Legends of Batman

From Superdickery

Revision as of 01:15, 21 November 2008 by Subparnaut (Talk | contribs)

A humorous set of stories originally by Mike.

The basic premise of the stories were that during them, regardless of the normal situations going on, Batman would show up. The appearance of Batman usually led to an over the top conclusion that strays far from where the story was originally.

Some of the more memorable moments in Mike's Legends include Batman having a dance-off with The Riddler, who had just been revealed to be gay for Mike, Batman preforming a "dine and dash" in a diner in Seattle, and sitting in a fridge with a Coca-Cola label attached to his face. Of course, all of these pale in the big revealation that Batman was in fact Jesus.

Eventually, Mike stopped writing the LOB's, and allowed one and all to have a go at it. The first person to write was at-the-time newcomer Drink, who immediately referenced one of Mike's stories, thus having Virgil compare the LOB's to the Cthulhu Mythos, but on a somewhat smaller and lamer scale.

Since that time, many stories have been written, the foremost among them is still Drink, who occasionally adds a new story whenever he isn't doing other things. Although he gets praise for his stories by a fair number of people, A number of the long time members, DarkGob and Virgil chief among them, still say that Mike's stories are better, which makes sense, as they are the originals.

The Legends of Batman thread is "stickied" on the Comics section of the Superdickery Forums and therefore near the top of the page at all times.


Story Uno

This one time, when I was a kid living in Gotham City, I went out to get an ice cream cone from the ice cream man.

I got triple ripple vanilla road monkey.

Anyway, just as I was about to take a lick of it, the scoop fell right off the friggin' cone. Now being a kid as I was, I was understandably emotionally distraught by this turn of events and immediately starting crying over the loss of my beloved ice cream cone. I was just sitting there bawling my eyes out, when all of a sudden who should come swooping out of the sky but BATMAN!

Smooth as silk, he landed right on top of that ice cream truck, punched a hole through the roof and savagely strangled the driver while trying to wrest control of the steering wheel away from him. The truck swerved out of control, tipped over onto its side, slide into a telephone pole, and immediately burst into flames.

Not skipping a beat, Batman pulled the driver from the flaming wreckage and proceeded to beat the ever living bejesus out of him, the whole time just ranting and raving about how the ice cream cone was some kind of soulless monster, and how no kid should ever have to experience what he experienced as a child with ice cream falling off the cone before he got to have any of that sweet, sweet luscious frozen dairy treat.

Eventually he apparently got tired of brutalizing the sobbing ice cream man, so tied him up and hung him from a street lamp. But before he left he gave me another ice cream cone!

Batman is so cool.

Yet one of many of the


Story Too

Back during my sophomore year in college, there was this girl in one of my physics classes that I thought was pretty hot. Well not “pretty hot” so much as “completely hot.” She was totally vapid and completely uninteresting in terms of her personality, but basically all I was really concerned about at the time was getting into her pants. Hey, it was college. That’s what you do in college.

Acting under the hypothesis that it's easier to get into someone’s said pants by being what they want you to be rather than who you actually are, I asked her out to go "clubbing," since that’s apparently what she liked to do. She actually agreed, which kind of blew my mind, but whatever. We were gonna go clubbing, and I was that much closer to boinking her.

So we went out to this place on State Street called Club 638. Why is it called Club 638? Because its address is 638 State Street. They don’t even have a sign or anything, just the address on a wall. Wow, that is like, so clever! So we went to this place, and good lord almighty was I bored. Especially since I don't dance or anything. And I mean it, I really don’t dance. The only thing worse than seeing me dance is hearing me sing. But that’s a tale for another time.

So we sat at the bar, and she yammered on and on and on and on, and I had no real choice but to sit there feigning interest and drinking. Of course there comes a point where someone, no matter how hot they may be, are just entirely too annoying to ever consider sleeping with. I don't even know at what point I noticed that she wasn't even sitting next to me any more, she was grinding with some meathead on the dance floor. Hope for nookie, faint as it already was to begin with, was rapidly fading fast. I had no real chance of salvaging this situation, so I sat there drinking beers, and guess who sits down next to me?

The Riddler.

I shit you not, the friggin' Riddler sits down at the bar right next to me.

I mean my god, what are the odds that you're going to meet the Riddler in a bar in Santa Barbara? It’s not like you can do any good riddle-related crimes out there, and it’s way on the other side of the country from Gotham. And get this... He buys me a drink! He buys me a drink and starts going on about how he got ditched by his date too. For a smart guy, he sure seems to whine an awful lot. He keeps buying me drinks though, and he won't shut up, and then something hits me...

My god… is the Riddler HITTING ON ME?

So instead of just politely listening to what he’s saying, I take a good look at him, and his sitting there sucking on a straw like he's trying to be seductive, and I think, "OH MY GOD, HE IS TRYING TO HIT ON ME!" Of course I immediately go back to staring straight into my drink and start franticly planning how the hell I'm going to gracefully extricate myself from this mess, when a sudden hush falls over the crowd. We all turn to the dance floor, and who should be there but BATMAN.

Batman. On the dance floor. And before anyone can know what's happened, he challenges the Riddler to a dance off right then and there.

Now when you go out clubbing, the last thing you expect to see is the Riddler and Batman get into a dance off, least off all with choreographed back up dancers behind them. It was totally unreal to watch, a feverish blur of twirls and pelvic thrusts and poses, but in the end there could only be one winner.

The Riddler.

Sorry Batman, but as athletic as you are, you just weren't gay enough to out-dance the Riddler. Of course that didn't stop Batman from just punching his lights out and doing that little zip line thingy to book it out of there. Apparently he’s a sore loser.

So I stuck around for a while after that, but eventually all the excitement of having seeing the Riddler get served waned, so I ended up leaving. And when I got outside, what do you think I see? My date hopping into the Batmobile. Of all the luck.


the third story

After I graduated from high school, my parents got this really brilliant idea to go on a trip to Israel. God only knows WHY they would want to do this, since we weren't exactly what you'd call the most devout Jews in the world, but Mom had some crazy notion in her head that we were contractually obligated to go or something.

I mean come on Mom... It's not like you even adhere to Kosher in the slightest, other than not eating pork. Unless we eat out, in which case she'll invariably order baby back ribs or something. And it's not like she has a separate set of utensils for meat and for dairy, plus she eats shellfish and everything else that you're not supposed to do if you're keeping Kosher. I flat out asked my parents not too long ago what the hell was the point of not eating pork if you're not going to adhere to the rest of the rules? "Discipline," my dad tells me. Discipline for WHAT, exactly?

