The Art of Swords

From Summoner

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Representing aggression, force, ambition, courage and misfortune, the minor arcanum of Swords is favored by the Nobility, not because of the powerful symbol of a sword, but for the adversity that the arcanum represents. By accepting those failings and shortcoming in themselves, they overcome them and find strength. By mastering adversity, struggle, reason, and will, they learn to exploit the weaknesses of their foes. If such a weakness isn't present, they'll just have to create one for their purposes.


Finding Fault (O)

Through an appropriate focus, the Summoner gains insight into the psyche or Ego of her foe, and specifically to the places where it most concrete or left at the most open. Following the saber's edge or the pistol's sights, the clearest path becomes obvious.
Cost: 1 Id
Dice Pool: Wits + Weaponry, Brawl, or Firearms + Swords - Resolve
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Not only is the sensation indistinct and unclear, but the Summoner may receive incorrect information.
Failure: The character cannot sense the chinks in their target's armor, nor the places where it strongest.
Success:The character gains an understanding into the target's Ego. They may gain insight towards a single Strength or Weakness per success on the roll. To know the extent of a Strength requires an extra dedicated success. For example, to know that a Summoner is Defiant to flames, two successes would have to be rolled and used towards Strengths.
Exceptional Success: The Summoner gains a full inventory of the subject's Strength and Weaknesses, and may negate a single point of the subject's Defense.

Suggested Modifiers

(Table to come.)

OO - Retreat

Create a temporary Strength, or enhance an existing one.

OOO - Fear

Bypass an opponent's Strength.

OOOO - Frailty

Create a Weakness in a foe.

OOOOO - Death of Reason

Reduce all Strengths by a stage, turning normal effect into a Weakness.

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