Asvaen Dastient

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics

Nation: Lequall

Rank: Hoplon Guard (Commander)

Age: 36

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 215 lbs.


The Commander of the Hoplon Guard is fierce, untrusting of outsiders not of Lequallian heritage or that he doesn't know, and immensely proud of his heritage. He is an isolationist, a member of the Myrseneir Party. He believes in Lequall and Lequall only, one of the motivating factors for his original volunteering for the Hoplon Guard. Because he is so dedicated to Lequall, however, he embodies the virtues the nation emphasizes: honor, diligence and confidence. He is loyal and hard-working, but his fierce personality can make him hard to put up with. Though he has good intentions, he is not kind.


Asvaen is a large man. His height, by comparison with others, leaves some to be desired for a fighting man, but he is quite bulky. The size of his body alone is impressive. By most standards. he is nearly forty pounds overweight; admittedly, about 30% of that is fat, but the remaining amount is sheer muscle. His tan is slightly lighter than that of other Lequallians. A good amount of light brown hair rests on his head, offset by hazel-green eyes that contain a dull look. The thick armor he wears is a bright gold, overlayed in his accessories by purple, the official equipment color of all members of the Hoplon Guard. In addition, due to his membership of the Myrseneir party, his left ear is pierced with a golden earring. He wears a golden, rounded helmet with a soft point on the top to battle.


Asvaen was born in the Shieldland, Lequall's heartland, to a family of no noble bearing. He was raised in a middle-class family with no siblings, without money for extravagances. Both of his parents were quite liberal in how they raised him, assuring him throughout his childhood and teenage years that he could choose whatever life he wanted for himself. Starting from age five and ending at 17, he took public education in order to become a civilian with the same privileges as others. He was, however, never good at paying attention, and his reserves of common sense far outreach his intelligence. All in all, he is not a smart man, but he has common sense. In addition, in order to provide the best future possible for him, as well as by force of tradition, his parents entered him into training at the Agoge at age eight, which progressed until the end of his education. He was originally introduced to fighting with a wooden staff, which lead to his picking up lances.

When his education was completed, he remained at home for two more years, unsure of what to do with his life. His father wanted him to continue on to a university and get a college education. While his mother agreed, she felt that to survive the demands of daily life in a militant and expansionistic nation with vast amounts of pride such as Lequall, he should have some experience in the military. Because he had never enjoyed school, he sided with his mother and agreed to join the Lequallian National Guard at age 20.

He began as an unenlisted officer, a lowly Soldier with only a lance out to prove something to himself. Before joining the military, he had been quiet and lazy, unsure of his future. His first year in the Guard was hard on him. The demands were tough, he didn't agree with his commanding officer and he failed to see the point in it all. After the first year, however, he began training more and built more muscle, was switched to a different platoon and took a new approach to his duties.

The change this caused in him was drastic and quite amazing. From his daily exploits as a member of the Lequallian National Guard, he began to foster a pride for his home nation that rivaled that of even the most fervent isolationists. His drive to succeed was renewed and enhanced, and he began working harder, accomplishing more. He was eventually promoted to a low rank, then worked his way to Squad Commander, the head of about ten men. This only encouraged him, and he worked fiercely until he was given command of a platoon, then an entire company. By this point, he was 32, a full-fledged man, a Lequallian with a harsh superiority complex and buckets of confidence. He had come to enjoy his work, loved the feeling of doing something on his own to make Lequall greater, and no longer wondered about his future. Even retirement did not concern him, for he did not plan to retire until his sixties.

He continued his command for three years, until rumors began to arise in the ranks that the Grand Marshal was building a platoon of elite, highly trained warriors to serve as a unit under his direct command. Every soldier felt that this was a great opportunity, regardless of whether or not it was a myth or truth, and began to work to best his fellow man. By the time it was confirmed that development of a private guard was underway, Myot Caethras was killed in battle, and most feared that the project would fall apart. The new Grand Marshal continued the project, however. Around this time, Asvaen had taken up wielding the sword. He immediately fell in love with it and began to use it almost exclusively, quickly becoming more proficient in blades than the lances he had originally wielded.

The platoon was built, and though it was never publicly announced, the entire National Guard became aware of the Hoplon Guard's existence. Big, strong, and multi-talented, Asvaen now carried his shield, the shield of Hoplites, proudly, and he found a big break when he was selected through his dedication, pride, and reputation amongst other soldiers to join the platoon. He was originally one of four sub-officers of the group, and immediately set about using all of his ability to make the platoon as outstanding as those who had originally envisioned it wanted it to be. The original commander could not handle the pressures of directing a secret guard whose activities were never to be made public and whose assignments were harder than any other, and resigned. Immediately, Asvaen secured a spot as the new commander, and garnered the respect of all of his peers.

Combat Statistics

Hoplite (#15)

Weapon Levels: Swords - A, Lances - B


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