And later that very night we go out to Applebee's for dinner and mom gets riblets.

So anyway, we go to Israel. Thankfully this was all before the current state of unrest, but it's still not a place I'd like to visit. We actually I probably wouldn't have minded visiting if I didn't have to do it with my parents. They are absolutely INTOLERABLE to travel with, as their idea of fun is to hope a plane to a foreign country where the people speak a language they don’t understand for a couple weeks with no hotel reservations, no plans, nothing.

I don't really dig flying by the seat of my pants. That and it forces me to be in close quarters with the people that bug me the most in places where there's nothing remotely interesting for me to see. So yeah, I'm not really keen on the fact that we visited the Middle East...

So one day we're in Jerusalem, and mom is doing her little touristy shtick. "Ooooh, it's the Wailing Wall." "Ooooooh, it's the Temple Mount." "Ooooooh, it's the--" WHO GIVES A SHIT MOM? NOT ME! So we're sitting there bickering, when all of a sudden the sky gets really dark except for this single beam of light coming down from the clouds. And coming down that beam of light was the figure of a man.

That's right, it was the second coming of Jesus.

I just about shit my pants, I kid you not.

So Jesus touches down, and everyone's all awestruck and everything, and in this deep booming voice he says "My Kingdom hath cometh down on the earth" or something like that, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, BATMAN leaps up out of the crowd and full on kicks Jesus in the face!

"DUDE!" I screamed, "You can't do that! He's JESUS!"

So we're all sitting there, just staring slack jawed as Batman commits the most heinous act of blasphemy that one can conceive, when all of a sudden he stands up and he's holding a mask of Jesus’ face! That's when we see that it wasn't Jesus at all, but really just Dr. Hugo Strange wearing a Jesus costume!

That right there was a total shocker, let me tell you.

It didn't end there though. Oh no no no. Right there, in front of the whole world, Dr. Strange stands up and points at Batman, and screams at the top of his lungs, "You can never stop me from revealing your secret identity, Batman! I know that you are in fact... BRUCE WAYNE!"

A stunned hush fell over the crowd at this accusation, as Batman just stood there and stared at him. Then, ever so slowly, he reached up to his cowl and slowly peeled it back from his head to reveal that he, in fact, was NOT Bruce Wayne!

Batman.... was Jesus!

Turns out that Jesus has been among us all this time kicking ass for justice while dressed as a giant bat! Who'd have thought it? So after making Dr. Strange look like an idiot, he led us all in a group sing along of Kumbyah until Santa came in his sleigh to give him a lift to his secret fortress on the dark side of the moon.

Oh yeah, and my mom bought a "one of a kind artifact from the holy land" from a guy in a cart that had dozens of the damned things.


Story #Fore

My friend Justin had been my best friend since like... second grade. He had been in my first grade class, but the elementary school we went to eliminated the second grade for budget reasons or something, so everyone got transferred to this other school that lived in like the worst part of town possible. We were both just so excited to see someone that we both knew at the new school; we started hanging out together all the time.

Now Justin had a friend named Jon who was a year younger than us and lived on the same block Justin did. I knew of him, but didn't really see him or talk to him all that often until we were all in high school, at which point me and Jon became the best of buddies and kind of let Justin fall to the wayside.

That reminds me, I should call up Justin sometime, I haven't seen him since we graduated high school like... seven years ago.

So anyway, I moved out of my parents’ house and went off to UCSB to eventually go on to get a degree in zoology, while Jon stayed at home and went to the city university to major in computer science. So of course my degree is all but worthless without going to graduate school, and he's likely to land some relatively high paying job right off the bat. Figures.

So anyway, like two weeks ago he calls me out of the blue here in Seattle and tells me that he's got a job interview with Microsoft, and wants to know if we can get together for lunch. "Well hell yeah, you idiot," I tell him. I mean Christ, I've only seen him like a dozen times since I moved from Fresno, of course I want to get together for lunch. Gyah.

I tell him to meet me at this little diner I go to. It's one of those little places with the red and white check plastic table cloths and aging, chain smoking waitresses named Barbara, but the food is pretty decent (They have the BEST pie, I tell you.) and the coffee's good.

We're sitting there catching up on old times, when he suddenly gets this stunned look on his face. "You'll never guess who just sat down behind us," he whispers.

"Who?" I say, starting to turn around?

"No no no, don't go LOOKING!" he says as he grabs my shoulder. He shoves the chromed napkin dispenser over to me, and I angle it to look in the reflection to see who's behind us...

It was BATMAN! Sitting at a table behind us like there was nothing out of the ordinary about it!

Of course you know he just does it to get the attention... He's like the second most famous hero in the world, and he goes and picks this little hole in the wall diner in Seattle to drop in and eat some lunch? "Holy attention whore, Batman!"

We were so caught up in watching Batman that we totally forgot to order for ourselves. We were too busy talking about Batman. I mean c'mon, it's Batman. Tell me you wouldn't do the same thing.

"Holy crap, he ordered soup and a sandwich!"


"It was a HAM sandwich!"

"What's so big about that?"

"Well he's Jesus you know. Doesn't he keep Kosher?"

"Yeah, but didn't Jesus abolish stuff like that?"

"But he's still Jewish, right?"

We got caught up in the whole "Would Jesus eat ham?" debate, which gradually segued into whether or not he could eat more hotdogs in eight minutes than Godzilla, when eventually we noticed that Batman had finished eating and was waiting for his check.

Once the waitress brought his check, he started patting down his utility belt, for like... five minutes, I swear. He's all muttering to himself, alternating between pretending to analyze the check (C'mon, it was for soup and a sandwich. You didn't even order a soda) and going through his little pouches. Ever so gradually he's inching forward out of his seat. That's when it hit me...

Oh my god, Batman forgot his wallet.

We were about to witness not just any ordinary dine and dash, but a SUPERHERO DINE AND DASH!

Batman sat their fidgeting for another five minutes, casting wayward glances out the window, mentioning something about needing to put more money in the parking meter, when finally the manager (This big burly guy that looks like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force) comes over to the table and says "Sir, is there a problem here?"

Batman jumps up bolt upright and stares the manager right in the eye, and all I can think is "Holy crap, he's going to beat the hell out of the manager because he can't pay the bill!" But instead, he reaches back behind his back and fumbles with his utility belt for a little bit.

