
From Summoner

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If the Throwaway Phone is kept after it is used, it retains its power, but the user is obsessed with the idea of getting caught by the target of their message or by their enemies, developing the Anxiety derangement as long as they possess that particular phone. This can and will evolve into the Paranoia derangement, or even cause long-term harm if it is tested to its limits. Expect long-term trauma if the Phone is used more times than the user's Composure. <br>
If the Throwaway Phone is kept after it is used, it retains its power, but the user is obsessed with the idea of getting caught by the target of their message or by their enemies, developing the Anxiety derangement as long as they possess that particular phone. This can and will evolve into the Paranoia derangement, or even cause long-term harm if it is tested to its limits. Expect long-term trauma if the Phone is used more times than the user's Composure. <br>
=== Object ===
=== Pirate Data ===
==== The Power ====
Part software program, part demon, the purpose of this simile is information gathering. Generally found in digital format, it can be downloaded by the savvy with an Intelligence + Computers roll, and then sent as an e-mail to its intended target. The Pirate Data copies the user's browser history and e-mail subject lines, but corrupts and hides any passwords or contact information. It's a start, however. Pirate Data almost always occurs naturally, and can be found on torrent trackers throughout the web, though by no means reliably. A single instance of Pirate Data can be purchased with a single point of experience, to represent hunting for it extensively. <br>
==== The Price ====
'''The Power:'''
==== The Geste ====
The target's browser history and e-mail subject lines are copied, giving some useful insight into their computer activities. This information grants up to a +2 bonus to rolls to hack or otherwise gather information on the subject, if they are a regular computer user. <br>
'''The Price: '''
The Pirate Data causes substantial lag on a system. As long as the stolen information is being saved on the device, the computer's equipment bonus is reduced by 1, potentially causing penalties. <br>
''' The Geste '''
If the Pirate Data is sent as an attachment to a mass forward chain-letter of objectionable, pornographic, or otherwise disturbing material, it has no negative impact on the user's device. <br>
=== mpFree File ===  
Another modern symbol, this music file can be played a single time, granting a nigh-magical bonus to a single roll. The one caveat, mpFree files cannot be used in combat under any circumstance. These files are usually modifications, remixes, or acoustic versions of popular songs, often downloaded illegally, or first played as the backdrop to an emotional scene. <br>
'''The Power:'''
At the climax of the song, the user gets to make a single roll as a rote action, re-rolling any dice that did not come up as a success, once. <br>
'''The Price: '''
The mpFree deletes itself after a single play, and the character's next roll is a chance roll. <br>
''' The Geste '''
The mpFree is simply cleaned off of the music source, if the user sings along and dramatically acts in appropriate manner to the music. Also, if the mpFree is played on an nTune device, the symbol negates the downside of the simile in favor of its own. <br>
=== Happy! Pills ===  
It is an unfortunate fact of life for Summoners that the rigors of the lifestyle can have negative effects on the soul. Another troublesome detail is that internal unrest can make outward manifestations...dangerous manifestations. Various potions and herbs were developed throughout the ages, but have largely been replaced by modern pharmaceutical products...with an arcane bent. <br>
It is unknown who decides to adorn the pills with child-like imagery and smiley faces, but perhaps something about the innocence of the pills, kept in used bottles from a variety of less-than-innocent scenarios, have some sort of occult potency. Each simile represent's a month's supply of the pills, which must be taken once daily. See [[Identity]] for details on the detriments of low Identity. <br>
'''The Power:'''
While regularly medicated, the subject no longer suffers the effects of Stirrings or Idle Hands due to low Identity. <br>
'''The Price: '''
The user of the pills suffers a -1 penalty to Expression and Empathy rolls while under the medication's effects. If the subject's Identity is 3 or lower, they also suffer a -2 penalty to Drawing Out. <br>
''' The Geste '''
If the user takes a half-dose each day, hiding the other half somewhere in their home, they do not suffer the side effects. However, during moments of extreme danger, they must succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll or immediately suffer from Idle Hands. <br>
== One-Dot Symbols ==
== One-Dot Symbols ==
=== Beloved Keepsake (O to OOO) ===
The one symbol that cannot be made for its creator, the Beloved Keepsake is a protector of its wearer. The wearer feels uneasy and perhaps alone when it isn't worn, and the item is unlikely to be stolen. As an incidental effect, any rolls to steal or manipulate the symbol away from the user suffer a -2 penalty. <br>
'''The Power:'''
The user gains an extra point of Health per dot of the Keepsake's rating. These are always the user's first three boxes, and if the item is removed, that damage does not crunch onto the user, but the Keepsake retains its damage when re-worn. <br>
'''The Price: '''
The Keepsake is refueled by tragedy. The only way those Health boxes can be restored is if significant sorrows (enough to cause at least a week's discomfort or depression) impact the user's life. Each such moment 'heals' either two points of bashing damage, a point of lethal damage, or each two events can remove a point of aggravated damage. If the granter of the Keepsake dies while the user possesses the Keepsake, it gains a free dot, to a maximum of three. <br>
