The Conclave of Magic

From Storing Don

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Revision as of 05:36, 15 September 2007


Standard Information


Home Nation: The Conclave is Headquartered in Endal, in the Hand of Pent, a fortress in the City of Cercium. From the tallest tower, called the Finger of the Phantarch, the Phantarch works to keep the balance of peace on Maris, but it has Chapter Houses all over Maris.

Recruiting Standards: Anyone who knows how to cast spells can join and become a Novice of the Conclave. After that, they are trialled by the Tower of the Conclave to become full members of the Conclave, called Magi. Magi are organized into groups called Mafax, who are devoted to one aspect of magic, and they can choose only one Mafax at their trial's successful completion.

Benefits of membership: Free magical training, protection and equipment

Mafaxen of the Conclave

A Mafax is like a family or a small guild: one is devoted to his Mafax only second to the Conclave, all his life long. Only the Phantarch has no Mafax. He is of all Mafaxen when raised.

Emerald Mafax: The Emerald Mafax devotes itself to the art of Politics, acting as advisors to leaders.

Sapphire Mafax: The Magi of the Sapphire Mafax devote themselves to the art of Healing and Blessing, and are capable clerics.

Diamond Mafax: The Diamond Mafax travels the world to fight for the sake of good. They are also known as the Battle Mafax.

Topaz Mafax: The Topaz Mafax devotes itself to the arts of studies, philosophy and research, searching for ways to better the world.

Ruby Mafax: A special Mafax among Mafaxen, the Ruby Mafax devote themselves to quests for certain powerful magic artifacts.

Amethyst Mafax: The Amethyst Mafax is most affiliated with the Topaz Mafax as it focuses on scholarly aspects of magic. However, whereas the Topaz Mafax attempts to better the world, the Amethyst Mafax attempts to better the Art. It is from this school that most new spells originate.

Goal and Purpose of the Conclave

The Conclave, founded by Pent, has set itself the goal of promoting and balancing magic and steering the world towards the best future for it. They can be meddlesome but always mean it well.

Oath of the Conclave Magi

The Conclave is my home, the future my goal,

The Mafax of (name) my family, all Conclave Magi my kinsmen,

I am bound free of the world, I live only for the magic,

I am devoted to balance, (2 last determined by Mafax),

As my face shall not age, so shall not my emotions,

I shall speak no word that is not true,

I swear to uphold the magic and the code, whatever the cost.

This oath acts as the rules of the Conclave, and it is sworn while holding an oath staff that binds you to the oath in spirit. You can not speak out against your oath.

A magi addresses his fellow magi as "Brother" or "Sister", usually augmented by their Mafax (ie, "the Topaz Brothers"), and the Phantarch as "Father" or "Mother".

A Conclave Magi, while in the tower, always wears his stole (female) or toga (male) in the colour of his Mafax. Outside the tower if not wanting to be recognized, they can take it off.



  • 75 Druids
  • 275 Sages
  • 125 Mage Knights
  • 200 Bishops
  • 125 Valkyries


  • 500 Mages
  • 500 Monks
  • 500 Shamans


  • 300 Heroes
  • 250 Swordmasters
  • 150 Dragoons

Conclave Locations

Endal: The Hand of Pent - Conclave Headquarters (Cercium)

  • The Phantarch's Finger
  • The Council's Hall
  • The Ruby Homestead
  • The Diamond Lance
  • The Emerald Palace
  • The Topaz Library
  • The Amethyst Forge
  • The Sapphire Infirmary

Kaeldar: The Elder Sanctum - Conclave Hearth (Kaeldar Isles)

  • Training School for Dark Magic

Ainor: The Monastery of Magic - Conclave Hearth (Out of Dessau)

  • Training School for Light Magic
  • Dark Magic Tomes must be left at the entrance

Tavrica: The Sacred Grove - Conclave Hearth (Schwarzwald)

  • Training School for Anima Magic

Members of the Conclave

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