried to cut them, Cillian would jerk his hand so that the nails ended in sharp points. When the officials tried to fix it, he would thrash about and kick furiously, growling. They gave up, thinking he couldn't possibly do damage in a straight jacket locked in one of the safest asylums in the country.

Number: 25

The above biography is as written by Ebonydear. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: Meat Cleaver
Conclusions: Ah, the secret weapon. Surely, he'll get a lot of kills. Afterall, what do you expect out of a madman? He's killed before, what will stop him from killing another? I'm sure he'll hack the competition to peices with his weapon...we should keep an eye on him.


Game Evaluations

Kills: 5 - Jon Tognetti (chopped to pieces with meat cleaver); Dahlia Riviera (eviscerated with fingernails); Arturo Villamor (stomped to death); Devi Satome (decapitated with meat cleaver); Ash Holmes (skull split in half with meat cleaver, tongue pulled out).

Killed by: Peri Barclay

Collected Weapons: Meat Cleaver

Allies: None, except for "Haddy"

Enemies: Everyone else.

Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quote(s): "Would you like to see my present?" - to Ash Holmes in the open field.

"Dolly shouldn't run away!" - to Dahlia Riviera before slaughtering her at the gazebo.

"You're dirty." - Final words to Devi Satome before her decapitation.


The Bio explains the specifics before the asylum stay, then generalizes the hell out of him. For the most part Cillian was a slaughterboy in the game because of Ebonydear's lack of attention span in keeping up with what she was planning for him. And boy, was there a lot of planning. Cillian's story starts out as he exits the plane/helicopter of the terrorists and runs into his first competitor, whom he scares the hell out of. With things picking up at a quick pace, and with Ebonydear wanting to establish his role early on, she took on the death of inactive Jon Tognetti. The kills went on from there until what was "The Great Inactivity," and ultimately Cillian's death.

To establish Cillian's character and how he would develop in the game, there were many behind-the-scenes discussions with other handlers to aid in the storyline. Much of this had been shared with user d0ddi0slave and LadyMakaze, but was not disclosed to many others.

Things that were discussed but did not happen were as follows:

1. Cillian would have a fight with Slayer's Character Jacob(Initial moment of possibly never ending feud.)

2. Cillian would take out Hawley Faust in battle.

3. Madelaine Shirohara would fall under Cillian's meatcleaver. *

4. A final showdown with Cillian's last shred of sanity.

5. Flashbacks to show Cillian's stay in the asylum.~

Madelaine's death was going to shed a bit of light on the reality of what Cillian was doing. He didn't seem to realize the concept of death because of the child-like immaturity he kept throughout his life. Which, can also help to explain why Cillian was never developed as much as other "sane" characters. Ever seen a five year old carry on a real thought process beyond the simple things in life? Any and most development had already happened or was planned, and the flatness was rather a plateau that carried on for a long time. ~ This is the most important part, because, as Cillian was already fried when he entered SOTF, this would be the real development beyond the killing. Call it an odd approach. His life had the most dramatic changes in the asylum where he spent most of his days, not his childhood and the murders surrounding it. For people who didn't understand him: he was child-minded. He would think people were toys, had an imaginary friend, and basically no regard for a realistic environmental living. He only remembers asylum rooms and white-coated guards. So, immaturity ruled most of his rationalization in the plot.

Cillian suffered from delusions, sociopathic tendencies, and multiple personality disorder. Hence the reason for Haddy, the sadistic little "imaginary friend" Cillian kept around him during the game. After so many years in solitude and copious amounts of tranquilizers and hallucinogens, Haddy became a more defined and awful part of Cillian's insanity as time passed on. What started as a childhood imagination turned out to be one of Cillian's worst fears.

The posts containing Cillian's victims are numerous, gory, and demented. Most had no plot development, but some scary detailed events on the deaths of people like Jon Tognetti. It has often been said that the two reasons brought up the most about why Cillian was so disliked was the afformentioned lack of development. Whatever the case, Cillian still had his fans. He liked his kills messy, and despised guns and the whole point of them (derived from a comic title JTHM). For the most part, the kills were planned ahead of time and with as much detail as the handlers could muster. And each was original in design, with input from the victim's handlers as well. Some ideas included decapitation, mutilation, cat-got-your-tongue, and sickening hide and seek. You know, the tame stuff.

Cillian Crowe; like it or not, was a unique character. He had his detractors, and while the reason for disliking the character were varied, depending on whom you spoke to; however there is no getting around the fact that Cillian was SOTF's first pure psychopath. He was brought onto the island by the terrorists for the sole purpose of letting him around and seeing how many people that he could kill. They got their answer (6). While Cillian didn't have as large an impact as some would have hoped, nor as large a backstory as some would have liked, he did make his mark on the game, just like all the other 119 students, and he will forever be remembered for being the first purely psychopathic character in the game.


Below is a list of threads containing Cillian, in chronological order.

Cillian~It's My Birthday
Boys 20 - GAME START
Birthday Games And Homocide At The Gazebo
Dead Man's Party
The Home Away From Home
The Arrival
Starting Point For G#18
Girl #50 - Let It Bleed

Your Thoughts

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Cillian Crowe. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!

Every game needs a villain who kills just for the sake of killing, and SOTF's was Cillian. The flashbacks to his past were intriguing, and it's truly a shame that his stint in the game was so brief. I, for one, would have liked to see more of how this maniac came to be. Not to mention, I'd have loved to see a showdown between Cillian and Adam, or better yet, Cillian and one of the terrorists. - Megami

I can't say, I'm biased...

Ah, fuck, I'll say anyway. I couldn't stand him as a character (admittedly he was an interesting concept, I'll give him that much). No development, completely shallow and everything he did just felt pointless. He's incredibly overrated, and I wonder if he'd be as well recieved if Lien hadn't been a mod at the time -Slayer

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