''' The Geste '''
All the user has to do is wish it aloud, seriously or not, and the World will arrange a way for the Keepsake to heal... <br>
== Two-Dot Symbols ==
== Two-Dot Symbols ==
=== Stained Tools ===
=== Stained Tools ===
Usually found in confiscation lockers, out of the way sheds, or in rare cases, in common use, these common tools have become weapons of war without ever being asked to be. In fact, they're better suited to hostility than they ever were for normal life.  <br>
Usually found in confiscation lockers, out of the way sheds, or in rare cases, in common use, these common tools have become weapons of war without ever being asked to be. In fact, they're better suited to hostility than they ever were for normal life.  <br>
'''The Power:'''  
'''The Power:'''  
The tool functions as a weapon of some sort, gaining a weapon bonus equal to its equipment bonus, without any penalty for being improvised. Stained tools never offer more than a +3 bonus to combat rolls.<br>
The tool functions as a weapon of some sort, gaining a weapon bonus equal to its equipment bonus, without any penalty for being improvised. Stained tools never offer more than a +3 bonus to combat rolls. Its effectiveness in normal life, however, is reduced by one die.<br>
'''The Price: '''
'''The Price: '''
Something about these tools seems wrong...suspicious. Anyone who bears one suffers a -2 penalty to avoiding suspicion or legal trouble, during any week the item is used. <br>
Something about these tools seems wrong...suspicious. Anyone who bears one suffers a -2 penalty to avoiding suspicion or legal trouble, for a week after the tool is used. This time period resets if the item is used again.<br>
''' The Geste '''
''' The Geste '''
To retain the combat benefits of a Stained Tool, it must retain regular use, being used for its purpose during the same week it is used as a weapon. <br>
To retain the combat benefits of a Stained Tool, it must retain regular use, being used for its purpose during the same week it is used as a weapon. <br>
=== Hero's Token ===
This is a symbol commonly found, not made, and for a simple reason: the symbol has to be made with pure intentions. Often given as a gift from a loved one, usually a child or lover, this symbol acts as both a comfort and a guide to the wearer's actions. The Token must be kept on the user's person at all times, or at least within reach, to gain any of its benefits.  <br>
'''The Power:'''
The user gains a +1 bonus to rolls to maintain Identity, and regains a point of Willpower for ''any'' significantly heroic deed that comes at a risk or serious inconvenience.<br>
'''The Price: '''
If the user takes any action that would lower the user's Identity, they suffer points of bashing damage equal to the successes on the roll to avoid a loss of Identity. If the sin is a level 4 or lower sin, the damage is lethal. On level 1 sins, the damage is aggravated.<br>
''' The Geste '''
For actions taken in the direct defense of a designated token-granter (this may be the original granter or a person decided at the beginning of the story. This person must have an equal or higher Identity than the user.), the Price can be ignored. <br>
=== Divination Deck ===
Made with cards used to fortell a momentous event (usually a cruel and painful death, but there are exceptions), this tarot deck is a favorite tool of both the Cup and the Coin. Both use them to gather valuable information on an unsuspecting target. Both use that information for vastly different reasons. The user has the subject lay out a spread of the cards, and gains insight into the person's nature while concocting some story as a potential reading. <br>
'''The Power:'''
The user can make a Wits + Empathy roll to determine the subject's Virtue, Vice, relative strength (compared to the user), and outlook on life. Each success on the roll gathers one of the above facts. <br>
'''The Price: '''
The reading always tells the user something they'd rather not consider, bringing painful memories or doubts to the fore. The user suffers a -2 penalty to Initiative and perception rolls for the day.<br>
''' The Geste '''
To circumvent the hidden truths of the cards, the user must give honest advice to the subject on how to succeed in their immediate endeavors...even if those endeavors oppose the user.<br>
== Three-Dot Symbols ==
== Three-Dot Symbols ==
=== nTune ===
Coming in a fashionable variety of shapes and sizes, the "nTune brand" of mp3 players, a nickname among Summoners, has become a bit of a status symbol among the younger members of the ranks. These symbols appear naturally when something memorable happens due to musical distraction, ranging from bumping into one's soul mate in the street to running over a child while speeding.  <br>
'''The Power:'''
The nTune loads an appropriate song, at max volume. The Summoner gains a +3 bonus to rolls relating to that song's content and mood. However, he suffers a -2 penalty to all rolls at odds with the beat, and a -3 to all rolls related to listening. Assume a song to last three minutes, regardless of a song's actual length. <br>
'''The Price: '''
A lingering deafness and emotional hollowness follows the track. The penalties last for a scene or hour after the nTune is shut off or the volume is lowered, whichever is shorter. These penalties do not stack if the device is re-activated in a scene, but the power continues to accrue scenes until fully expended. <br>
''' The Geste '''
If the user submits fully to the thrall of the beat, they become slaves to it for the song's duration. Taking any actions other than those that match the feel and emotional content of the song require a point of Willpower and a successful Composure + Ego roll to commit. <br>
=== Wicked Syringe ===
