Chapter 2: Character Creation

From Summoner

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== Definitions ==

Revision as of 01:28, 8 January 2008


Character Creation

Step 1: Character Concept

Every character must first have a concept, an imagining of who he or she "is". And in a game of this nature, the concept guides every step of the character's development. A beginning concept could be as simple as "beat cop", "penitent teen", or "magazine journalist", but is likely to grow and mature as more traits are assigned and the numbers turn into a living, breathing person, with strengths, shortcomings, and quirks.

The concept can either lead to or be influenced by later choices of affinity Arcana. A cop with Justice tendencies is obvious...but one also ruled by the Devil can lead to interesting complications...

Step 2: Select Attributes

As per the World of Darkness rulebook.

Step 3: Select Skills

As per the World of Darkness rulebook.

Step 4: Select Skill Specialties

As per World of Darkness rulebook.

Step 5: Add Summoner Template


Each Summoner has certain natural tendencies to his point of view. These are made manifest by an expressed Affinity for certain themes that have been codified into the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. As a further distinction, each of these Arcana are further separated into Trumps.
The Trump is, in essence, the way in which a Summoner defines herself. Upon Drawing the Fool, the Summoner's soul makes a declaration that is written upon the Ego of the newly awakened. This perspective establishes the basis for that Summoner's initial development, and the nature of his first Alter Self.
Trump determines one of three of the character's Affinity Arcana, as well as their favored Art. Based on the Trump, the character also receives a free specialty in one of three Skills that touch on the themes of their Trump.


Many Summoners take part in loosely connected factions called Estates, but do so for a variety of reasons. Some simply rely on the support that a strong base of allies can present against the many threats to their Ego that they face on a daily basis. Others find that a given Estate matches their ambitions perfectly, and dedicate themselves to these groups as a part of their expression of self. Regardless of reason, each Estate offers information, resources, training, or supernatural boons that would be difficult or impossible to acquire otherwise.
Each estate is tied to one of the Minor Arcana, and offers access to special Arts tied to these concepts. They guard these secrets carefully, if only because Summoners usually find it difficult to trust or relate with others in the first place. When a Summoner makes a commitment, those secrets are often kept as a part of their self-definition. There are, of course, exceptions, but those make for engaging stories in and of themselves.


The act of summoning the Alter Self is not done by reaching out to any part of the universe. There are no special chants, no incantations of real power. The true source of the power of a Summoner is himself, and that power manifests into what many of their number refer to as Ego. The strength of this Ego determines the limits on the power of their Alter Self, and how much they can express their Id into the various Arts and Definitions that Summoners can perform. It represents how much they can draw on their unique identity in times of need. Characters with a high Ego know who they are in a deep and meaningful sense. They may not be happy with it, and may still fight to change the things they dislike about themselves...but they cannot look away. When they see themselves in the mirror, they are aware of every detail. Characters with low Ego are still uncertain of themselves, and have difficulty translating their identity into power. Many find themselves either uncomfortable in their own skins or unable to see their nature as a source of power.
a All starting Summoners receive a single dot of Ego to represent the pivotal moment of Drawing the Fool. At character creation, three starting merit points may be spent per additional point of Ego, up to Ego 3, to represent a focus on strengthening one's identity.


Id represents the desire to achieve a goal because that goal is somehow intrinsic to one's identity. "Because I am me, I will do this" is the silent declaration made when a point of Id is spent. Id isn't measured in dots, and is spent and gained over time for various Arts, Definitions, and to draw on aspects of the Alter Self in times of need. A character begins play with full Id; methods to regain it will be explained in a later section.


When a Summoner first comes into his own, he quickly finds instruction in the beginnings of the Arts, methods of drawing on their Alter Self for additional effect. This can be taught by a mentor, hidden tomes, secretive text messages, or even from one's own Alter Self. A character begins play with three dots in Arts, with at least one dot placed into the Art that has affinity with his Trump.


As an alternative to the more direct Arts, the player may also purchase a single dot in Definitions, which are rituals to create unique changes in the world based on the power of Ego. Coincidence, rumor, consensus, Schrodinger's Cat...these sorts of effects are reliably manipulated by one with the proper Definitions.

Step 6: The Alter Self

Step 1: Concept

Step 2: Attributes

Step 3: Influences

Step 4: Ego Points

Step 5: Assign Bonuses

Step 6: Assign Strengths/Weaknessnes

Step 7: Finishing Touches

Record Willpower(Resistancex2), Id, Speed(Power+Finesse+Size modifier), Defence(Equal to higher of Power or Finesse), and Corpus (Resistance + Size)

Step 7: Merits

Step 8: Advantages

Step 9: Spark of Life


New Advantage: Ego

New Advantage: Id





== Definitions ==

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