Third Tier Classes

From Storing Don

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Unique To: King Meinhard von Reichter (Ainor)

Promotes From: Great Knight

Weapons: Axes, Lances, Bows, Swords


  • Ultimate Rider - The Kyrisser is exceptionally skilled at fighting from horseback. His armour is heavy, but he moves as swiftly as a paladin.
  • Supreme Purity - All of Meinhard's weapons strike as Holy, and if he uses any weapon that is Holy, he gets a boost.
  • Bastion - Bastion is the ability that only heavy armor can give. It represents the ability of heavy armor to completely ignore some attacks, as they merely glance off the tempered metal.


King Meinhard is the ultimate knight of Ainor, and as thus, he possesses great strength. He can move fluidly despite his size, but is well-defended against enemy attacks. Finally, he has given up the use of swords and focused on the use of bows.


Unique To: Emperor Julius Claudius Mercator (Endal)

Promotes From: Praetorian

Weapons: Lances, Axes, Swords, Anima


  • Guardian (From Praetorian) - Warriors with guardian are able to block attacks for nearby allies with minimum risk to themselves.
  • Will of the Phoenix - When the Imperator is fighting on the front line with her soldiers, their pride in Endal and their morale is raised, and as a result, they become slightly stronger and faster.
  • Alacrity - After being attacked, the Imperator immediately notices openings and with his high reflexes can counter attack swiftly.


The ultimate defender and counter-attacker, the Imperator is the shining emblem of the Endal Empire. He is famed for his ability to strike if struck, and his mere presence raises the morale and pride of those around him. If attacked, he will strike back with ease, and can aptly defend himself and his soldiers. He is a front-line fighter, but as well he is skilled in anima magic.


Unique to: Repae R. Mirgeht (Illyria)

Promotes From: Summoner

Weapons: Dark, Staves, Swords


  • Summoning - Repae has mastered this branch of Elder Magic beyond any recorded level. He may summon instantaneously, with but a single thought. Due to his exceptional mastery of Summoning -along with his abilities in quintessence manipulation- , he has also garnered the ability to summon multiple creatures, though the levels of the summons are divided up equally amongst them, e.g. one summon; slightly stronger than (20,20), not third tier strength, two summons; both (20,10), three summons; (20,7), et cetera.
  • Morphomancery - Having much less experience in the field of morphs than summoning, Repae's skill in this branch is no where near as developed. He is better than average, but there are still three to four Morphomancers more skilled in the art than he is.
  • Q-Summoning - Perhaps the only aspect of Morphomancery that Repae has completely mastered is the control over life energies needed for the art, otherwise known as Quintessence Manipulation. Using quintessence, Repae can buff up his phantoms, give them the ability to use a variety of weapons and do extraordinary things to his morphs, with Enforcers being the prime example.


The Highlord of Illyria, Repae is the most powerful master of the Elder Magicks on the continent and renowned for his incredible skill in summoning. With the knowledge garnered through days cloistered in Adramelech's private library, he created the Enforcers, an almighty testament to his skill in that they have sentience and far greater strength than the average morph, barring the Juggernaughts. His use of daggers throughout the years has led him to delve farther into the sword arts, leaving him with some ability with the blade.


Unique To: Eldred Gorath (Kaeldar)

Promotes From: Agama

Weapons: Light, Dark, Axes


  • Guardian - Being the personal bodyguard of Dai'ka means he should be able to actually defend his master. He has learned to do this with utmost skill.
  • Bastion - Dai'ka didn't want his bodyguard to be at all lacking in defenses, so he gave Eldred enchanted armor. Every once in a while, the enchantment with completely block any attack, but it happens scarcely and will only withstand a single blow.
  • Personality - Eldred has an extremely versatile personality, and because of this, along with his striking eyes, he can easily fill any person with whatever feeling he wants them to have. He can make someone go from utmost confidence to cowardice with a stare, and can convince much of people with his honey-sweet voice.


As Dai'ka's right-hand man, Eldred is entitled to do much, including taking care of diplomacy, conveying his words to the masses, enforcing the God Emperor's rule, and serving as his personal bodyguard. He is adept in all these fields, and thanks to this, he is a formidable warrior. Trained initially as a tribal priest, he took up the axe to improve his ability to defend his emperor. He embodies what the Kaeldar warriors are: quick, strong, and brutal.


Unique To: Argyros Rinovindis (Lequall)

Promotes From: Hoplite

Weapons: Swords, Lances, Anima


  • Bastion (From Hoplite) - This gives Argyros the ability to simply ignore some attacks, as they glance off of his armor.
  • Hoplon (From Hoplie) - Being trained as a Hoplite, Argyros can completely ignore most arrow shots, making archers almost useless against him.
  • Warcall - Argyros' voice is loud and carries far; at the sound of this man's voice, even clouds change their flight across the heavens! When he uses this skill, the morale of allied troops within hearing distance increases dramatically, making them less likely to run away. They also get a small attack bonus. Conversly, the morale of enemy troops in hearing distance decreases, making them more likely to run away, and a small decrease in attack power is also present. Works better the closer the listener is to Argyros.


The ultimate Hoplite, Argyros is truly an awesome opponent to face. He has the command over his troops that a commander should have, and has experience in the uses of the sword and the lance. He has also gained a control over Anima magic.