Then all of a sudden he throws something on the ground, and it explodes into this huge cloud of smoke! Everyone is coughing and screaming, and can't see anything, it's just total mass hysteria. When the smoke finally clears though, Batman is gone. Everyone sits completely still as we all stare at the spot where he was standing, the only movement occurring is his empty soup bowl slowly wobbling like a coin that's been spun and is about to land on one side.

The manager looks right at the waitress for the table and says, "That's coming out of your paycheck."

No one can skip out on a check like Batman!



My friend Justin had been my best friend since like... second grade. He had been in my first grade class, but the elementary school we went to eliminated the second grade for budget reasons or something, so everyone got transferred to this other school that lived in like the worst part of town possible. We were both just so excited to see someone that we both knew at the new school; we started hanging out together all the time.

Now Justin had a friend named Jon who was a year younger than us and lived on the same block Justin did. I knew of him, but didn't really see him or talk to him all that often until we were all in high school, at which point me and Jon became the best of buddies and kind of let Justin fall to the wayside.

That reminds me, I should call up Justin sometime, I haven't seen him since we graduated high school like... seven years ago.

So anyway, I moved out of my parents’ house and went off to UCSB to eventually go on to get a degree in zoology, while Jon stayed at home and went to the city university to major in computer science. So of course my degree is all but worthless without going to graduate school, and he's likely to land some relatively high paying job right off the bat. Figures.

So anyway, like two weeks ago he calls me out of the blue here in Seattle and tells me that he's got a job interview with Microsoft, and wants to know if we can get together for lunch. "Well hell yeah, you idiot," I tell him. I mean Christ, I've only seen him like a dozen times since I moved from Fresno, of course I want to get together for lunch. Gyah.

I tell him to meet me at this little diner I go to. It's one of those little places with the red and white check plastic table cloths and aging, chain smoking waitresses named Barbara, but the food is pretty decent (They have the BEST pie, I tell you.) and the coffee's good.

We're sitting there catching up on old times, when he suddenly gets this stunned look on his face. "You'll never guess who just sat down behind us," he whispers.

"Who?" I say, starting to turn around?

"No no no, don't go LOOKING!" he says as he grabs my shoulder. He shoves the chromed napkin dispenser over to me, and I angle it to look in the reflection to see who's behind us...

It was BATMAN! Sitting at a table behind us like there was nothing out of the ordinary about it!

Of course you know he just does it to get the attention... He's like the second most famous hero in the world, and he goes and picks this little hole in the wall diner in Seattle to drop in and eat some lunch? "Holy attention whore, Batman!"

We were so caught up in watching Batman that we totally forgot to order for ourselves. We were too busy talking about Batman. I mean c'mon, it's Batman. Tell me you wouldn't do the same thing.

"Holy crap, he ordered soup and a sandwich!"


"It was a HAM sandwich!"

"What's so big about that?"

"Well he's Jesus you know. Doesn't he keep Kosher?"

"Yeah, but didn't Jesus abolish stuff like that?"

"But he's still Jewish, right?"

We got caught up in the whole "Would Jesus eat ham?" debate, which gradually segued into whether or not he could eat more hotdogs in eight minutes than Godzilla, when eventually we noticed that Batman had finished eating and was waiting for his check.

Once the waitress brought his check, he started patting down his utility belt, for like... five minutes, I swear. He's all muttering to himself, alternating between pretending to analyze the check (C'mon, it was for soup and a sandwich. You didn't even order a soda) and going through his little pouches. Ever so gradually he's inching forward out of his seat. That's when it hit me...

Oh my god, Batman forgot his wallet.

We were about to witness not just any ordinary dine and dash, but a SUPERHERO DINE AND DASH!

Batman sat their fidgeting for another five minutes, casting wayward glances out the window, mentioning something about needing to put more money in the parking meter, when finally the manager (This big burly guy that looks like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force) comes over to the table and says "Sir, is there a problem here?"

Batman jumps up bolt upright and stares the manager right in the eye, and all I can think is "Holy crap, he's going to beat the hell out of the manager because he can't pay the bill!" But instead, he reaches back behind his back and fumbles with his utility belt for a little bit.

Then all of a sudden he throws something on the ground, and it explodes into this huge cloud of smoke! Everyone is coughing and screaming, and can't see anything, it's just total mass hysteria. When the smoke finally clears though, Batman is gone. Everyone sits completely still as we all stare at the spot where he was standing, the only movement occurring is his empty soup bowl slowly wobbling like a coin that's been spun and is about to land on one side.

The manager looks right at the waitress for the table and says, "That's coming out of your paycheck."

No one can skip out on a check like Batman!


Six is Sex in German

This afternoon, I was surfing on the internet, when I started to get the munchies. So I went into the kitchen to get something to eat, only we didn't really have that much to eat. I did manage to find half a bag of seasoned fries in the freezer though, so I threw those in the oven for about twenty minutes.

God, I love seasoned fries. They're so tasty and yummy.

So anyway, I go back into the living room with my plate full of fries, and who should I see at the keyboard? BATMAN!

"Holy hell, what are you doing here, Batman?" I asked him.

"Nothing much. Just writing something on the internet. Hey, what's that over there?" I turned around to see what he was pointing at (Nothing), and when I looked back...

He was gone.

I mean holy shit, how creepy is that?! I was standing between him and the only exit from the apartment, and he somehow got by me. So I go to look at the computer to see what he wrote, and he wrote:

QUOTE Usually I'd agree with you, but in this case the joint is owned by this guy from Columbia, so he's got the hook up when it comes to coffee..

He also smuggles cocaine.


Incidentally, it turns out he didn't leave, he was just hiding behind the couch waiting for me to leave the room so he could get out of there. Wonder how many times he's pulled that on Commissoner Gordon.


Se7en is a good movie

When I was growing up, my parents were always the really understanding kind of people, which frankly kind of drove me nuts. It seemed like nothing I did would faze them, they took just took it all in stride as "part of growing up" or were interested in "encouraging my uniqueness" or whatever.

I grew my hair out long, which was quite the rebellious act considering the strict dress code my school district had at the time. "Oh, you look just like your father did in the sixties," my mom tells me.

I grow a goatee, and all that happens is that my parents get me a beard and mustache trimmer for my birthday.

I get a tattoo, and all they can do is comment on what a lovely shade of purple that Decepticon insignia is.


