Main Page

From Straticswiki

Revision as of 22:18, 10 July 2006 by Brittlesoul (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the FSO Stratics Wiki!


Due to the extremely slow load time of the original wiki a new one is being built at

The new one will contain the latest info and be a more complete resource. Much thanks to all who contributed to this one and those that will contribute to the new one. It just makes little sense to keep contributing to a wiki that seldom loads.

Useful Pages

Thanks to the following people - Special for helping me along with the idea and advertising it. Tex, Winvirus, WoS, Quet, Lan, Axun, Luthrandel, Kestrel, Pyo, Cais, Phan, Jet, Ionpballer05, UnholyVampire and Yeh for updating it. Everyone else who helped out in anyway. Slim for making such an awesome game. And you for visting this site :) -Thanks, Enjoy the site and help update it, DonCorleone.

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