Edward Rommel

From Survival Of The Fittest

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== Other/Trivia ==
== Other/Trivia ==
The name Edward comes from the name of one of [[Riserugu]]'s classmates in school.
*The name Edward comes from the name of one of [[Riserugu]]'s classmates in school.
Rommel was the last name of German WWII General Erwin Rommel.  
*Rommel was the last name of German WWII General Erwin Rommel.  
His middle name is Klaus.
*His middle name is Klaus.
He wasn't supposed to be as happy-go-lucky as he turned out to be, and instead has supposed to be much more withdrawn and almost paranoid because of his illness.
*He wasn't supposed to be as happy-go-lucky as he turned out to be, and instead has supposed to be much more withdrawn and almost paranoid because of his illness.
His birthday is Janurary 2, 1990.
*His birthday is January 2, 1990.
Only character that [[Riserugu]] has handled that didn't have any siblings.  
*Only character that [[Riserugu]] has handled that didn't have any siblings.  
The only one of [[Riserugu]]'s characters that never used his issued weapon, Pepper Spray.
*The only one of [[Riserugu]]'s characters that never used his issued weapon, Pepper Spray.
[[Hawley Faust]]'s father was one of his doctors which is the main reason Edward decided to sit beside the other boy on both the bus and the plane.
*[[Hawley Faust]]'s father was one of his doctors which is the main reason Edward decided to sit beside the other boy on both the bus and the plane.
The only character [[Riserugu]] regrets killing at the time she did.
*The only character [[Riserugu]] regrets killing at the time she did.
*Ed held quite an affection for jellybeans.
== Threads ==
== Threads ==

Revision as of 00:24, 19 March 2006

Name: Rommel, Edward
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: Archery, Art
School: Barry Coleson High

Appearance: An average looking boy, he has auburn shaded hair that falls about his face though shades of orange, red, green, and purple are somewhat visible from dye attempts. He usually wears clothes that are large on him, and is usually always wearing his favorite jacket. A black one, that has a large ‘13’ on the back with the word ‘Unglück,’ the German word for Bad Luck. His hands and arms are usually covered by designs he drew in pen from all the random thoughts that go on in his mind. Edward has a bright shade of blue eyes, though his right is a somewhat duller shade almost gray as he has been completely blind in this eye since childbirth.

Biography: Edward (though he prefers people to call him by his last name, he hates his first) comes from a very lovely home, he was born to a American mother, and a German father and was raised in Germany as both his parents worked there. He’s mother as an English Language teacher at the local high school, and his father gave private music lessons. When he was 3 he took witness to a childhood friend of his death when the other young child drowned, soon after that Edward was diagnosed with autism, which a complex developmental disability a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. Autism impacts on the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction and communication skills, so he was troubled in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and even in his actives because of it. It's almost like he was trying to push away the outside world, and simply live within himself. The smallest outside contact able to upset him, Though as he became older becoming a part of archery, and art as well as his medicine has helped him control the disability a little better...

He was transferred to BC High at the end of his freshmen year. Though he knows English very well, he has a habit of sometimes either slipping back into German, or mixing the two languages when talking. Though he only talks when spoken too, he avoids eye contact with people, and hardly smiles most of this and others that set him apart from his fellow classmates is because of his autism. Though most just figure him for stupid, but he isn't and gets good grades on his work. He just doesn't know how to interact with others, and finds talking to himself a bit easier.

A part of his autism is that he affected by Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Most being having an over-sensitivity to the sense, such as touch, movement, sights and sounds. Edward is the opposite in that he has under-sensitivity in all those, this includes pain, a prime example being when he fell down the stairs at school and busted his head open when he landed. He simply stood, and walked away as if nothing had happened...

He is a very impulsive person in nature, and usually doesn’t think things through before doing them. But he’s a nice person none-the-less, and would never think badly or do something to harm anyone. Though as his emotions are always on edge from the autism and the medicine he is forced to take. Edward has been known to show a completely new personality though it if he doesn't take the medicine… one that isn’t as understanding and kind as Edward’s true self is. Other: Only having a limited amount of his medicine could prove bad in the long run, as his emotions seem to go on the haywire when he hasn’t taken it. His under-sensitivity could prove as much as a gift, as a curse, as he can’t feel the pain as much as a normal person, all his senses are also suffering this and without good sight or hearing could make things hard on him.

Number: B01

The above biography is as written by Riserugu. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: Pepper Spray
Conclusions: Since he has a limited amount of his medicine, he might aswell be labeled as insane. It might be a blessing to have that under-sensitivity later on...although it would be scary to his opponents, for sure. (I can just see it now... Ah, zombie boy! No mere bullet takes him down!!)


Game Evaluations


Killed by:

Collected Weapons:



Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


  • The name Edward comes from the name of one of Riserugu's classmates in school.
  • Rommel was the last name of German WWII General Erwin Rommel.
  • His middle name is Klaus.
  • He wasn't supposed to be as happy-go-lucky as he turned out to be, and instead has supposed to be much more withdrawn and almost paranoid because of his illness.
  • His birthday is January 2, 1990.
  • Only character that Riserugu has handled that didn't have any siblings.
  • The only one of Riserugu's characters that never used his issued weapon, Pepper Spray.
  • Hawley Faust's father was one of his doctors which is the main reason Edward decided to sit beside the other boy on both the bus and the plane.
  • The only character Riserugu regrets killing at the time she did.
  • Ed held quite an affection for jellybeans.


The following is a list of threads that contained Edward, in order from beginning to end.

Starting Point for Boy #77
Chillin' At The Waterfall
Down By The River
Resting & Suffering

Your Thoughts

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Edward Rommel. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!

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