The History of Maris

From Storing Don

All dates are used in the YAS, Years After the Sundering, standard. Historians use a PS standard, Pre-Sundering, but the common people use the negative numbers.


  • -88: FE6
  • -32: Generation I Roleplaying on old FEP
  • -7: Generation II Roleplaying on old FEP
  • -4: Demon Dragon Valistrix finishes organizing his army and launches an assault on all nations of the world simultaneously.
  • -3: In the northeast of the continent Ilia defeats and drives out the portion of Valistrix's army invading them. Elsewhere, eight men and women soon to be known as The Eight rally resistance against Valistrix's forces. Fearing that Valistrix would become unstoppable if he obtained the legendary weapon, the king of Ilia Ryan Mobius dispatches the army's special operations arm, RISOF headed by Lyutinya Pachsky, to hide and seal the legendary weapons so that neither Valistrix nor his minions would be able to retrieve them.
  • -2 winter: Kassi Mobius and Samuil Yuuhimura gather up the remanats of Sacae to face Valistrix's invasion force in a decisive battle. Kassi defeats the Valistrian commander with an epic burst of light magic, and henceforth becomes known as Saint Kassi. The united Sacaen nomads free their land.
  • -2 spring: Gaius Marus Cassius, one of the Eight, rallies and reinspires the remnants of Etruria and leads them to stop Valistrix's advance there.
  • -2 summer: Svael Albendroth, Tyler Hitori, and Evandele Hitori take charge in Lycia and Bern, and begin destroying legions of Valistrix's army. Seph Glaith, one of Valistrix's commanders, is killed by Tyler Hitori in a duel.
  • 0: Valistrix is slain by Svael Albendroth. His army scatters and flees. Unfortunately, this kinda has the side effect of shattering the world. Having gathered so much power to himself, the destruction of valistrix means the scattering of that power, to the tune of terrifying natural disasters and global shifting. The ground on which Valistrix was slain sundered, and water burst out in a non-stop torrent that eventually covered most of the plains on the continent, driving all terrestrial life into the mountains. The entire event was dubbed The Sundering by the survivors. At the end of that year, a snowstorm of unpredecented ferocity strikes the highlands of Ilia, which previously had been spared the disasters of The Sundering.
  • 1: The heroes of The Sundering gather groups of followers around the continent and wait out the flood, organizing into rag-tag nations.
  • 3: The flood recedes. Gaius leads his followers into the wastelands of former Etruria, and they begin the harsh task of resettling the land.
  • 4: As the floodwaters continue retreating south, they leave behind on the plains of former Sacae a rich and fertile soil. James leads a large group of people who had previously been from all over the continent, to rebuild on this arable land.
  • 5: The floodwaters completely recede, except for a vast stretch in the middle on the continent that remains an inland sea. The lands of Lycia are quickly resettled, and some of Nabata's former residents return to their homeland at last. Another settlement party sets out for Bern.
  • 6: When no word is heard from the Bern expedition, another party is gathered and sent to discover what has happened. They, too, disappeared without a trace.
  • 7: The Treaty of the Eight, named in remembrance of the Eight Heroes, marks the formal beginning of the nations of Endal, Lequall, Sons of Sand, and Ainor. Later in that year, the survivors of the Bern-bound settlers escape into Lequall. They speak of a broken land, roamed by monsters too terrible to describe.
  • 8: An expedition force sails west and resettles the Western Isles, forming the basis for the nation of Kaeldar.

Tyler Hitori gives The Atlemorion, the Lequallian code of honor, to his people. Construction work is begun on the Agoge.

  • 11: Endal consolidates land and power, expanding to the size it is today. Ilia issues an ultimatum demanding that they halt eastern expansion. Tensions run high.

The Agoge, Lequall's training facility, is completed. Lequall's soldiers begin to match the skill that is standard today.

  • 12: Diplomatic warfare breaks out into open warfare, as border skirmishes along the Ilia-Endal border escalate into full-scale war.
  • 13: Endal wins the war, and in the treaty that follows the land that would be Tavrica in the future is ceded to the Endalian Empire.

The church of Ainor is established upon the completion of the great cathedral, the Cathedral of the Stars, in Dessau. The populace catches on fire with religious fervor. Missionaries sent to all surrounding kingdoms. Those sent to Bern are never found.

  • 14: Adramelech survives the horrors of the broken wastelands and founds Illyria.

The Knights Templar in Ainor begin splintering into numerous orders. The largest, the Knights of the Red Mare, swear allegiance to the King, James von Reichter.

  • 17: A renowned sage and scholar discovers that the force of magic is waning all over the continent. However, others were unable to duplicate his results.
  • 19: Ainori smiths develop a new variety of barding, making heavy cavalry even more powerful. Ainor begins to become predominantly heavy cavalry.

An agreement between the Sons of Sand and the Dragons of Arcadia is made. The modern order begins to take shape.

  • 23: The eastern lands that Endal won ten years beforehand rebel for independence. Ilia supports the rebels, and the second war in that region begins. Not a month afterwards, the refugees of Vadal land on the northern islands and request asylum. In desperate need of funds, Ilia sells the northern isles to Vadal to finance the war in the west.

Using records kept from before the Sundering, Endalian Royal Alchemists develop Endalian Fire, a strange chemical that ignites when exposed to air. Being that not even water could put it out until it was done burning, Endalian Fire begins to be used as a siege weapon.

  • 24: Vadal begins to raid ships venturing too close to their islands. Ilian ships are always spared.

A rebellion in southern Endal is put down. Work begins on Pax Endalia to remind them who is the Emperor, and who are the conquered.

The Bedines swear allegiance to the Magister and the Sons of Sand.

