The Art of Investiture

From Summoner

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King's Crest (O)

The Summoner invests a small portion of his Id into a mundane object, strengthening all or part of its concept. A sword will have more 'sharp', a gun will have more 'shoot', and all in all, the item will seem to be of greater quality or importance. Each point of Id invested into an object gives it a +1 bonus to rolls that suit its nature, or to impress. Any one item can offer no more than a total +5 bonus from this power. A Summoner may choose either Crafts or Persuasion as the Skill that ties in with this power, at the time of purchase. Where one King knows the object and enhances its craftsmanship, another coaxes glory out of the item.
Cost: 1 Id per bonus die
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts or Persuasion + Investiture
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The device consumes the Id and instead of being enforced, it is perversed. It suffers a penalty equal to the Id devoured, until a day has passed.
Failure: The Id fails to linger within the concept of the object, and nothing occurs.
Success: The object resounds with Id, lingering in the perceptions of others and improving in function. This lasts for a number of rolls equal to the successes of the activation of King's Crest.
Exceptional Success: As with standard success, but the device refuses to fail in its purpose. Treat all dramatic failures as simple failures.

Suggested modifiers

Modifier Situation
+2 The object is unique in some way or made by Summoner himself
-1 The Summoner has never used the object before.

Blessed Elixir (OO)

Taking the Art of Investiture to the next step, the King puts some of his Id into the object to grant it potent, but temporary effects of legendary proportion. Such grandeur takes a toll on the invested object, however, rendering it inert and useless once its potency has expired. Medicinal objects designed to treat a disease send it into abeyance, if not completely healing non-chronic illnesses. Those designed to staunch bleeding can go so far as to heal a wound.
Other, stranger effects should be left to the Storyteller's discretion, but however potent, do not forget that the object cannot survive this potent investment. Any item has a maximum number of uses equal to the user's dots of Investiture, or the natural usability of the item. (A potion, once drank, is fully expended.)
While Occult is the proper skill for any use of Blessed Elixir, Crafts or Medicine may be applied towards appropriate uses of the power.
Cost: 2 Id per 'dose'
Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Investiture
Action: Extended; 5-15 successes, each roll represents one minute. For each point of Health a potion can heal, it requires 5 successes of effort. For each 'unit of value', follow that general rubric.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Something has gone terribly wrong in the infusion. All previous work is lost. Usually, that's the only problem...usually.
Failure: No progress is made, but the potion or enchantment is still viable with a bit more work.
Success: You make progress towards completing the elixir or item.
Exceptional Success:You make significant progress, but no other benefits...usually.

Suggested Modifiers

Modifier Situation
+2 The object was created by the investing Summoner
+1 The object is of high quality or exceptional cost
-2 The object is generic or of inferior quality

Amass the Hoard (OOO)

Instead of investing Id into an object's state of being, the Summoner now possesses the finesse to turn Id into concrete matter, in the form of an oddly glossy Tarot card. With a ritual gesture of some sort, the card seems to appear as if part of a sleight of hand trick. The card can be either a blank, or if the Summoner wishes, can bear an image of their current Alter Self.
The Summoner does not have to use his own Id on the invocation. By performing the trick for another, they may invest Id into the card by 'buying into' the trick. If taken from another Summoner, the card always bears their current Alter Self as its image. If a demon, it shows a stylized version of their arcanum. Demons of Rank 5 or better may still show a personal image, to display their exceptional power and Ego.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Investiture
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Not only does the investiture fail, the Summoner loses up to 3 points of Id.
Failure: The calling fails, leaving a dramatic, but empty-handed flourish.
Success: You succeed in creating the card, storing up to your successes in Id on it.
Exceptional Success: Raw personality and nature flow easily from the Summoner's fingertips. The Willpower cost is refunded.

