Appendix 3: Random Design Notes

From Summoner

Revision as of 04:51, 28 February 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


Design Notes

- It would be wicked awesome if I could get splat-art...
- Best link ever for minor arcana quickref.
- Completely unrelated link Saint's Above
- Another completely unrelated link: Crown Prince

Theoretical Art Ideas



A soldier in a dress uniform, proudly gazing left into a mirror. An Alter Self of flame and armor gazing through the mirror on the right.


A woman, small and gentle, being embraced by an Alter Self, powerful and sensual.


Someone holding a long chain, tied around his/her arm, to an Alter Self like a hound.


A conservative 'looking' woman, unless you look closely. Hints of tattoos, piercing, etc. Her Alter Self is distinctly Giger/Digital Devil Saga-ish, blades and maws.


An androgene with their alter self intertwined and flowing 'through' them. An arm going through the front of his/her chest to caress his/her cheek.


The Sword

Someone with lots of sword symbols on their clothing/accessories, with a nice, big gun and attitude.

The Cup

Someone with an open-handed gesture, bandaged wrists, ecstatic eyes.

The Coin

Mephistopheles in a goddamn business suit and a grin...pentagrams on the backs of his/her gloves.

The Wand

Geeky student with a distinctly otherworldly book in one hand, and a cell phone in the other.

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