So I decided to do the one thing that I was certain they could never spin into something positive, the one thing that I was absolutely sure that they could never view as a good thing... That's right, I decided to be a super villain's henchman.

Now this is not as easy as it sounds. You can't just walk right into a villain's hideout and say "Hey, where can I sign up?" That's why they're secret hideouts, their location is a secret. And even if you happen to know where their hideout is, you really can't get into the gang unless you know someone who's already in there, and I'm not really one that runs around in the criminal mastermind circuit.

And even if you know where the hideout is, and even if you know someone who can put in a word for you, there's still other criteria you have to meet to get in. It's like joining a Las Vegas dance show, you have to have a certain body type, etc. etc. Like Two-Face... Only hires identical twins. Poison Ivy? Only hires chicks. Joker? Well he pretty much hires anyone, but he has a tendency to kill 'em. Anyway, you get the idea.

So the best I could come up with was joining the gang of some wannabe villain who was calling himself The Jaywalker. He had blinking crosswalk signals on each shoulder, and we all had gray T-Shirts that said "DONT WALK" (sic) in all caps red letters. OK yeah, in retrospect that's an incredibly stupid super villian theme, but I was too awestruck by the sheer fact that I had managed to get myself into a super villian gang to really care.

So we were meeting in his "secret hideout" (Honestly I think it was just his mother's basement or something) one day, where he was outlying his "master plan." His master plan was to tie up traffic in downtown during rush hour by staging a massive coordinated jaywalking spree that would bring everything to a standstill and make countless people late getting home.

Once again, in retrospect this seems rather silly since we weren't going to steal any loot or anything...

But just as he gets done explaining his scheme, this Danny Elfman music starts up out of nowhere. We're just looking around wondering where its coming from like a bunch of doofuses, when all of a sudden there's this "PSHEW! *Chock!*" sound, and there's a zip line embedded in the table!

Then BATMAN comes zooming down the zip line through the window, and full on smashes his feet into The Jaywalker's face at full speed, just spinning him 'round in place like he were a top or something.

So he gets his bearings back just in time for Batman to grab him by the collar and just start whaling on him. "Wait!" he's screaming, "I give up! Oh god, why are you doing this to me! OW! Mah knews! Joo brooc mah knews!" But Batman just keeps hitting him, and hitting him, and hitting him... And then he finally looks over at the chalkboard that has the master plan on it, and figures out that we're just a jaywalking syndicate with delusions of grandeur.

So he drops our fearless leader (Who's crying like a baby at this point) in a bloody heap on the floor, and then turns towards us, and.... gave us a very stern talking-too about how every law is worth heeding, and by breaking the little ones it only leads on to the path to breaking the bigger ones, and how every sin is equal in the eyes of god (Which, in light of the fact that I found out he was Jesus, makes a lot more sense), and all that.

So as he's pulling out his little grappling hook gun thingy to take off, I just had to ask a question that had been bugging me.

"Hey Batman, wait... If all crimes are equally bad, aren't you just as bad as the villains then? I mean, you just commit ed assault at the very least just now, and I'm sure most places have laws against vigilante justice, to say nothing of the fact that I doubt your car is street legal, and certainly isn't licensed and registered, and--"

I don't really know what happened next, but I came out of my coma three weeks later with bandages on my face.

And THAT'S what happened to my nose. So stop asking.


Octopuses like this one

At UCSB -- like any other college campus -- they had a daily college paper. And inside this paper was a daily crossword puzzle. And every day, I'd try and do the crossword puzzle, but I was never very good at them.

It seems that crossword puzzles have two levels: "Absurdly easy" ("3 letter word for Man's Best Friend.") and "So incredibly vague that you can't possibly get it in a million years" ("Died in 1978."). The crossword puzzles in this paper were definitely the latter category. I had visions of some geeky nerd with a stack of almanacs in the paper's office underneath the bell tower, cackling away all night long as he concocted the most arcane crossword puzzles possible with the most useless clues imaginable.

And yet I still tried to do these damned things every day. I'm such a masochist.

So one time I'm walking to my job downtown after school, trying to work on this crossword puzzle along the way. And I'm like SO CLOSE to completing it, there were only three words I hadn't figured out yet, and it was driving me nuts. And just as I get to the corner of De La Vina and Carrillo, the BATMOBILE comes roaring around the corner and pulls up right in front of me!

The canopy opens up, and lo and behold, it's BATMAN!

"Excuse me," he says, "Can you tell me how to get back to the freeway?"

"Sure," I say, "you just have to head up Carrillo here for a couple blocks -- Hey wait a minute, don't you have OnStar?"

"Not anymore," he grumbled.

"Wow, what happened?"

"Well they only gave it to me for free while I was their spokesperson. But then I pulled a Shatner and they yanked the endorsement money."

"You did a what now?"

"Pulled a Shatner."

"What does 'pull a Shatner' mean?"

"William Shatner admitted in an interview that he never used Priceline, and it caused their stock price to tumble."

"Bummer. Hey, can I ask you a question?"


"What's a four letter word for Jedi master?"


"22 letter word for bird?"

"Yellow-bellied sap sucker."

"15 letter word in the dictionary?"


And he was RIGHT! :blink"


THe story seven eight

Fun fact: Last week the space time continuum was in danger of collapsing. Of course none of you actually remember this happening, that's something only myself and a select cadre of super-powered heroes who were present at the center of the nexus of the disturbance retained the ability to recall. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but lets just say it was a climatic three-issue crossover event where the total destruction of the universe was prevented and space/time set back on its proper course with a gasket and a length of rubber hose.

But ironically enough Batman wasn't there for that, so that's really not a story for this thread.

However, during the run up to the impending collapse of the space time continuum, there was this little problem with alternate dimension and time lines crossing over into our reality. Let me tell you, it got to be quite a hassle. Every time you opened a door and stepped through without looking to make sure that your own universe was in fact on the other side, you'd find yourself in some alternate version of reality.

And of course it's never a GOOD alternate version of reality where you're like king of the universe and surrounded by a harem of a hundred super sexy redheads or super rich or it rains donuts or something. No, you always end up in a world where humans are persecuted by super-intelligent dinosaurs, or where cows raise humans for food, or something like that.

One time I ended up in a world which seemed to have been populated by pudding, I swear to god.

So one night I wake up in the middle of the night and have to take a leak in the worst possible way. So I stumble out of the bedroom towards the bathroom, completely forgetting to check the other side of the door to make sure it's actually the bathroom.

