Kreszenz Gorbachev

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics

  • Name: Kreszenz Gorbachev
  • Former Nation: The Thanedoms
  • Age: 14
  • Height: 5â��6â��
  • Weight: 125 lbs.
  • Cavalier Level 7
  • Weapon Levels: Lances {C}, Swords {D}


  • Caristam (Prf)
    • Steel Guarded Sidehooked Dual-Headed Beastslaying Lance
  • Iron Sword
    • Iron Thin-Bladed Perfect Balance Hand Sword
  • Inferni
    • Iron Enchanted Conjuration Fire Dagger



Kreszenz is country folk. Not very literate, but a very kind girl. She cares deeply about her mother, and has dedicated her life to saving her. She does not know how to act around nobility, nor does she understand what war and fighting are like. But she doesn�t care. She�ll do what it takes to save her mother. Her eyes are an inhumanly bright green, and her hair is blonde. She is very slender, and carries a home-made shield and lance, and light armour that was once a young soldier�s. It is tattered in places, and one can easily see where it�s been repaired. She's a cute little girl, but her helmet is almost always concealing it.


Kreszenz was a poor girl born as a bastard child to a mother who cared deeply for her. She never knew her father, nor did her mother recall who he was, due to the fact that she was already growing ill. Her father, it turned out, had died fighting for the Thanedom he lived on. She�d been afflicted by a family curse that dated way back into the times of King Raymond. They have been afflicted by a horrible curse that was passed on through the generations in their family. Kreszenz and her mother had been converted, them being in the Donnor Thanedom. The eldest in the current generation always died at mid-age of an illness that lasted their whole life. It was caused by Storag, the god of misfortune, who frowned upon the family, unable to forgive them for their unknown ancestor's misdeeds towards the gods.

But Kreszenz sought to change this. She knew she had an older cousin who would suffer from this ailment, and her mother was already starting to die. So one day she found a spearhead, tied it to a pole, and began to thrust. She continued doing so, and, with a fiery passion, trained herself hard, almost as hard as a Lequallian would be trained. She spent her time in the forests, forcing herself to think, to fight. She had been doing this since she was twelve, and now fourteen, she�d made great progress, and felt ready to be knighted. She had a homemade shield she�d learned to use with her lance, and a kindly lancer had donated his old armour to her. She felt ready to become a Grail Knight of Ainor.

She told her mother what she was going to do and why, then headed to Ainor, hoping to be knighted. They flat-out refused her, and so she started to look for an alternative. She bought a horse, and decided to travel as a mercenary for now, but hoped to find a Grail Knight who would help her on her quest.

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