Peri Barclay

From Survival Of The Fittest

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== Threads ==
== Threads ==
''The following is a list of topics containing Peri Barclay, from beginning to end.''
''The following is a list of topics containing Peri Barclay, from beginning to end.''
[ The Arrival]<br>
[ Starting Point For Student No. 38]<br>
[ Travelling Circus]<br>
[ G19 - Drag The Sunrise Down]<br>
[ Travelling Circus]<br>
[ G19 - Stings Like A Bitch]<br>
[ Girl #30: Awakening]<br>
[ Starting Point For B#54]<br>
[ On My Own]<br>
[ Dude! FORTIFIED! Pt. 2]<br>
[ Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne]<br>
[ Like Lambs To The Slaughter]<br>
[ The Morning After The Night Before]<br>
[ The Adventure Of Meatboy]<br>
[ '99']<br>
[ Sunshower]<br>
[ Taking Stock]<br>
[ Girl #50 - Let It Bleed]<br>
[ Enter The Hero]

Revision as of 07:28, 28 February 2006

Name: Peri Barclay
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: None
School: St. Johns prep, Minnesota

Appearance: Long blondish brown usually hangs down over his pale features even though every couple of steps he would raise a hand to try and pull the long hair from his eyes but it never succeeds. Mismatched eyes seem to be his key feature adding to that overall odd look that he pulled off so easily. His body itself was close to six foot and with his his lack of weight he seemed to loom when he stood still. What little fat he did have would be toned as much as possible thanks to lots of spare time and a pair of his fathers weights.

Biography: The British born sixteen year old was raised with his two parents in London, they lived an average life. His father was a plumber and his mother a cleaner. The family left England for sunnier lands when Peri was just eight years old, a large influx from an unknown source had caused the sudden change of location. Where did the money come from? From the London gangland, and so the family’s change of location was more a evacuation than a choice. His father had taken a chance with some friends, they had pulled a job off together destroying one of the many gangland boss’s. The funds that they plundered from the boss’s car was split and the small group never met again.

The gang the boss had belonged to soon came looking for revenge striking down the other members of the group who had attacked the boss and then finally Peri`s father came. The heavily built men stormed their little house and beat his father till he was red raw and still his father claimed he knew nothing. His mother was raped in front of the bleeding form of his father and all the while Peri knew nothing he simply played in his room with one of his friends, David. His father was beaten and his mother raped but still his father claimed he knew nothing. Heavy footsteps were heard and up the men went to Peri`s room accompanied by the yells for him to run and try to escape all the while. The men arrived at the top of the stairs, the two boys fled for a nearby closet. The door knob turned. Their small feet beat at the ground, the door knob turned, Peri`s hands shot out and pushed David. The boy stumbled and the door opened, Peri sat in the closet watching the scene as a gun was leveled at David’s head and tears flowed from the boys eyes. His two parents begged to leave the boy alone, the young Peri watched this all from a slit in his closet. One of the goon’s handgun exploded into life causing that disgusting gray brain matter to slap against the doors of the closet. The Boy was dead and worst of all Peri knew that should have been him, he knew he should have died but no he had sacrificed his best friend instead. Sirens were heard and the gangland goons left running away into the night. Two weeks of bed care for both his parents the money was shoved into bags and they left the country to leave and never look back. So the family fled into America and the parents began to work and Peri continued his schooling disregarding a social life.

Smoking was taken up when he was twelve and all chances of friendship was ignored, his response to a friendly comment was always the same: that lazy grin and sometimes (when he was feeling particularly vocal) "Its for you’re own Good, Sweet-cheeks. Trust me. The dead don’t lie.".His scores were average on all his tests. He excelled only at Art and English where his writings and art were considered too "dark".His pictures were too strong, too ugly, too empty of only he knew what, and his writings were considered too graphic…graphic meaning gore. With the occasional self harming and fight; he was always more of the background members of the class. Only speaking when someone spoke to him, Only lashing out when someone pushed him.

One incident where he was forced to lash out was the constant shoving and pushing by a group of youths outside of school. Everyday he would be pushed by them as he passed them, then one day he emerged from his house on the way to school although today he was drinking a glass of milk. Taunts were thrown as he descended the steps to the lawn. Steps were taken and the glass was smashed directly across the Pack`s leaders eyes. Needless to say he was left alone. The Boy is a wallflower but like the best flowers, he has thorns.

Number: B39


Designated Weapon: Colt mk. V Revolver (Anaconda, .44 Magnum)
Conclusions: He's already seen death, so I don't think killing for this guy will be too much of a problem. Unless, of course, it triggers the memory of his best friend dying right before his eyes. That'd be a rather interesting sight to see.... I have a feeling that B39'll speak up more, and lash out even more during the SOTF ACT, since the ACT seems to bring out things in people. I have a feeling he'll get crafty with the way he'll kill his opponents.

Game Evaluations

Kills: Four Andrew Mutaeneau- Dark Caves- More pummeling from the Ingram

Umi Martin- Old warehouse-Shot in the chest with the six shot

Thom Chuck- Shot

Ian Hargrave- Dirt path- Beheaded with a saber

Killed by: TBD

Collected Weapons: 9mm Ingram, Shuriken stars, Ghilli Camoflauge suit, Saber, Magnum, Colt Magnum

Allies: Stevan Hyde, Eh-Sun Choi

Enemies: Jacob Starr, Elise Aversano, Angharad Davies, Shinya Motomura

Mid-game evaluation: The young psychopath is still breathing and with his good arsenal of weapons he seems to be on his way to winning this years programme.Wth no shortage of students wishing to ally themselves with him, he could cause trouble for Danya and co.A Succesful student who accepted the mechanics of the game. Possible marketing opportunities in future.

End-game evaluation: TBD

Memorable Quote(s): "Youre lucky,God loves fat kids" and " He didnt do the truffle I cut his had off.


According to their profiles, Peri Barclay attended the same academy as fellow SOTF contestant Cody Jenson.

In the original rendition of Peri's profile, Peri and David were accompanied by Steven Hyde during the Mafia's attack on the Barclay family.


The following is a list of topics containing Peri Barclay, from beginning to end.

The Arrival
Starting Point For Student No. 38
Travelling Circus
G19 - Drag The Sunrise Down
Travelling Circus
G19 - Stings Like A Bitch
Girl #30: Awakening
Starting Point For B#54
On My Own
Dude! FORTIFIED! Pt. 2
Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne
Like Lambs To The Slaughter
The Morning After The Night Before
The Adventure Of Meatboy
Taking Stock
Girl #50 - Let It Bleed
Enter The Hero

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