Suddenly I'm very cold, and there's all this shouting and clanging and booming, the floor is heaving left and right, and there's this deafening roar of cannon fire, and all I can think is "Where did I leave that toilet?"

Eventually I woke up a little more and realized that, once again, I'd fallen through another rift in space and time. It was really annoying because it'd happened like six times that day alone, and I really had to take a piss like you wouldn't believe. Turned out I was on a pirate ship, which was just wonderful because I wasn't even sure if they even HAD toilets on those things.

So as I'm doing the potty dance, I decide to take in the sights around me. Not so much because I was interested in what was happening, but I figured that you know, in these life threatening situations it's best to try and survive until you can be sent back to your own time. Not that it really mattered that much, because this scurvy lot wasn't interested in me at all.

No, they were all rushing headlong towards the front of the ship, where a giant battle was taking place. Well it wasn't really a gigantic battle, it was just a bunch of pirates surrounding one lone figure, who was fighting them all off by his lonesome self. Eventually the crowd parted, and lo and behold, who should it be?


And you thought he kicked ass in our time line? You ain't seen nothing 'till you see Alternate Reality Buccaneer Batman go and skewer some pirates with his sword and pistol skills. He's all jumping off the rigging, and doing flips and stuff, and just totally laying waste to these guys.

It was so cool. A little gay, honestly, but cool. I mean he had this big giant hat with this huge purple feather in it...

So anyway, Batman finishes off all the pirates, and that's when he spots me just standing there in a t-shirt and boxers, looking completely stoned because for me, this is happening in the middle of the night (Well for me, anyway. It was daylight in Pirate World.) and all I want to do is go back to my own time and crawl into bed.

"Ahoy there, scalawag!" he shouts at me.

"Whazah now?" I mumbled back.

"Dost ye yield?"

"What, like at intersections?"

"Dost thou surrender before my blade?"

"Huh? Your blade surrenders second or something?"

At this point he started rubbing the temples of his mask like I was giving him a headache or something. C'mon... I'm giving YOU a headache? You're not time-skipping in your jammies and winding up on a pirate ship when all you want to do is take a leak.

I would have told him as much, but the rocking of the waves finally go to me and I puked on the spot. And of course at that very moment I was warped back to my own time, so I finally got to use the damned toilet.

As I crawled back into bed, Crystal says "Why do you smell like salt and vomit?"



You know what I hate? Musicals. Honestly, I just can't stand them. Well I liked Little Shop of Horrors and Moulin Rouge, but that was it. Everything else just bores the everliving snot out of me... I mean c'mon, we're supposed to believe that a song and dance number can spontaneously break out where everyone knows the words and choreography? Puh-leeze. I hate musicals with every fiber of my being.

You know what Crystal likes? Musicals. Honestly, she just loves them. So when we have to decide between "Do we see a musical because Crystal wants to see it" and "Do we not see a musical because Mike would rather take a pencil, jab it in his eyes, and spend the next six weeks in a hospital trying not to move and wondering what he'd look like in a jaunty eye patch than see a musical," which choice do we pick?

We see the musical. Because otherwise I wouldn't get to have sex for six weeks.

So of course some theater in town is putting on a live performance of Chicago. Because you know, it wasn't bad enough that we had to see the putrid pile of vomit when it was a movie (How did this win the Oscar for best picture? HOW?), now we have to go see the live stage performance.

Oh god, kill me now.

So we go to the theater to see this damned play. There's some musical number on stage... I don't recall which one, because they all sucked. Besides, I was to busy sharpening my pencil to jam it in my eye so I could get the heck out of Dodge. That's when I heard this ominous creaking sound coming from above the stage. "Oh thank god," I'm thinking. They're going to have a problem with the performance and we'll have to go home early.

Let's just say "having a problem with the performance" was an understatement.

All of a sudden, the lighting rigging gives way, and comes swooping down onto the stage, a juggernaut of sharp, pointy metal and burning lights. Needless to say it impaled and crushed the performers on the spot, leaving their limp and bleeding bodies clinging to the last spark of life, doomed to a gruesome death unless by some miracle someone in the audience had sufficient medical knowledge and happened to have an ER's worth of equipment in their belt.

Wink wink nudge nudge.

And sure enough, who should come running down the aisle to leap up on the stage but BATMAN!

He checked the pulse of the actors, then stood up slowly, head bent low. He moved towards the center of the stage as the crowd looked on expectantly, hoping beyond hope that he had some good news to share. Suddenly, his head shoots up from his chest...

And he begins to SING!

It was amazing! What were the odds that you'd go to see Chicago performed live on stage, only to wind up watching a one man show of Batman performing the entire play! THE ENTIRE PLAY! You would not BELIEVE the range of this guy's voice! He hit every high note and every low note with perfection, and had every last step of the dances committed to memory.

And the way he tap danced around the twitching corpses of the actors and the twisted wreckage of the lighting rigging, it was like it wasn't even there! After a while you didn't even notice it, it was like part of the scenery. It was absolutely brilliant. You'd never guess that Batman had this sort of performance brilliance underneath that cowl.

Of course at the end of the play, he got a standing ovation. And not just because it's become a meaningless gesture that is expected at the end of every performance of any sort, but because the audience felt he REALLY deserved it. It was just indescribably fantastic, the English language lacks the capacity to encapsulate the sheer awesomeness of the spectacle.

It was SUCH a huge hit, that during the next performance they even intentionally killed the understudies in the hopes that Batman might make an encore performance, but no such luck. I was truly blessed to witness this event.

I still hate musicals, but now I can chalk up "Batman performing Chicago" along with Little Shop of Horrors and Moulin Rouge as the very few musicals that I actually enjoyed.


Oh look another tale!

When I was a kid, my favorite place to go was Sea World. I was wild about marine biology right up through most of college, but then there was this one biochemistry class that I couldn't pass to save my life (and I'd barely hung on to the curve for the previous chemistry classes leading up to it), so I had to change my major to zoology.

Which is just as well, because going to UCSB with a zoology major places a heavy emphasis on marine animals since the campus is right on the coast. We even have an "aquarium" of sorts, although really it's more like a shed with tanks of water in it for holding specimens for lab classes. I used to love to hang out in there between periods, they had these lobsters that were like 80 years old and nearly the length of my arm.

Wouldn't want to get into a fight with one of those, I tell you what... Fortunately we've got slipper lobsters here on the west coast, so they don't have those giant pincers like the ones you find in Maine. They do have really spiny shells though, so if they flick you with their tail they can cause a nasty gash...