Found in hospitals, blood drives, pounds, drug dens, and correction centers, these needles all have one thing in common: something terrible went into or came out of them. Now, their story has become one of give and take, and a terrible game at that. <br>
'''The Power:'''
The syringe must be plunged into the vein of a subject. (Requiring either a Dexterity + Medicine roll, or as a grapple maneuver with an additional -3 penalty). If the roll succeeds, a single ''dot'' of Willpower is drained from the subject, and congeals as a quicksilver substance in the syringe. If injected, it grants that subject a number of points of Willpower equal to the successes rolled on the extraction. The extracted subject is affected as normal by Devouring. The injected subject must succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll to not be caught up in euphoria, suffering a -2 penalty to all rolls for the scene. Needless to say, using the Syringe is a sin against Identity. <br>
'''The Price: '''
The rush of power from Devouring is an addictive feeling. The injected subject must succeed in a Resolve + Stamina roll to avoid succumbing to the potent need. In any scene where devouring is a reasonable possibility, they will have to spend a point of Willpower or immediately take action to acquire the sweet taste of the soul. <br>
''' The Geste '''
Addiction can be avoided, simply, but injecting the substance into another, willing subject, and not the user herself. Of course, the injected subject pays the price, but aren't they getting the benefits? <br>
== Four-Dot Symbols ==
== Four-Dot Symbols ==
=== XL Pomegranate ===
This symbol works as either a SIM card or a change in a phone's programming. It retains its other phone functions, but also becomes a gateway between the Summoner and his own Unconscious. By calling him own number, he can gain access to prompts to speak with his Alter Selves, any Facilitators that might be visiting, or even correspond with beings known to him within his Unconscious. The power can also make connections across the agreements of the Coin Merchants. <br>
If the subject lacks a phone, one will find their way into their presence. In places touched by the Mirror, a cell phone might simply appear in their pocket or fall out of the sky, to dissapear as mysteriously. In the World, stranger coincidences will occur to create the most plausible circumstance. <br>
'''The Power:'''
The Summoner can reflexively switch between Alter Selves while the phone is in-hand. He can also gain the benefits of meditation with a brief phone conversation, without a roll. Perhaps most potent, the Summoner can consult with and make deals with any Facilitators he has met with a successful Manipulation + Politics + Ego roll, with penalties determined by the mood of their last parting. For those who know the Art of Coins, parties to Agreement can also be called. <br>
'''The Price:'''
Having the perfect phone can make you feel reliant, indeed. During any scene in which the phone is used, the Summoner must succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll to avoid developing a temporary Power Object Fixation derangement, making them believe they can only access their supernatural powers if the phone is in their possession, charged, and in good coverage. <br>
'''The Geste:'''
To stave off the depredations of phone addiction, the subject must meditate on his Unconscious for an hour after waking on any day he wishes to use the Pomegranate.
== Five-Dot Symbols ==
== Five-Dot Symbols ==
'''Murderer's Mask'''
The greatest comfort of anyone who must take a life is to separate oneself from the act. It wasn't me, one might say. The ones we kill don't count, another might suggest. Regardless of the reason, at least 49 lives disappeared as eyes watched through this mask, ranging from riot helmets to hockey masks, gas filters to surgical covers. Innocence or guilt were irrelevant to the mask's wearer, and the sin could not, would not be allowed to pass the barrier. <br>
The Murderer's Mask is a rare Symbol in that the ingredients are often difficult to gather without horrendous cost. In fact, many who know of its existence consider it too much of a risk to allow the item to persist. Others consider it a valuable tool for the greater good. <br> <br>
'''The Power:''' Deferred responsibility is the gift of the Murderer's Mask. Whenever someone wearing the mask commits a sin beyond their moral comfort zone, roll it as normal, complete with any derangement rolls. Record these details separately, as the mask detaches the guilt of these actions from the character, perhaps indefinitely. <br>
'''The Price:''' In any night which the Mask has been used, rest will not recover Willpower. Nightmares linger at the edges of consciouness, not quite clear enough to terrify, but enough to cause unease. Each time mask has deferred a loss of a Morality trait, the character must roll Wits + Empathy, with a penalty equal to the difference between their current and deferred Morality. If they fail such a roll, the character will feel a growing compulsion to ''use'' the mask, and will have to spend a point of Willpower each night until he satisfies that urge. <br>
If the mask is ever broken, or if the character goes more than their Willpower in days without touching the mask, the deferment ceases, and all side-effects of their actions immediately and violent come into full effect. <br>
'''The Geste:''' Both the troubling nightmares and the need to touch the mask may be mitigated, but the other effects cannot. If a ritual admittance of guilt, however obscure, is left when a sin is committed, the character may rest easily. If a character performs an appropriate ritual murder on their last night of deprivation, they can stave off their punishment for another Willpower days. This new sin, of course, is added to their list of deferred crimes.

