Zann Halaak
From Storing Don
Current revision as of 04:00, 15 September 2007
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[edit] Vital Statistics
Name: Zann Halak
Nation: Endal
Rank: Shadow of the Empress | Captain of the Imperial Guard | Officer
Age: 42
Height: 5'11
Weight: 167lbs
[edit] Personality
[edit] Appearance
Being the shade of the Empress, Zann wears darker colors, mostly black. His hair is a dark red, but not quite a brown,and is relatively short. His eyes are a chilling icy color, and can strike fear into those weak in spirit and confidence. Surprisingly enough, if you get to know him, Zann is a kind, caring Fighter. His armor is Endali Purple.
[edit] Biography
Zann was born into a dirt poor family, with a, surprisingly, loving father and less-then-caring mother. His mother never cared for him, often yelling and screaming him over the smallest of errors. His father would always come to the rescue, often taking him out to the wheat fields and tell him stories of serving the Emperor and when he was done, he'd confront his wife on what their child had done that was SO wrong to be called words none can repeat. Eventually, Zann's mother went insane, and torched their house, leaving him alone and afraid.
When was 8, 3 years after the incident, Zann was adopted by a cruel, unforgiving set of nobles. To his surprise, his father was not only alive, but in service to the corrupt family. after 5 years of intense and grueling work with minimal downtime and rewards,Zann and his father make an escaped attempt, but his father was caught and killed for running. In that single moment, he sought nothing more then revenge. He joined the army in hopes of restoring feeling, and it worked. His time in the infantry gave him a new perspective, one he thought his father would be proud of. He rose through the ranks, and became known among the High Arch of the people.
Years went by. Much sooner then he realized, Zann was asked to become the Shadow of the Emperor of Endal. He accepted and Shadowed His Majesty until The Empress was given the throne. He now shadows her, with the same Judgment and composure he had before.
Through the years of Shadowing the Emperor, Zann began to learn the was of the Axe and the Sword, giving up the mastery of the Lance for the ability to wield 3 kinds of weapons, although the Lance is still his favorite, and is seen mostly carrying his beloved spear.
[edit] Combat Statistics
Praetorian (#3)
Weapon Levels: Lances - B; Swords - C; Axes - D
[edit] Weapons
Kain: Spear:Serrated Edge+1, Sword Blade+2, Guard+2, Keen Edge+1.Mithril+2 Total: 8 Edric: Hand Sword: Perfect Balance +1, Keen Edge+1, Mithril +2 Total: 4 Grudge: Battle Axe: Mithril+2, Backspike+1, Armorslayer+1, Killer Curve+2 Total:6