But enough about lobster fighting. To celebrate my graduation from college, we went to Sea World, which I haven't been to in like 10 years. I couldn't tell you how much had changed since my memory was so foggy, but I just figure all the stuff I forgot means that it's like new when I see it again.

As you know, at Sea World they have a penguin exhibit, where the penguins just kind of hang around on a fake iceberg and go for dips in the water. I wonder if they keep that water real cold for them or something, because I doubt that birds that live in Antarctica are well equipped for living in San Diego... Anyway, I'm watching the little guys do their thing, when I notice some guy making his way to the center of the exhibit. I figure it's just some maintenance guy or a trainer or something, but then I look closer.

Wait a minute, Sea World employees don't wear capes and cowls! That's BATMAN!

While I'm sitting there pondering what possible reason Batman could have for wandering around in the penguin exhibit at Sea World, he reaches down and grabs one of the penguins and hoists it up so he's looking it in the eye.

"Alright, no more games," he growled. "Tell me who's moving the drugs on the street!" he yelled as he proceeded to shake the penguin like a rag doll.

"Awk! Awk! Awk!" was all the poor penguin could strangle out...

"Talk! TALK DAMN YOU!" Batman screamed, as he proceeded to beat the hell out of this tiny little penguin. He was kicking it, and throwing it against the walls, and screaming like a madman.

"Holy hell," I thought, "Batman's gone and completely lost it." "Hey, Batman!" I yelled out, "What the hell are you DOING?!"

"Don't bother me! Can't you see I'm trying to shake down The Penguin for information?" he yelled over his shoulder.

"Um... I don't think that's the Penguin, I think it's just a penguin."

Batman looked real close at the half-dead bird in his hands. "Are you sure? He's short, got a big nose, is wearing a black and white outfit, and goes 'Awk awk awk.'"

"Yeah, I think that's why the Penguin calls himself 'The Penguin.'"

"You know, I never stopped to think of it that way. I guess it makes sense. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go beat the crap out of my source who told me the Penguin was in this enclosure."

"Who's your source?"

"A puffin, two enclosures over."

And with a shot from his grappling hook launcher, he was out of there, leaving the penguins in a tizzy. That man has issues.


How many of these things are there?

I got my first apartment the summer before my junior year at UCSB. I dilly-dallied, delayed, and just generally put off finding a place to live for quite a while, until it got to the point that my only hope was to answer some ads in the newspaper looking for roommates. I'm a pretty easy to get along with kind of guy, so I took my chances and ended up signing a lease for a place to be shared with three other people, although only two of us were going to be living there that summer, and one of them I'd never met.

So yeah, it's two guys and two girls in one two bedroom apartment. Hilarity ensues.

Anyway, the second girl moves in like two weeks before school starts. Her name was Becky, and good lord was she hot. I went through the entire school year being totally in love with this girl, but of course nothing was ever going to come of it. Let me tell you, you think unrequited love is bad? Try living with the object of your affection and knowing that she would never go for a guy like you. The closest I would ever get to sleeping with her was catching a wayward glance of her breast down the collar of her T-shirt when she was bending over to look inside the fridge one night. And its not like I even saw nipple, so that shouldn't even count.

And of course she was a redhead. And redheads drive me absolutely crazy...

So anyway, one of the jobs she got while in college was working as a henchman (We in the biz call it "henching") working for Poison Ivy. Apparently the money was good, and she had to wear all these skimpy plant-themed outfits, so it's not like I didn't benefit in some regard. I also got ALL the dirty details about her operation ("So is Poison Ivy a lesbian?" "Oh yeah. I have to fend her off with a stick.").

So anyway, one night I'm feeling thirsty, so I go to the kitchen to get myself something to drink. I'm kind of groggy and all, so while I'm rustling through the fridge it takes me a minute to realize what's off. The first thing I notice is that the bottle of Coca Cola seems to have pointy ears and eyes. The second thing I notice is that it's not really a bottle of Coke at all, but rather a head with a mask that had a Coca Cola label taped onto the forehead. The third thing I notice is that this head is staring right at me. That's when it hits me: Holy hell, that's not a bottle of Coke!

That's BATMAN in my fridge!

"Uh... Batman, what are you doing in my fridge?"

"I am not Batman. I am a bottle of Coca Cola Classic, as clearly indicated by my product labeling," he said as he pointed to the logo on his head.

"Looks like you just stuck a label onto your forehead..."

"Alright, you caught me. I am Batman."

"That still doesn't explain what you're doing in my fridge."

"I'm waiting for your roommate Becky."

"Ah, so you know she's a henchman for Poison Ivy and want to give her the shakedown to find out what her plan is?"

"Um... Yeah. Sure."



"You just want to see her breasts down the front of her shirt when she bends over to reach inside the fridge, don't you?"

"Yeah. Pretty much."

"Best of luck to you. Can I have a glass of juice?"


Dental Plan!

I have a friend on my AIM buddy list that I end up chatting to most every night. We usually only talk about two things: The Simpsons, and... Um... OK, guess it's just that one thing. I guess it's just lucky that the Simpsons have such a prolific body of work, because otherwise we'd run out of things to talk about in an awful hurry.

Anyway, so last month we were having a discussion on who we each thought the most underused bit character in the Simpsons was. For him, he thought it was Nelson's dad. You may remember his only legitimate appearance in the episode where Homer becomes a boxer. After that, his appearance changed and he only showed up when Nelson was hallucinating or something.

WTF kind of choice is that? He wasn't even that funny, it was just supposed to be an analogy of Homer getting beaten up by the fathers of the bullies that beat up Bart. I mean the overall joke was fairly good, but the character was ultimately forgettable.

For my money, the best character to never get the chance to shine was Dr. Shapiro from the episode where Homer became the leader of his union and Lisa needed braces. Just the way they animated the scenes with him, lurking in the darkness while his hapless patients stared into the glaring light over their face, only to have him spring forward and yell at them about their dental habits.

Plus he had that whole Hannibal Lector voice going on...

"How often do you brush, Ralph?"

"Twice a day, sir."

"Must you turn my office into a house of LIES?"

And of course he only got the one episode to appear in... I mean c'mon, they brought back Dr. Monroe, and they outright said he was DEAD both in the show and in the official website. The least they could do is an episode where Lisa gets her braces removed and pull Dr. Shapiro out of the mothballs.