Current revision as of 22:34, 28 April 2008

People are not the only ones with identities. An object, either well-loved, feared, or drenched in blood, can take on its own resonance. These objects tend to fall into the hands of Summoners...or are created by them for a purpose to suit their legend. These items are called symbols.

Symbols are usually both subtle and somehow unusual. If a weapon, it may have a certain elegance to it, or in the case of a murder weapon, a lingering dullness or a few nicks in the blade. Something about the item just seems to have more gravity about it. Once the item gains its nature, it must be marked somehow, either by magic or circumstance. Anything from a Definition to the blood of a lover can make these objects come to life, but it is by no means formulaic, and not every scene, even truly gruesome or nostalgic ones, give birth to a symbol. For those who are aware that such objects exist, recognizing one for what it is requires a roll of Intelligence + Occult. Success indicates that the object is indeed a symbol of some sort, and they also gain a rough idea towards its purpose. An exceptional success would grant a more specific idea of what it can be used for.

A character may begin play with a symbol by having the Symbol merit. These items may start out as a mystery to the Summoner, gifts from before their awakening or 'natural' symbols protecting or damning them already. Creating a symbol in play is a matter of storytelling and occult study, but a Summoner can 'cheat' with the Ancestral Heirloom ritual of Definition.


The Nature of Symbols

Symbols are unruly items to use, generally. Though they are potent due to the story behind them, they are notoriously troublesome. Just as Alter Selves have strengths and weaknesses, so too do symbols have their own inherent fortes and drawbacks. To make use of a symbol, either a price must be paid, usually in the form of some kind of penalty, unfortunate circumstance, or outright damage...Or the Summoner can follow the symbol's geste: a ritual behavior that empowers the weapon. Anyone who succeeds at a reflexive Wits + Composure roll when attempting to use a symbol can become aware of the, in theory, anyone can use the item, as long as they're willing to submit their will to it.

The symbol can be forced into action with a point of Id or a successful Ego roll, but if this is done, the symbol's story may backlash. Roll the symbol's rating as a dice pool once the scene has ended. If the symbol succeeds, the Price will make itself known at the next available opportunity.

Symbols come in ratings of one to five, based on their rough impact on the Summoner and on the World. The more potent the symbol, the more demanding. And usually, the more costly. Weaker symbols, called similes, can perform minor miracles, but their destruction is often part of both the price and the geste.


