
From Storing Don

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Insert blurb on Endal here.


Endalian National Information

First Emperor of Endal: Gaius Marus Cassius

Previous Emperors of Endal: Aurieus Marus Darius, Derek ???

Current Emperor of Endal: Julius Marus Claudius

National Weapon: Arthur

Heraldic Color: Purple

Estimate Population: 2,560,000

Major Imports: Other Nations, Steel, Stone

Major Exports: Law & Order, Textiles, Gold, Timber

The Imperial Army

See The Imperial Army.

Endalian Religions

The Church of Aodeyn

Fides de Incendia Pennae

Also called the Faith of the Flaming Wing, Fireworship

Unlike many religions, those who practice the Faith believe in only one deity, neither male or female, and yet both; though most refer to this deity as male for convention. This being goes by many names and guises, the most prominent being the form of a great Phoenix. His symbol is the Everlasting Flame.

Other names include D’vol Atar (“Shining Warrior” in the Ancient Tongue from before the Sundering), Eishi (corrupted version of “Fire” in the language of Magic), Aestuo Deus (“Blazing God” in old Endali) and of course the Phoenix.

According to legend, in the beginning there was nothing but unending darkness. Then, from the nothingness, began a flame. This flame grew and grew until it shed light into the corners of Existence. The flame began to mold itself, taking the shape of a great, shining being wreathed in fire. This was Eishi, who gave birth to Himself from the dark.

Eishi took the nothingness and cupped it in his hands, and began to sing. He sang with all voices and yet none, singing life into the darkness. As He wove words and nonwords to melody and nonmelody, his song became what is known as the Great Tapestry, composed of the Threads of Existence.

Eishi traced His fingers along the Tapestry, and the lines which He traced glowed with color and noncolor, creating everything we know today from His fire and Himself. Embers from His great flame He made into stars. His great eyes we see watching over us as the sun and moon. His fire resides in each of us, giving us the will to live, to rise up and thank Him for our lives.

Endalian Politics

Foreign Relations

  • Ainor
  • The Sons of Sand
  • Kaeldar
  • Lequall
  • Illyria
  • Tavrica
  • Vadal
  • The Thanedoms

The Typical Endalian

As they are an empire, the Endalians are generally a mixture of heritages from assimilated nations.

Endalian Culture

Endalian Calendar

In bold is the real world counterpart to give you a better idea of what the holiday is and when it takes place. Note, DoN is on a Gregorian Standard Calendar.

  • New Year’s Day – Day of Rebirth
  • Last day of the year – Day of Ashes
  • Summer Solstice – High Phoenix
  • Winter Solstice – Low Phoenix
  • Spring Equinox – Rising Phoenix
  • Fall Equinox – Falling Phoenix
  • First New Moon – Day of Night
  • First Full Moon – Day of the Moon
  • Solar Eclipse – Dark Day
  • Lunar Eclipse – Bloody Night
  • Memorial Day (For those lost vs. Kaeldar) - Day of Mourning
  • (Celebrates the births and deaths of all past and present) - Day of the Emperor
  • (The day Valistrix was defeated) - The Fall of the Demon
  • (The day Endal was first declared a nation) – Founding Day
  • (Celebrates the conquest of Endal) - Day of Growth
  • (Annual Festival of good faith and widespread joy)- Festival of Fire
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