Jeph Loeb thread

From Superdickery

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The Jeph Loeb Thread was a thread on The Superdickery Forums, originally dedicated to the discussion Loeb's then upcoming TG Batman and Superman in issue # 24 of Superman / Batman: Less gay than the Original Worlds Finest series. The original poster of the thread was GValko, who also posted the Beast Girl picture.

With in hours, it became a thread devoted to posting the worst people could find and scarring the minds of those unsuspecting few. Despite the horror, no one could bear to look away and at one point the thread was even stickied.

Before it died, having reached page 41 (and as of today almost 50, 000 views), the thread covered various fetishes and semi-Work Safe softcore porn, and random shit including: TG (ranging from Teen Titans to Transformers), poorly done Spandex-Photo Edits, Skin Colour (CHIANA! YEAH!), Devil Ladies/Succubi, Twileks, midgets, gay hobbit love, random anime and game characters, James Batch (both hypnotic and static), fat chicks, catgirls/cats, Bruce Timm art, sexy cosplay, muslcle chicks, Man Faye, Harry Potter, poorly made slash gifs, diaper fetishists, and other shit.

Farscape seemed to get more recognition than any other TV show, with about five pictures.

Such is the power of the thread, that people are not considered true members until they have read it completely in one sitting. Some say, as you read it, you can still hear the screams of those who saw it happen.

See it here: [1]

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