Throw-Away Phone

Difficult to notice as anything more than a normal cellular phone, this device allows someone to make a single untraceable phone call. These devices are often found in the trash after they've already been used for just such a purpose.
The Power: The phone can make a single one-minute call, up to a single mass text message. The source's identity is fogged, even in the minds of the listener, causing a -3 to any rolls to determine the user of the device. The call can be made to anyone with a publically listed phone number, or anyone with a phone that the Summoner has spent at least a single conversation interacting with.
The Price: Once used, the phone must be cast aside, into the nearest trash bin, where it crumbles into dust.
The Geste If the Throwaway Phone is kept after it is used, it retains its power, but the user is obsessed with the idea of getting caught by the target of their message or by their enemies, developing the Anxiety derangement as long as they possess that particular phone. This can and will evolve into the Paranoia derangement, or even cause long-term harm if it is tested to its limits. Expect long-term trauma if the Phone is used more times than the user's Composure.

Pirate Data

Part software program, part demon, the purpose of this simile is information gathering. Generally found in digital format, it can be downloaded by the savvy with an Intelligence + Computers roll, and then sent as an e-mail to its intended target. The Pirate Data copies the user's browser history and e-mail subject lines, but corrupts and hides any passwords or contact information. It's a start, however. Pirate Data almost always occurs naturally, and can be found on torrent trackers throughout the web, though by no means reliably. A single instance of Pirate Data can be purchased with a single point of experience, to represent hunting for it extensively.
The Power: The target's browser history and e-mail subject lines are copied, giving some useful insight into their computer activities. This information grants up to a +2 bonus to rolls to hack or otherwise gather information on the subject, if they are a regular computer user.
The Price: The Pirate Data causes substantial lag on a system. As long as the stolen information is being saved on the device, the computer's equipment bonus is reduced by 1, potentially causing penalties.
The Geste If the Pirate Data is sent as an attachment to a mass forward chain-letter of objectionable, pornographic, or otherwise disturbing material, it has no negative impact on the user's device.

mpFree File

Another modern symbol, this music file can be played a single time, granting a nigh-magical bonus to a single roll. The one caveat, mpFree files cannot be used in combat under any circumstance. These files are usually modifications, remixes, or acoustic versions of popular songs, often downloaded illegally, or first played as the backdrop to an emotional scene.
The Power: At the climax of the song, the user gets to make a single roll as a rote action, re-rolling any dice that did not come up as a success, once.
The Price: The mpFree deletes itself after a single play, and the character's next roll is a chance roll.
The Geste The mpFree is simply cleaned off of the music source, if the user sings along and dramatically acts in appropriate manner to the music. Also, if the mpFree is played on an nTune device, the symbol negates the downside of the simile in favor of its own.

Happy! Pills

It is an unfortunate fact of life for Summoners that the rigors of the lifestyle can have negative effects on the soul. Another troublesome detail is that internal unrest can make outward manifestations...dangerous manifestations. Various potions and herbs were developed throughout the ages, but have largely been replaced by modern pharmaceutical products...with an arcane bent.
It is unknown who decides to adorn the pills with child-like imagery and smiley faces, but perhaps something about the innocence of the pills, kept in used bottles from a variety of less-than-innocent scenarios, have some sort of occult potency. Each simile represent's a month's supply of the pills, which must be taken once daily. See Identity for details on the detriments of low Identity.
The Power: While regularly medicated, the subject no longer suffers the effects of Stirrings or Idle Hands due to low Identity.
The Price: The user of the pills suffers a -1 penalty to Expression and Empathy rolls while under the medication's effects. If the subject's Identity is 3 or lower, they also suffer a -2 penalty to Drawing Out.
The Geste If the user takes a half-dose each day, hiding the other half somewhere in their home, they do not suffer the side effects. However, during moments of extreme danger, they must succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll or immediately suffer from Idle Hands.

One-Dot Symbols

Beloved Keepsake (O to OOO)

The one symbol that cannot be made for its creator, the Beloved Keepsake is a protector of its wearer. The wearer feels uneasy and perhaps alone when it isn't worn, and the item is unlikely to be stolen. As an incidental effect, any rolls to steal or manipulate the symbol away from the user suffer a -2 penalty.
The Power: The user gains an extra point of Health per dot of the Keepsake's rating. These are always the user's first three boxes, and if the item is removed, that damage does not crunch onto the user, but the Keepsake retains its damage when re-worn.
The Price: The Keepsake is refueled by tragedy. The only way those Health boxes can be restored is if significant sorrows (enough to cause at least a week's discomfort or depression) impact the user's life. Each such moment 'heals' either two points of bashing damage, a point of lethal damage, or each two events can remove a point of aggravated damage. If the granter of the Keepsake dies while the user possesses the Keepsake, it gains a free dot, to a maximum of three.
The Geste All the user has to do is wish it aloud, seriously or not, and the World will arrange a way for the Keepsake to heal...

