The Mirror

From Summoner

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The Nature of the Mirror

The Mirror is difficult to describe, and even within its rigid themes, there are almost infinite variations. There are a few truths, however, which can serve as guidelines to understanding the realm. First and foremost, the Mirror is not a reflection of the world as it is. The Shadow represents the spiritual nature of the extant world, and that realm that is influenced by the World and influences it in kind.

The Mirror, however, reflects the possibilities of the World. Things that were whispered in legends or predicted as future trends. The Mirror possesses abstractions of everything that was, everything that will be, and everything that never was, but could have been. In this vast maelstrom of possibilities, there are no true landmarks or solid points. Space is relative to importance and the perspective of beings who travel the Mirror, so there is no such thing as returning to the same place. This can make navigation difficult, to say the least.

The Mirror interacts with the World through ideas, dreams, rumors, legends, and other constructs of thought and idea. Sections and islands of the Mirror gravitate towards similar sentiments. A high-class may draw closer a realm of hungry beasts, dominated by demons of the Devil arcanum. A town square that was subject to the stoning of witches may naturally attract Shatters with an affinity to the Hanged Man. There are as many possibilities are there are human events...and perhaps more, if theories of 'other' minds are to be believed.

Gaining Entry...Or Being Called

To deal with the Mirror directly is a difficult prospect. It takes either exceptional effort or exceptionally bad luck. (More to come)

The Realms of the Mirror







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