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== The Queen ==
== The Queen ==
''"The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt." - Frederick Buechner'' <br> <br>
''In the darkness, she stood. She was alone. She was weak. She was lost. That is, until she opened her eyes. Then she saw. She felt. She touched. She embraced. She was no longer alone, and through that touch...that grip, she dug in her nails and became the Binder. This was her flesh. This was her lover. This was her victim. Come and see, for I am the Binder. I am the one who loves and hates. I am, because you are all with me. I am the Queen'' <br> <br>
The true nature of identity lies in connection. If we could not find something, someone to interact with, how would we know ourselves or our limits? To become truly oneself, one must have desires and seek them out. Such is the ideal of those who awaken to their Alter Self under the mask of the Queen. To them, one truth stands above the rest: “I become something greater by my connection to my surroundings” <br>
The Queens are parents, teachers, and open-minded people at heart, though it is a dangerous mistake to assume a Queen is kind. There is a connection between the mistress and the slave. Between the pain and the dagger or the whip. What defines a Queen is that she exults in those symbolic links, no matter how wonderful or terrible. <br> <br>
'''Appearance:''' Something about a Queen makes you want to touch them or at least get to know them. Anything from the irrestible playboy or seductress, to the meek, innocent girl can represent the unique energy around a Queen. <br>
Queens often have a means of communication with them, anything from a simple cell phone to a musical instrument. Most have least a watch, something tying them to the rest of the world. Brands, logos, and fan swag also tend to slip into their wardrobes.<br>
'''Background:''' Queens run a wide variety of lifestyles, but a common thread in many of their lives is either a constant wave of attention or a total lack of it. Queens are who they are because they yearn to be connected to someone or something...whether it is a comfortable feeling, or a hunger that's laid in their hearts throughout a lonely life. <br>
'''Character Creation: ''' Social Attributes and Skills are common, though by no means necessary to be a Queen. These means of building bonds do come as a second nature to them, but many start out as awkward, hungry things. Those who favor the Physical tend towards team sports or one-on-one competitions. Those with Mental talents often use them to reach out to people across the world or in their own community, for good or ill. <br>
'''Boon:''' A King can receive a free Skill Specialty in one the following Skills: Empathy, Expression, Crafts, or Athletics. <br>
'''Burden:''' Queens exult in their links to others, and have difficulty extricating themselves from the world. They do not reroll 10s on Stealth, and others, friend or foe, gain a +2 die bonus to rolls to seduce, intimidate, or otherwise build a 'connection' with a Queen, before all other bonuses and penalties. <br>
'''Trump Art:''' Perception <br>
'''Concepts:''' stunning socialite, neglected child, elementary school teacher, knight in shining armor, dominatrix
'''The High Priestess:''' ''An Ear to Listen'' - A Priestess can attune to an inner stillness, cutting away distractions, and as such gain a +2 bonus to Composure-based and Investigation rolls. <br>
'''The Empress:''' ''Mother, May I?'' - An Empress may spend a point of Id to add dice to Presence, Expression, Persuasion, and Socialize-based rolls on a one-for-one basis. She may also spend a point of Id to use her Presence or Manipulate as her Defense for one attack. <br>
'''The Lovers:''' ''A Sweet Embrace'' - Those of the Lovers may freely give or take points of Id between allies, as an instant action. They may exchange a number of points of Id at the same rate per turn as their spending limit. <br>
'''Temperance:''' ''Balance In All'' - Temperance characters may spend a point of Id to seal away a Derangement for a single day, either for themselves or someone they touch. Also, Temperance understands and controls their Vices. Whenever they resist a significant opportunity to indulge a Vice, they gain a point of Willpower, as if they'd indulged. This can be done once per story.
== The Knight ==
== The Knight ==
== The Page ==
== The Page ==
== The Ace ==
== The Ace ==

Revision as of 03:57, 8 January 2008



The King

"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." - Erasmus

In the darkness, he stood. He knew nothing. He was nothing. He felt nothing. That is, until he opened his eyes. Then, he saw. He knew. He felt. He was. And as he looked out, he named. This must be my power. This must be my strength. This must be my enemy. Come and see, for I am the Namer. I am the one who chooses. I am, because I define all else. I am the King.
The true nature of identity lies in dominion. If we are not control of how we view our world, then we are nothing, mere extensions of a higher Will. To become truly oneself, one must be a god of his own perspective. Such is the ideal of those who awaken to their Alter Self under the mask of the King. To them, one truth stands above the rest: “I become something greater by imposing my definition of my surroundings.”
The Kings are tyrants, rebels, and individualists at heart, though they can the full range from benevolent to outright monstrous in how they decide the world has to be. The key is that they have to decide how the world truly is.