Two-Dot Symbols

Stained Tools

Usually found in confiscation lockers, out of the way sheds, or in rare cases, in common use, these common tools have become weapons of war without ever being asked to be. In fact, they're better suited to hostility than they ever were for normal life.
The Power: The tool functions as a weapon of some sort, gaining a weapon bonus equal to its equipment bonus, without any penalty for being improvised. Stained tools never offer more than a +3 bonus to combat rolls. Its effectiveness in normal life, however, is reduced by one die.
The Price: Something about these tools seems wrong...suspicious. Anyone who bears one suffers a -2 penalty to avoiding suspicion or legal trouble, for a week after the tool is used. This time period resets if the item is used again.
The Geste To retain the combat benefits of a Stained Tool, it must retain regular use, being used for its purpose during the same week it is used as a weapon.

Hero's Token

This is a symbol commonly found, not made, and for a simple reason: the symbol has to be made with pure intentions. Often given as a gift from a loved one, usually a child or lover, this symbol acts as both a comfort and a guide to the wearer's actions. The Token must be kept on the user's person at all times, or at least within reach, to gain any of its benefits.
The Power: The user gains a +1 bonus to rolls to maintain Identity, and regains a point of Willpower for any significantly heroic deed that comes at a risk or serious inconvenience.
The Price: If the user takes any action that would lower the user's Identity, they suffer points of bashing damage equal to the successes on the roll to avoid a loss of Identity. If the sin is a level 4 or lower sin, the damage is lethal. On level 1 sins, the damage is aggravated.
The Geste For actions taken in the direct defense of a designated token-granter (this may be the original granter or a person decided at the beginning of the story. This person must have an equal or higher Identity than the user.), the Price can be ignored.

Divination Deck

Made with cards used to fortell a momentous event (usually a cruel and painful death, but there are exceptions), this tarot deck is a favorite tool of both the Cup and the Coin. Both use them to gather valuable information on an unsuspecting target. Both use that information for vastly different reasons. The user has the subject lay out a spread of the cards, and gains insight into the person's nature while concocting some story as a potential reading.
The Power: The user can make a Wits + Empathy roll to determine the subject's Virtue, Vice, relative strength (compared to the user), and outlook on life. Each success on the roll gathers one of the above facts.
The Price: The reading always tells the user something they'd rather not consider, bringing painful memories or doubts to the fore. The user suffers a -2 penalty to Initiative and perception rolls for the day.
The Geste To circumvent the hidden truths of the cards, the user must give honest advice to the subject on how to succeed in their immediate endeavors...even if those endeavors oppose the user.

Three-Dot Symbols


Coming in a fashionable variety of shapes and sizes, the "nTune brand" of mp3 players, a nickname among Summoners, has become a bit of a status symbol among the younger members of the ranks. These symbols appear naturally when something memorable happens due to musical distraction, ranging from bumping into one's soul mate in the street to running over a child while speeding.
The Power: The nTune loads an appropriate song, at max volume. The Summoner gains a +3 bonus to rolls relating to that song's content and mood. However, he suffers a -2 penalty to all rolls at odds with the beat, and a -3 to all rolls related to listening. Assume a song to last three minutes, regardless of a song's actual length.
The Price: A lingering deafness and emotional hollowness follows the track. The penalties last for a scene or hour after the nTune is shut off or the volume is lowered, whichever is shorter. These penalties do not stack if the device is re-activated in a scene, but the power continues to accrue scenes until fully expended.
The Geste If the user submits fully to the thrall of the beat, they become slaves to it for the song's duration. Taking any actions other than those that match the feel and emotional content of the song require a point of Willpower and a successful Composure + Ego roll to commit.

