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The Churning Waves

This Kingdom is a vast and endless ocean, prone to sudden shifts in weather and random movements of the tides. It is here where emotion lives before it is understood. It is here where the desire to be safe, to be gratified, to be fulfilled is born. Whereas in Muladhara, you see solid ideas like 'meat' or 'hunt', the feelings of flavor and the thrill of the chase live here, unbound and free. The realm is more abstract that Muladhara, but is drawn in the colors of animal reaction and instinct, with the innocent eyes of one who does not yet consider the depth of feelings. It is a place of action above all.


The vast ocean of Swadhisthana is not without islands of relative stability. In fact, these islands are formed by the needs and subconscious desires of those who populate them. A band of travelers will likely find themselves uponaan island that resounds most closely with the emotional mood of the Shatter they left behind. Life flourishes here, much like in Muladhara, but items are less likely to remain as they are in the face of strong, uncontrolled emotion. Storms caused by the anger of a denizen will sweep away the trees that offer fruits of satisfaction. The terror of a fleeing demon will cause flowers of flowing wine to close up into buds or freeze, offering no fragrance or suserrtenance.

The islands of Swadhisthana are separated by sometimes endless bridges and causeways. The Network flows under them, sometimes sinking beneath the waves and sometimes holding paths of stone, earth, or glass aloft. Forged materials are rare, usually the sign of a strong will. Regardless of their composition, these bridges weave together disparate ideas, and it is quite easy to relocate a place one has been by taking the first bridge one finds. The islands themselves will seek to alter the moods of the traveler towards one more appropriate to what they seek.


Both the greatest danger and the likeliest benefit of Swadhisthana is the water. The water is, itself, life, though that can mean very different things in different situations. On an island dedicated to simple lusts, the water may be an aphrodisiac. In a placid island pond, a depressant like alcohol. In a place of rage, it may be a fiery whiskey that awakens the desire to attack. The waters can grant bonuses or inflict penalties up to +/- 2 on a variety of rolls, and may require rolls of Stamina + Composure to avoid being swept up in those emotions for a scene. Any water pooled within an island is always potable, however, making base survival relatively easy.

Unusual, but edible plants are also common, though the juices of island fruits may be even more potent than the water itself, in some cases, causing the subject to completely give themselves over to an emotion until exhausted, without a successful extended Stamina + Composure rule, requiring anywhere from 3 to 10 successes. Failure at any point means that the fruit has overwhelmed the reason of the subject. Spending a point of Willpower can break that control for a turn or redirect it to a more appropriate target.

The water from the sea itself is almost random in its potential. During gentle waters with a kind breeze, it may just be pleasant drinking water. During a storm, the liquid may burn or numb the flesh. At other times, it may be hot enough to scald. Complicating matters, the tide can change at random, swallowing up bridges and anyone on them, potentially leaving them lost at sea. One might be able to swim to another bridge, but they are literally swimming in a sea of emotion, which can do anything from causing dice bonuses or penalties, to inflicting environmental damage, as per the World of Darkness rulebook.


= Optional Rule: Swadisthana and Vampires

Those who call themselves Kindred are not alive. They are dual beings, caught somewhere between. Both social and isolated, alive and dead, human and all too beastly in their nature. It can be quite a shock, then, for a Kindred to find themselves within the endless sea. For one thing, though the Kingdom may appear as light or dark, the place will not burn them and they need not fear Rotschreck from sunlight. They need not fear for blood, either. The waters and fruits of Swadhisthana sustain them fully, replenishing their Blood traits without problem. However, any emotional urging caused by such substances will remain until such tainted 'Vitae' is spent.

More telling are the changes wrought upon a Kindred after tasting the bounty of the Kingdom. Their Social pools are no longer capped by their Humanity when dealing with mortals, and they automatically gain the benefits of the Blush of Health while the waters or fruits are in their system. However, the necessary successes to avoid a frenzy are doubled while so intoxicated. Both their Humanity and the Beast are well-fed and eager to rise to the surface, causing a difficult paradox.

A vampire who struggles and comes to accept a higher degree of Humanity while within this Kingdom may gain a dot of Humanity without expending experience points. This can be done only once in a Kindred's existence, however. Any other benefits gained from Swadhisthana fade as soon as the Kindred is returned to the World.

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