Unique To: Cayel Reldin (Tavrica)

Promotes From: Wanderer

Weapons: Bows, Swords, Lances


  • Hail of Arrows When Cayel uses Tell, he can create a massive volley of arrows completely by himself. Firing at a rate about five arrows per second, arrows rain down upon the enemies for 30 seconds, after which time, Cayel must rest for a while, due to the immense strain the effort puts on his eyes, aiming that quickly.


The Totengeläut has trained for years, practically since birth, in the ways of archery. As such, he is a master archer, and can do practically anything with a bow and arrow. With heightened dexterity and reflexes, dodging physical blows is not much of a problem for the master. He relies heavily on his instincts and, true to the ways of his forefather, his vast amounts of luck, to carry him through the heat of battle and even in a few less dangerous situations.


Unique To: Gulbrandr Albendroth (Vadal)

Promotes From: Jarl

Weapons: Swords, Lances, Anima


  • Bastion (From Jarl) - Gulbrandr bears the Dragonslayer' plate, armor engraved with a network of powerful runes. These enchantments greatly enchance his defenses, to the point that some attacks against him can be completely ignored.
  • Courage - As the latest heir to the Dragonslayer, Gulbrandr displays a courageous spirit and a fighting zeal similar to that of his predesessors. The spirit of courage allows him to strike far more times than usual, though there's only a small chance each time for this to happen.
  • Berserk Strength - During battle, Gulbrandr can invoke a berserker fury in order to claim the lives of many foes. For every man he slays in the battlefield, the Ulfhednar gains a boost in power that can stack from one another. There is no limit to how high a boost he can attain, though the effects last only a brief period of time unless he keeps killing.


A true warrior of the north, the battle prowess of the Ulfhednar is matched only by a few. He excels in fighting not only over sea, but also on land with the help of his powerful mount. In the offensive, his rage is unstoppable, and he becomes a raging wildfire. When it comes to defense, his will is firm, and he becomes an immovable mountain. The Ulfhednar has also acquired mastery of the elements, supposedly a gift from the Aer, and uses this combination of sword and spell to devastating effect across the battlefield.

Living Daeva

Unique To: Salevran Naraskedal (Independent)

Promotes From: Immortal

Weapons: Swords, Anima


  • Heroism - Sakevran Naraskedal is the pinnacle of living courage and valor, and his soul is afire with that courage. Salevran always attacks as if wielding a brave weapon, regardless of the properties. Brave weapons have no affect on Salevran, because he cannot be anymore courageous than he already is.
  • Mastery - Sacrificing the bow and other mundane weapons, Salevran has achieved a sort of zen mastery with the sword, making him incredibly dangerous with the blade. None can match Salevran's mastery of the sword, though many have tried.


Although considered heterodox at best and heretical at worst by most of Ahura's Church, Salevran Naraskedal has come to be regarded as something of a living Daeva. Although he cannot heal the sick or make the blind see, Salevran can hear the voice of Ahura, and the Greatest Marshal has spoken through the platinum-haired Lequallian in the past. However mystical and religious he is, Salevran is at heart a soldier and warrior. He is faster and stronger than ever, and due to his spiritual connection to the sword, he is even more dangerous in melee. That is not the last of his abilities, though, as the gift of hearing Ahura's Voice came with another - the ability to use Anima magic. Salevran is a more than capable spellcaster, and combined with his courageous spirit, the mixture of sword and spell make him a dangerously unpredictable opponent.


Unique To: Magister Vayla Arcantine (Sons of Sand)

Promotes From: Dragon

Weapons: Dragonform, Anima, Swords


  • Draconic Sagacity - Vayla is the ideal example of an ancient dragon: wise, resourceful, and powerful. She has perfectly blended her draconic and anima powers together over five hundred years, and has achieved what one would call total mastery (S Rank) of both.
  • Archaic Casting - Over the centuries, Vayla has developed an amazing sense of magical skill, to the point where she has completed a task previously though insurmountable: she has become fluent in the archaic language that all spells are written in. This has allowed her to master the technique of casting spells without the usage of a tome.


The title of Maharishi is a designation of wisdom and intelligence. Her spells come from her mastery of arcane language, and her skill with a blade is in competition with the best. Her greatest trait, however, is her power as a dragon. With extended longevity, the Maharishi has been able to spend years on training and mastering her magical talent. Not only that, but she is able to shift forms to that of a great dragon, in order to strike down her foes with heavy claws or purifying breath.

Peregrine Knight

Unique To: Thorosa Iowinn Carthney

Promotes From: Heir

Weapons: Anima, Axes, Lances


  • Delphi Shield (from Heir) - The Peregrine Knight does not suffer from a vulnerability to bows.
  • Free Flight - The Peregrine Knight is so skilled at flying that she retains her grace, agility and mobility in any kind of weather.
  • Stormrider - As the master of the sky, the Peregrine Knight can summon or dismiss a full-fledged storm at will.


Master of the sky, the Peregrine Knight is the epitome of the pegasus-mounted warriors that the northeastern highlands are so famous for. A more majestic sight in the skies there is none, as the Peregrine Knight gazes down upon her dominion from on high. The Peregrine Knight rides upon a Falco Pegasus and is well armoured, but her mobility is not hampered by anything.

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