Suggested Modifiers

(Table to follow)

Modifier Situation
+1 to +3 Also trained in Larceny (+1 for 1,+2 for 3,+3 for 5)

Vassal's Boon (OOOO)

The Summoner takes the basic mastery of Id developed earlier, and learns how to store more specialized expressions of Id: Numina. When this power is invoked with a willing demon or Summoner, he may store a single use of a single Numina as an extended action, requiring a number of successes equal to the demon's Rank. Each roll represents a minute of focused conjuration. This costs a single point of Id from both contributors.
This power can also be used in combat, but not without risks. When subject to a harmful Numina, the Summoner may attempt to 'capture' the use. To capture an incoming threat, however, requires a point of Willpower. If you simply match the demon's successes, the Numina is negated, but the card is useless and bursts into harmless blue flame, leaving only dust.
In either case, with a use of an Id, any Summoner may activate the card, using the Numina with the original spirit's full dice pool. Afterwards, the card dissapears in a flicker of blue flame.
Cost: 1 Id, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Investiture
Action: Extended, when willing; Contested otherwise, versus the Numina's activation or attack roll.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Not only does the investiture fail, the Numina backfires onto the Summoner. If capturing, the Summoner loses any Defense or Resistance against the blow.
Failure: The binding makes no progress, but you may continue. On capturing, the Numina goes through without any hindrance.
Success: You accumulate successes towards creating the card. When capturing, you exceed the demon's successes, and capture a full use fo the Numina.
Exceptional Success: As with a regular success. Extra successes are their own reward.

Suggested Modifiers

Modifier Situation
+2 The Summoner is trying to catch a Numina he already possesses
+1 The Summoner has witnessed the demon perform the Numina before
-2 The Summoner has already lost part or all of his Defense

The Gilded Cage (OOOOO)

At this level, the Summoner may invest not only Id, but even the very Ego of beings created entirely of thought and definition: demons. By invoking this Art, the Summoner begins to glow to those with Twilight perceptions, as waves and tendrils of Id seem to flow from the demon into the Summoner's hand. A struggle begins, between the presence of power the Summoner can present and the demon's natural resilience. If the Summoner prevails, the demon is bound into a card unique in appearance to that demon. If the demon succeeds, he is merely irritated at the attempted caging, and is likely to get hostile in a hurry.
While bound, the Summoner has many options. As long as the demon's traits do not exceed the limits of the Summoner's Ego, he may use it as an Alter Soul for a number of days equal to his his successes on the final roll to activate the power, regardless of the number of Souls he already possesses. Any other Summoner may try to use the card, but must immediately make a contested roll of Presence + Intimidation + Investiture vs. the demon's Resistance + Ego. If they succeed, they may use the card freely for the duration of the power. If the demon succeeds, however, it is freed...and more than likely perturbed at the insult of being bound. If the demon's power exceeds that of the Summoner, each time he tries to the demon's power, he must make the roll to maintain control. Failure at any point frees the demon immediately.
If the power reaches the end of its duration, the demon is released, discorporated into the Mirror, via Twilight and the nearest reflective surface.
Cost: 2 Id, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Investiture
Action: Extended and Contested; the Summoner must take an instant action each turn, but the demon resists reflexively with Resistance+Ego. Each roll represents one turn.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Summoner: the Art fails utterly, and the Summoner must roll Ego. If he fails, he loses the ability to Draw Out until he's rested for at least 8 hours. Demon: The demon lapses in control and is immediately bound.
Failure: The Summoner makes no progress towards binding his target. Alternately, the demon gains no ground in bucking free from the Art.
Success: Summoner:You accumulate successes towards creating the card. Demon: You grow closer to freeing yourself from the power's gravity.
Exceptional Success: As with a regular success. Extra successes simply speed up the process.

Suggested Modifiers

(Table to follow)

Modifier Situation
+2 Summoner: The Summoner and demon share an Arcanum
+1 Both: Knowledge of their opponent's Virtue or Vice
-2 Summoner: The Summoner has already acquired their maximum number of Souls.
-2 Demon: The demon is starved of Id

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