So anyway, the moment I finish the conversation, that episode's most memorable moment pops into my head, where Homer is staring off into space hearing Lenny and Marge's voice repeating the same two sentences over and over and over again.

And of all the luck, the damned thing gets stuck in my head like a song that you can't get rid of.

"Goodbye dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

"Dental plan!"

"Lisa needs braces."

Annoying as all hell, isn't it? Now imagine it was stuck in your head for about 48 hours, give or take.

As you can imagine, I lasted about six hours before I went quite mad.

Yes, I went stark raving crazy. I mixed green and clear glass in the recycling bin. I drank red wine with fish instead of white. I signed up for the Columbia Music Club. I removed the tags off mattresses that you aren't supposed to remove. I wore black socks with shorts. I ate my entree with the salad fork. I didn't separate my lights and darks in the laundry. I went over my past tax returns to make sure I didn't shortchange the government.

I voted for Dennis Kucinich in the primaries.

And apparently at one point I ran around downtown naked wearing some poor sap's bloody skull on top of my head screaming, "I am a fairy princess!" But I don't remember that happening.

So anyway, I'm scrounging around in an alley somewhere, covered in filth and arguing with the rats (But the damned buggers just wouldn't see my point.). "Don't you GET IT?" I'd scream, "Lisa needs braces! SHE NEEDS BRACES! But if they lose the dental plan, then they'll have to pay for the braces themselves! Where are you going?! COME BACK HERE YOU FILTHY VERMIN, I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!"

So I'm crawling after the scurrying rats in my haze of insanity down the alley, when I run into a pair of legs. Looking up and who should I see?

BATMAN! In all his glory, his massive frame framed by the silver orb of the full moon hanging in a sky lit blood red by the lighting of the diseased city below. And, just for the moment, I regained enough of my senses to plead for help.

"Batman," I said, "please, you've got to give me some knockout gas or something... Anything, ANYTHING to make the voices stop!"

Moving so fast that I don't even know what's happened, he backhands my face and my temple explodes in pain and I witness the birth of the universe as a billion tiny stars appear in my line of sight.

"OW! You sadistic ass, what the-- Hey, the voices stopped! Oh wait, there they go again..."

BAM! Another crack, this time to the other side of the head.

"It's working! Quick, hit me again!"


"Don't be a pussy!" I gurgle through a mouth filled with blood. "HIT ME!"


And so the savage beating continued, each blow knocking another word of the torturous meme out of my mind (And taking several teeth with it). Finally, when I could barely hold a coherent thought in my head, let alone a repetitious bit of dialog, I grinned a gaping smile and squinted through swollen eyes and said "There. It's finally gone. Thanks Batman!"

"Not a problem," he said as he turned away and left me hunched over a pool of my blood in the alley.

And yet as he walked away, something started to worm its way into my head ad naseum...

"Nunna nunna nunna nunna, nunna nunna nunna nunna, BATMAN!"



Insert an interseting title here

Ever since I was twelve, all I really wanted was a trench coat. I don't think it was that unreasonable a request, but my parents seemed to be opposed to it for no other reason than because they could be. I mean it's not like back in '92 there was any sort of Columbine stigma attached to a trench coat, no, it had nothing worse than... you know flashers and Colombo and stuff.

Maybe they just didn't like Colombo.

Anyway, in college I finally managed to acquire a trench coat. What I didn't realize though was that the waterproofing on them wears off after a while. How was I supposed to know? I'd never owned a coat, and no one had ever said "Gee, don't you hate it when the waterproofing on your trench coat wears off?" to me or anything. And honestly it didn't really rain especially frequently in Santa Barbara, so this was something that could go on for quite some time without you ever realizing that it doesn't repel water anymore.

And since this is my life, guess how I end up finding out? Yeah, when a friggin' hurricane comes ashore and starts blowing rain horizontally while I'm walking from the campus to my apartment in Isla Vista. By the time I got home, one side of my trench coat was 50 pounds heavier, because apparently when it's not repelling water, it's absorbing it like a sponge.

So while it's drying out over the period of god only knows how long, I do some checking and find that you have to take it to the dry cleaners when you want to get the waterproofing reapplied.

So I take it to the dry cleaning place nearest to my house, and as I'm waiting there at the counter waiting for some service, this big moving van starts backing up into the parking lot. I don't think anything of it until the driver walks into the shop and plunks down a shoebox jam packed with claim tickets.

I look, and then do a double take. That's BATMAN standing next to me!

"Wow, what are you doing here, Batman?" I ask.

"Picking up my dry cleaning. I have to get my suits cleaned periodically."

"Holy hell man, how many suits do you have?"


"What on earth do you need so many suits for?"

"I have one for every situation."


"EVERY situation."

"Arctic expedition suit?" He rummages through his box, and thrusts a claim ticket in my direction.

"Low orbital flight suit?" Another second of looking through the box, another claim ticket.

"Aquatic exploration?" He produced yet another ticket.

"Space combat?" Claim ticket.

"Stealth cloaking?" Claim ticket.

"Jungle ambush?" Claim ticket.

"Sewer diving?" Claim ticket.

"Formal wear?" Claim ticket.

"Semi-Formal wear?" Claim ticket.

"Casual wear?" Claim ticket.

"Lion taming?" Claim ticket.

"Alligator wrestling?" Claim ticket.

"Water cooler chat?" Claim ticket.

"Anti-leg humping dog suit?" Claim ticket.

"Accosted by a homeless guy named Steve on a Wednesday in July?"

"I've got one for a guy named Bob..."

"Close enough. Wow, guess you really do have a suit for every situation. And to think all this time we all just thought Hasbro and Mattel were being stupid for making endless swarms of you in different suits."

"Nope. All licensed products."

"Huh. Go figure."

As I was leaving the store, I could hear Batman arguing with the clerk at the counter.

"What do you mean 'describe it?' Oh all right... It's got a big bat symbol on the chest, it's covered in neon green stripes-- What? Yes, I KNOW its supposed to be urban camouflage, but you're not in charge of naming these things, are you? Don't you give me lip!"



I haven't done a toy review of any sort in forever. Since I always liked doing them, and I'm really liking Alternator Smokescreen, so I decided to make him the topic of my glorious return to reviewing.

Yes, I know he's already been reviewed by numerous people for many months, but to them I say: Screw you! It's Mike's time to shine, damn it!

Vehicle mode

First let me start off by saying how surprised I was to find that there was not one twisty tie to be found on the packaging of this guy. Instead, he was encased in a molded plastic bubble. I don't remember the last time that's happened.

