From Superdickery
Was bunnyofdoom, and several people still refer to him as that anyways because no one gives a damn.
Is in love with HotAndCold even though she doesn't love him....yet.
Supposedly, he is atractive except for his haircut. This is news to him.
[[1]] Threepwood and older brother
Superhero Info
Superhero Name: Captain Awesome
Secret Identity: Threepwood AKA James R Cano
Age: 19
Superpowers:Lame puns and human shielding. Also requisite speedster and often has Mr. T. Delusions
-Schooling with morons leads him to think outside the box to protect himself. Good at hiding in the crowd.
-Years of getting in fights with older brother has taught the best way to retreat, defend himself, and get cheap shots in
Significant Work Experience
- Founding member, and self-declared leader of the A-men squad, a squad of super powered assistant managers at a grocery store
Other positive personality traits:
-Wierd outlook, leads to inovative tactics
-Desperately seeking attention and acceptance and consequencly willing to do anything for the group
Plot development: Self-esteem problems rendering me useless
Numerous female friends leads to numerous romantic subplots
Attractiveness being used to seduce female villians, leading to love hate relationship
Blood condition plus battle= Blood loss induced coma and chance for everyone to act Angsty.
His one-sided flirted at H&C pisses off Booster, and love triangle! Well, more of Love one way line.
Something like this