Appearance: Kings tend to have a distinct presence, for better or worse. If they are at the forefront, they are the stand-out figure in the crowd, setting the pace and mood of their surroundings. When in the background, they come off as distinctly 'other', and can come off as having no interest in the concerns of others, as long as their work is not interrupted.
Kings are often noticable by how gladly they'll identify themselves by their allegiances or tendencies. A King who is a hobby fencer is rarely seen without his gym bag, whether he really needs it or not. Because to him, it is good to fence, and if he must, he will use fencing to achieve what he need to achieve. Uniforms, tattoos, and signature marks are common to them as a whole.
Background: The past of a King can vary greatly, though a common theme is a need to set rules. Perhaps some trauma in their lives led them to need the security of a clear-cut world. Maybe they just prefer to know what they're dealing with. Kings do not like surprises. Kings do not like riddles. A King is all about the answers. Character Creation: "Go forth and do" is the signature attitude of a King. For those who favor Physical Attributes and Skills, they are frequent competitors, out to win make sure everybody knows who the 'real winner' is. The more Social types are charismatic, convincing, and hate to concede a single point. Those with a Mental focus might consider physical or social pursuits to be 'beneath them', seeing the mind as the ultimate source of strength. Regardless, Kings tend to excel in their areas of interest, often leaving other areas ignored.
Boon: A King can receive a free Skill Specialty in one the following Skills: Politics, Weaponry, Intimidation, or Persuasion.
Burden: Those who identify with the King mentality rarely have time for the opinions of others. They do not reroll 10s on rolls of Empathy or Subterfuge.
Trump Art: Investiture
Concepts: Sports star, 'truthiness' advocate, internet debator, noble vigilante, educated gangbanger


The Magician: As Above, So Below - When a Magician spends Willpower, he also gains the 9 again rule for that roll. If 9 again is already in effect, he gains 8 again. If 8 again is already in effect, he gains an additional +1 die to the roll
The Emperor: Der Wille zur Macht - The Emperors are difficult to ignore. They may spend a point of Id to create a penalty to a single contested resistance roll equal to their Ego. Alternately, they may spend a point of Id to subtract 1 from a passive resistance for one roll. Either of these can only be done once per scene.
The Chariot: From the Gut - The Chariot will not be swayed by anything but his own demands. He or she may spend a point of Id to add their Ego to a single passive resistance or resistance roll per scene.
The Sun: This Too Shall Pass - Drawing on their boundless optimism, the Sun radiates with a positive energy that restores a single point of Willpower to himself and his allies. This costs a point of Id, and no one may benefit from this effect more than once per story.

The Queen

"The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt." - Frederick Buechner

In the darkness, she stood. She was alone. She was weak. She was lost. That is, until she opened her eyes. Then she saw. She felt. She touched. She embraced. She was no longer alone, and through that touch...that grip, she dug in her nails and became the Binder. This was her flesh. This was her lover. This was her victim. Come and see, for I am the Binder. I am the one who loves and hates. I am, because you are all with me. I am the Queen

The true nature of identity lies in connection. If we could not find something, someone to interact with, how would we know ourselves or our limits? To become truly oneself, one must have desires and seek them out. Such is the ideal of those who awaken to their Alter Self under the mask of the Queen. To them, one truth stands above the rest: “I become something greater by my connection to my surroundings”
The Queens are parents, teachers, and open-minded people at heart, though it is a dangerous mistake to assume a Queen is kind. There is a connection between the mistress and the slave. Between the pain and the dagger or the whip. What defines a Queen is that she exults in those symbolic links, no matter how wonderful or terrible.

Appearance: Something about a Queen makes you want to touch them or at least get to know them. Anything from the irrestible playboy or seductress, to the meek, innocent girl can represent the unique energy around a Queen.
Queens often have a means of communication with them, anything from a simple cell phone to a musical instrument. Most have least a watch, something tying them to the rest of the world. Brands, logos, and fan swag also tend to slip into their wardrobes.
Background: Queens run a wide variety of lifestyles, but a common thread in many of their lives is either a constant wave of attention or a total lack of it. Queens are who they are because they yearn to be connected to someone or something...whether it is a comfortable feeling, or a hunger that's laid in their hearts throughout a lonely life.
Character Creation: Social Attributes and Skills are common, though by no means necessary to be a Queen. These means of building bonds do come as a second nature to them, but many start out as awkward, hungry things. Those who favor the Physical tend towards team sports or one-on-one competitions. Those with Mental talents often use them to reach out to people across the world or in their own community, for good or ill.
Boon: A King can receive a free Skill Specialty in one the following Skills: Empathy, Expression, Crafts, or Athletics.
Burden: Queens exult in their links to others, and have difficulty extricating themselves from the world. They do not reroll 10s on Stealth, and others, friend or foe, gain a +2 die bonus to rolls to seduce, intimidate, or otherwise build a 'connection' with a Queen, before all other bonuses and penalties.
Trump Art: Perception
Concepts: stunning socialite, neglected child, elementary school teacher, knight in shining armor, dominatrix


The High Priestess: An Ear to Listen - A Priestess can attune to an inner stillness, cutting away distractions, and as such gain a +2 bonus to Composure-based and Investigation rolls.
The Empress: Mother, May I? - An Empress may spend a point of Id to add dice to Presence, Expression, Persuasion, and Socialize-based rolls on a one-for-one basis. She may also spend a point of Id to use her Presence or Manipulate as her Defense for one attack.
The Lovers: A Sweet Embrace - Those of the Lovers may freely give or take points of Id between allies, as an instant action. They may exchange a number of points of Id at the same rate per turn as their spending limit.
Temperance: Balance In All - Temperance characters may spend a point of Id to seal away a Derangement for a single day, either for themselves or someone they touch. Also, Temperance understands and controls their Vices. Whenever they resist a significant opportunity to indulge a Vice, they gain a point of Willpower, as if they'd indulged. This can be done once per story.

The Knight

The Page

The Ace

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