Hell, I don't remember it happening ever at all. Go figure.

Now obviously the emphasis of this toy is on the realistic vehicle mode. This is clearly indicated by the packaging, which seems to declare,

SUBARU IMPREZA WRC (Oh, by the way his name is Smokescreen)

I'm sure I don't have to tell you how amazing his vehicle mode is, but guess what? I'm going to anyway. The amount of detail on this thing is phenomenal... all four doors open, the hood opens, the trunk opens (Although granted they don't open very far, but still that's way more than they had to do), there's an actual engine under the hood... It's all just so... god damn.

And that's not even getting into the little tiny details that they probably could have left out like the gear shift and parking brake in the interior, to say nothing of the AC vents, turn signals, and COIN TRAY on the dashboard. And they even made it have quasi-functional steering, implemented in a pretty ingenious way of coordinating the front two wheels with magnets. Seriously, would anyone have noticed it if it were missing? There was no reason for anyone to do this other than for boasting rights about how much they kick ass.

And kick ass they do.

I only have one complaint about the vehicle mode, and I'm not even sure it's a valid one. That being that the front doors don't have windows of any sort. I don't know if the actual Subaru rally racer doesn't have them (In which case it makes perfect sense), but it seems odd to not include them, yet have the back door windows and both windshields present.

Ah well, I can always pretend they're just rolled down or something.

Transformation to robot[/b[

Smokescreen here definitely hails from the RiD Autobot Brothers school of design, only carried out to the Nth degree.

I know people have been railing on Hasbro for their lackluster instructions for the Alternators, but honestly I didn't find him to be THAT complicated. Sure, he gave me a few head scratching moments to figure out what to do, but just a few glances at the pictures on the box was more than enough for me to figure out the vast majority of it. The only things I missed were flipping the roof of the car over (Which seems to be little more than an extra step added for the sake of adding an extra step), and the heels in his feet that the instructions seem to indicate are actually to keep his toes from collapsing (Not that they were doing that in the first place.).

So yeah, he's complex, but nothing that can't be figured out.

I would have gladly sacrificed the steering alignment in the front wheels if it had meant that I could transform the arms without so many contortions to work the little bit with the magnet on it around the edges of the hood and all.

[b]Robot Mode

For a line that's basically seemingly built around the old school G1 character given new and modern upgrades, to me it seems that Smokescreen has retained the most of the characteristics from his G1 form. It seems that with each unveiling of a new Alternator, they seem to be drifting further and further away from their G1 counterparts, whereas Smokescreen is firmly anchored in all kinds of nostalgia.

Granted, he no longer turns into the same kind of car, but his robot mode maintains the same shape and much of the details such as his head and forearms. Yeah, he no longer has the red-orange color present anywhere on him, and he doesn't have shoulder mounted missile launchers (Even though there's two holes that would be perfect for holding them right behind his head on the gray bar his windshield is attached to), but practically everything else is spot on. Hell, even his gun is a reasonable interpretation of the original's, given the limitations of the fact it had to turn into the engine.

His articulation is fairly impressive too, featuring articulation in the hip, knee, ankle, waist, head, wrist, fingers, elbow, and the shoulder. However once again the curse of the steering gimmick strikes again in SEVERELY hampering his lateral shoulder movement since the little bit with the magnet butts up against the chest. Once again, I'd have gladly sacrificed the steering gimmick for an easier time transforming the arms and more movement. He also lacks any ability to swivel his arm at the elbows, but that's a lot easier for me to overlook compared to the shoulder thing.

Still, otherwise an utterly fantastic robot mode.

Transformation back to vehicle

I really really REALLY hope you paid close attention to what the hell you were doing when you were turning him into robot mode, because now you've got to reverse it all.

Doesn't sound that hard, but getting each and every little individual bit to line up juuuuuuuuuuuust right is kind of a pain in the ass. It takes much fiddling and fiddling and fiddling to get everything perfectly aligned.

And I don't know if this happened with anyone else's Alternator Smokescreen, but as it turns out, mine was apparently actually a puzzle box that opened a portal to Hell.

I know this because after trying to get everything in perfect place for 20 minutes, I finally succeeded. And immediately the room was cloaked in darkness, and a bunch of chains came flying out the shadows to hoist me off the ground, and who should appear but Pinhead and his Cenobite friends.

"What the hell!" I yelled, "I didn't open the box!"

"True," said Pinhead, "but we've been branching out into absurdly complex transforming toys. Many little Japanese children have had their sooooooooooooooooooouls torn asunder."

"That would explain the goblins that would show up every time I try and transformed Dinobot Slapper," I mused.

"No, that's just because you do to much LSD," he retorted. "Now we shall tear your soooooooooooooooooooul apart."

"Do you always have to say it like that?"

"Say what? 'Apart?'"

"No, 'soul.' It's only one syllable, not like... eight."

"Oh do shut up. We have such wonderful torments to inflict upon you--"

At that point, without warning something came flying out of the dark and embedded itself firmly in the forehead of one of the Cenobites. "Ow..." he mumbled as he collapsed into a leather-clad heap.

Wait, what is that in his head? Is it? Could it be? Yes!


Suddenly, BATMAN leaps from the shadows and starts laying the smack down on the remaining Cenobites! Fortunately for him, their BDSM outfits aren't designed for quick movements. Unfortunately for them, Batman is the master of martial arts.

The friggin' MASTER I tell you.

So pretty soon it's just Pinhead and Batman, and Pinhead does that thing where he just stares all evil like, and then the chains come to life to try and hook themselves in Batman's flesh. But Batman just can't be caught man, he just can't be caught! He dodges left, he dodges right, he does a triple reverse back flip through the air, and before you know it... He's holding all the chains in his iron fist.

"Oh bloody hell..." muttered Pinhead.

"You got that right," growled Batman, who then proceeded to beat the snot out of Pinhead and string him up from the wall like a duck in the window of a shop in Chinatown.

"Wow," I said, "I never knew that collecting Transformers could be so dangerous."

And just like that, the Cenobites were gone, and Batman took off into the night. Of course I went and exchanged my Smokescreen for a non-soul damning version, since obviously I can't always count on Batman to save my ass.

It's still a pain in the ass to get back in to vehicle mode though.


Awesome vehicle mode, awesome robot mode, and pretty darn reasonably priced at 20 bucks given his size. Go buy 'im.


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