
From Superdickery

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The sweetest little Norse goddess in blue spandex with a white tanktop over it you could ever hope to meet, even though she likes to eat baby seals.  Also known as Tora Olafsdotter, Ice has control over, well, ice.  Was a member of Justice League International, where she was best friends with [[Fire]] and snugglebunnies with [[Guy Gardner]] of all people.
Died.  Got better.  [[Mark Waid]] rejoiced.  Currently possibly joining the [[Birds of Prey]], since that was the title she was resurrected in. Since her revival, she has been reunited with Fire.  Then there was a Hollywood-kiss with Guy.  Sweet lovings to follow.  Or at least they were until Guy abandoned her for EPIC SPACE ADVENTURES.
[[Category: Superheroes]]
[[is:Ís (vatn)]]

Revision as of 14:12, 8 September 2010

af:Ys als:Eis ang:Īs ar:جليد an:Chelo arc:ܓܠܝܕܐ ast:Xelu gn:Yrypy'a ay:Chhullunkhaya bn:বরফ bs:Led bg:Лед ca:Gel cv:Пăр cs:Led cy:Iâ da:Is pdc:Eis de:Eis et:Jää el:Πάγος es:Hielo eo:Glacio eu:Izotz fa:یخ fr:Glace ga:Oighear gd:Dèigh gl:Xeo ko:얼음 hi:बर्फ़ hr:Led io:Glacio id:Es zu:Iqhwa is:Ís (vatn) it:Ghiaccio he:קרח ka:ყინული sw:Barafu ht:Glas la:Glacies lv:Ledus lt:Ledas ln:Galási hu:Jég mk:Мраз mg:Ranomandry mr:बर्फ ms:Ais nl:IJs ja:氷 no:Is nn:Is nrm:Gllèche oc:Glaç uz:Muz nds:Ies pl:Lód pt:Gelo ro:Gheață qu:Chullunku ru:Лёд sah:Муус sq:Akulli scn:Ghiacciu simple:Ice sk:Ľad sl:Led sr:Лед sh:Led su:És fi:Jää sv:Is tl:Yelo th:น้ำแข็ง tg:Ях chr:ᎤᏁᏍᏓᎳ tr:Buz uk:Лід ur:برف vec:Giaso wa:Glaece yi:אייז zh-yue:冰 bat-smg:Leds zh:冰

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