Wicked Syringe

Found in hospitals, blood drives, pounds, drug dens, and correction centers, these needles all have one thing in common: something terrible went into or came out of them. Now, their story has become one of give and take, and a terrible game at that.
The Power: The syringe must be plunged into the vein of a subject. (Requiring either a Dexterity + Medicine roll, or as a grapple maneuver with an additional -3 penalty). If the roll succeeds, a single dot of Willpower is drained from the subject, and congeals as a quicksilver substance in the syringe. If injected, it grants that subject a number of points of Willpower equal to the successes rolled on the extraction. The extracted subject is affected as normal by Devouring. The injected subject must succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll to not be caught up in euphoria, suffering a -2 penalty to all rolls for the scene. Needless to say, using the Syringe is a sin against Identity.
The Price: The rush of power from Devouring is an addictive feeling. The injected subject must succeed in a Resolve + Stamina roll to avoid succumbing to the potent need. In any scene where devouring is a reasonable possibility, they will have to spend a point of Willpower or immediately take action to acquire the sweet taste of the soul.
The Geste Addiction can be avoided, simply, but injecting the substance into another, willing subject, and not the user herself. Of course, the injected subject pays the price, but aren't they getting the benefits?

Four-Dot Symbols

XL Pomegranate

This symbol works as either a SIM card or a change in a phone's programming. It retains its other phone functions, but also becomes a gateway between the Summoner and his own Unconscious. By calling him own number, he can gain access to prompts to speak with his Alter Selves, any Facilitators that might be visiting, or even correspond with beings known to him within his Unconscious. The power can also make connections across the agreements of the Coin Merchants.
If the subject lacks a phone, one will find their way into their presence. In places touched by the Mirror, a cell phone might simply appear in their pocket or fall out of the sky, to dissapear as mysteriously. In the World, stranger coincidences will occur to create the most plausible circumstance.
The Power: The Summoner can reflexively switch between Alter Selves while the phone is in-hand. He can also gain the benefits of meditation with a brief phone conversation, without a roll. Perhaps most potent, the Summoner can consult with and make deals with any Facilitators he has met with a successful Manipulation + Politics + Ego roll, with penalties determined by the mood of their last parting. For those who know the Art of Coins, parties to Agreement can also be called.
The Price: Having the perfect phone can make you feel reliant, indeed. During any scene in which the phone is used, the Summoner must succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll to avoid developing a temporary Power Object Fixation derangement, making them believe they can only access their supernatural powers if the phone is in their possession, charged, and in good coverage.
The Geste: To stave off the depredations of phone addiction, the subject must meditate on his Unconscious for an hour after waking on any day he wishes to use the Pomegranate.

Five-Dot Symbols

Murderer's Mask

The greatest comfort of anyone who must take a life is to separate oneself from the act. It wasn't me, one might say. The ones we kill don't count, another might suggest. Regardless of the reason, at least 49 lives disappeared as eyes watched through this mask, ranging from riot helmets to hockey masks, gas filters to surgical covers. Innocence or guilt were irrelevant to the mask's wearer, and the sin could not, would not be allowed to pass the barrier.
The Murderer's Mask is a rare Symbol in that the ingredients are often difficult to gather without horrendous cost. In fact, many who know of its existence consider it too much of a risk to allow the item to persist. Others consider it a valuable tool for the greater good.

The Power: Deferred responsibility is the gift of the Murderer's Mask. Whenever someone wearing the mask commits a sin beyond their moral comfort zone, roll it as normal, complete with any derangement rolls. Record these details separately, as the mask detaches the guilt of these actions from the character, perhaps indefinitely.
The Price: In any night which the Mask has been used, rest will not recover Willpower. Nightmares linger at the edges of consciouness, not quite clear enough to terrify, but enough to cause unease. Each time mask has deferred a loss of a Morality trait, the character must roll Wits + Empathy, with a penalty equal to the difference between their current and deferred Morality. If they fail such a roll, the character will feel a growing compulsion to use the mask, and will have to spend a point of Willpower each night until he satisfies that urge.
If the mask is ever broken, or if the character goes more than their Willpower in days without touching the mask, the deferment ceases, and all side-effects of their actions immediately and violent come into full effect.
The Geste: Both the troubling nightmares and the need to touch the mask may be mitigated, but the other effects cannot. If a ritual admittance of guilt, however obscure, is left when a sin is committed, the character may rest easily. If a character performs an appropriate ritual murder on their last night of deprivation, they can stave off their punishment for another Willpower days. This new sin, of course, is added to their list of deferred crimes.

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