Beril Cennet

From Storing Don


Vital Stats


  • Nation: Sons of Sand
  • Rank: Director of the Order of Earth
  • RPed by: Mashiro, others by permission
  • Age: 35
  • Height: 5' 3"
  • Weight: 117 lbs.

Appearance & Personality

Beril is gifted with amazing poise and dignity. She is one of the most intelligent and wise individuals in the Sons of Sand, and a rival of the Magister herself in terms of wit. Her style of combat is fluid and graceful, though she's just as easily capable of extremely powerful spells. Her training and skill with Anima magic makes her one of the most qualified individuals for her position.

Her hair appears as a rippling river of blond locks, which she keeps noticeably longer on the right. This hair complements her lightly tanned skin, glossy lips, and cyan eyes which match her tube-shaped earrings. Beril's clothing consists of a tight blue shirt and slightly looser magenta trousers, over which is a traditional Nabatan cloak. She only actually uses the left sleeve; the right is kept loose at her side for unknown reasons. Her footwear consists of simple sandals over delicately manicured feet.

Battle Statistics

  • Sage, Level 7
  • Weapon Levels: Anima - S | Staves - B | Light - E

Beril is a master of Glass Magic and binding/sealing techniques. She is currently the controller of the seals on Forblaze and Aureola, which she maintains in addition to her duties as the Director of the Order of Earth.


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