The Continent of Maris

From Storing Don


The continent of Maris bears a superficial resemblance to the continent of Elibe, the continent that gave birth to Maris. The Sundering changed much of the face of the continent, although the Nabatan desert remained untouched.


The massive damage caused by the Sundering did something no one could predict - it rotated the planet the wrong way. The equator, previously south of the entire continent, was moved north and angled to the west, cutting across the southernmost of the Kaeldar Isles, Nabatan desert, and directly across the southern border of Lequall. The ice caps quickly began melting and have reformed to the northeast of the Vadalian Isles, and the range of temperatures corresponds to this new south-west to north-east orientation. The southeast is mostly tropical, with palm and deciduous trees are the only kind. The tropics end at the northernmost tip of the middle Kaeldarin island, and the line cuts across central Endal, the southern inland sea and the isthmus of Artal, as well as the Illyrian highlands. To the northeast of this line is the temperate zone, which lasts until the very tips of the Thane coasts. Vadal is in the arctic circle, and as such, very cold.

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