  • 25: The Knights Templar are no more. All that remains are one hundred and sixteen different orders, some as large as fifteen thousand people, others as small as twenty five.
  • 26: After a fierce and bitter war on both sides, the nation of Tavrica declares its independence from all parties. The move proves to be a catalyst for an Ilian state that never healed from the Sundering, and one by one the territories broke away into autonomous Thanedoms.
  • 27: A council of scholars hailing from all schools of magic decide that the force of magic has decreased, but they also declare that the fall has now stopped at a new equilibrium.

The Vadalian raiders spread farther west and south, beginning to raid the shores of the mainland. Always the Ilian shores were spared, although the rebellious Tavricans were raided with a particular viciousness.

Town militias, called men-at-arms, develop along the northern coast of Ainor and many river towns due to the attacks of Vadalian raiders. Men-at-arms become the basis for Ainori infantry soldiers.

  • 28:The Vadalian Sages, Skalds, and various other mages begin working on a network of Runestones to protect the country from various threats, as well as linking major cities and fortresses to each other.

The Sons of Sand begin slowly taking over the nearby countries. It is not hostile and no blows are struck, the Mages just begin flexing muscles and telling the smaller nations that they'll handle everything.

  • 29: Three years after the beginning of the breakup of Ilia, even the name is gone. Ilia as a coherent political entity ceases to exist, and the new states are known collective as the Thanedoms.
  • 31: A horde of morphs surge forth from Illyria towards the neighbouring nations of Ainor and Lequall, but are eventually repulsed after much fighting and bloodshed on all sides. Ainor's army faces its first real war, and performs admirably. Most of the fighting between Lequall and Illyria took place in the marshes that separate those two kingdoms, and begin to be referred to as the Battle Marshes.

Pax Endalia is completed. Endal gains more power in the south, and many of the conquered nations there finally begin regarding themselves as Endalian.

  • 32: A significant portion of Illyria's morphs drop out of function one by one, the magical lines of force flowing through Maris that once sustained them no longer strong enough to maintain such large numbers.
  • 34: After two years of study, the council beginning to be called by outsiders as the Conclave of Magic, links the reduction in magic to the world movements caused by the Sundering and the new orientation of Maris.

A full out war between Tavrica and Vadal breaks out. The Vadalian raiders are shot to pieces in the thick forests, but out on the sea, the Tavricans are butchered. The war quickly fizzles out due to the unwillingness of either group to engage in battle on the other's domain.

  • 35: Border wars between the various Thanes flare up, but quickly end.

A truce is made, although it doesn't really stop anything - the Vadalians only signed for the Royal Guard and the Royal Navy; the Raiders were free to keep attacking Tavrica, and did so, with limited success.

The Illyrians develop the Juggernaut Morph. Skirmishes begin in the Battle Marshes.

  • 37: Military and political strife threaten to destroy the Thanedoms from within. Some of the more enlightened leaders talk of reunification, but many oppose them.

The Vadalians begin settling the land unconquered by the Thanes or claimed by Tavrica after successful raids, as well as several small villages in Ainor and Endal.

An Illyrian Morph Horde sweeps through the Battle Marshes and into the Shieldland. Work begins on Fortress Anaat.

The modern horsebow is developed based on designs recovered from ancient battlefields. Ainor's Hussar corp begins to develop, although the armies remain predominantly heavy cavalry.

Vadalians begin to settle in towns that they raided throughout Endal and Ainor, and make their own settlements along the coast.

  • 38: Kaeldar declares independence and destroys the Endali fleet sent to put down the rebellion. The nation of Kaeldar is born.

Military and political strife threaten to destroy the Thanedoms from within. Some of the more enlightened leaders talk of reunification, but many oppose them.

The Morphs are turned back at the walls of Illovendial, due to the invention of the magoballistra, a powerful weapon that enhances the range and power of a spell cast it into it. The Lequallians rapidly gain control over the Shieldland and begins pushing the Morphs back.

  • 39: Reunification of the Thanedoms begins in earnest. Political and military muscles are flexed, as several of the Thanedoms are absorbed by force.

The Lequallians begin building The Bulwark, the great wall and series of fortresses that separate the Shieldland from the Battle Marshes.

  • 40: The War of Unification officially begins, with five main factions. Two are defeated and absorbed in the first year.

The Morph horde is completely destroyed at the edge of the Illyrian mountains, but production of another had already been begun. Fortress Anaat is completed, and prevents the Lequallians from entering Illyria.

Endal gathers an armada and launches a full-scale invasion of the Kaeldar Isles to retake the islands.

  • 41: Sentient morphs are developed, and the Enforcer comes into being. Raids are launched on Ainor, but no major attacks are made. Skirmishes begin in the Battle Marshes once again.

After a year of brutal combat, atrocities, plunder, and rape on both sides, a treaty is finally drawn naming Kaeldar as an independent nation-state.

  • 42: The third faction is crushed, and the Thanes are divided between two major contenders.

Fighting ramps up in the Battle Marshes, with the Lequallians pushed back to about the center of the swamps. Uneasy peace settles for the summer. The Bulwark is completed.

The isles are completely controlled by the entity Dai'ka. The barbaric tribes of the isles treated him like a God, and anyone who apposed him fell to his troops.

  • 43: The Vadalian settlers in Ainor and Endal are swept out of their settlements by military force. Many return to Vadal.

Illyrian Morph production is ramped up again, and battle becomes even more frequent in the Marshes. Raids are made on Ainor once again.

  • 45: The Thanedoms are united under one High Thane.
  • 49: The Vadalian Runestone network is complete, and is named the Webway by the Skalds.
  • 50: Dai'ka's grasp on the islands is like iron. He retreats deep into his castle, letting his High Priest, Tuan Virote, enforce Dai'ka's rule.

The RP begins.

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