Story:ORPGS/Yu Yevon

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The stories on this category are all posts I'm doing in the Collaborative Writing ORPG group called Spira which is at ezboards and has been going for over a year. English, Videogame, Action-Adventure

Yu Yevon

OOC Info: Username: Renmiri Gender: F

Character info: ~~Name: Yu Yevon

~Age: 93

~Gender: M

~Home: Zanarkand

~Occupation: Summoner

~Description: Though physically old, his limbs are as supple as a man of 60 and mind as quick as a man of 55. His white hair is as thick as that of Maester Mika from times past. Though he is now physically human once more, his skin still bares the marks of the parasite he was, and most prominent of which are a large Yevon symbol etched into his skin like a birthmark and spins that run down his back, a lasting reminder of the tentacled fiend he once was. Due to this he prefers to dress in long robes, neutral in colour, and as bland as possible purely so that he does not draw attention to himself, and allow others to discover who he once was.

~Personality: Highly repentant, but paranoid to the same degree. He searches for a way to help Spira in it's new world, but only from afar. Should people find out that it was once he who they both worshipped and feared, he fears his old life may come to an untimely end once more. He takes solace in the fact that Zanarkand is thriving once more, and can often be seen stalking amongst the grand towers of Zanarkand so he can overlook the city, a reincarnation of his home, and his peoples dream.

~Weapons: None. His power as an expert summoner, and resultant control over pyreflies allows him to bring battles to an end rapidly, even though it may prove more tiring that such feats once did. He can duplicate ANY dressphere skill, given the right amount of pyreflies but he will be useless for days after a battle

~Alliance: To no one, and to anyone who could help Zanarkand.

~Personal possessions: A staff and any dressphere he wishes, which he can craft out of pyreflies lying around. Yu Yevon also has Kupo, a moogle who has taken unto itself the task of caring for the weeping old man he met on the Farplane.

~Strengths: Summoning, intellect, battling near water - where pyreflies abound - he is almost invincible, only Yuna and her full team beat him - once.

~Weaknesses: No one trusts him and he trusts no one. His advanced age and side effects of the Sin accident make him have little energy. A battle makes him so weary he is unable to perform spells for days. Away from water, i.e. Bikanel Desert, his spells are weaker and his strength falters. A strong mage or a Summoner can take him easily in a place like that, provided the mage is quick enough to use any pyreflies around before Yu Yevon gets them.

~History: "Yu Yevon was once summoner long ago. He was peerless. Yet, now he lives for one purpose, only to summon."

Yevon once ruled Zanarkand, and, iirc, had the title High Summoner. Then the Machina War broke out and Zanarkand was soon pushed to the edge of defeat. In his desperation to keep Zanarkand alive, Yevon concocted a plan to preserve Zanarkand, if only in a memory. He sent his daughter and son in law into hiding, (evidence of compassion) and the people who remained in Zanarkand marched up Gagazet to become the Fayth. Yevon then began the Summoning from them and became Yu Yevon. Casting a gravity spell the likes of which was never seen before, Yu Yevon brought he first Sin into being. With basic instincts to destroy large centers of population and Machina, Sin began with the now empty city of Zanarkand.

Some time later, Yunalesca, his daughter used the first Final Aeon, destroying Sin, and killing her father, but it was too late. Yu Yevon had become too entrenched in the Summoning to be dispersed so easily. He lived on, as an unsent, possessing his son in law, Zaon, and rebuilt Sin. Thus the cycle was born.

Yu Yevon lived like this for a millennia, swiftly recovering after the few times when Sin was defeated, until one summoner who bore his daughter's name found another way. She challenged him directly, defeating Sin at it's core, and killing him once more, but in a more permanent manner, and bringing the end to the Spiral of Death.

He has since roamed the farplane, until one day he appeared in a quiet spot in Zanarkand, alive, and, for the most part, Human.

Overcome with grief over what he had done to Spira for one thousand years, he spent his first night weeping in a corner, earning him looks of pity from the passers by, and more than a few beatings from the local thugs out to mug a quick gil. Battered and bruised, he spent the next few days search for a way to end his life once more, to be free of the memories he carried, but found none that were easy and he always bolted out whenever he chose his path back to the farplane. Eventually though he learned to accept his memories, and the nightmare they held, and that is where his story begins...

~Special Requests: Since Yu Yevon lives mostly alone, can I have a moogle with him to allow for dialog ?

~Sample post: The cold night's air breezed past him, tingling the mark on his chest even though it was beneath many lays of clothes. He was strolling through the precipice towers upper levels, overlooking the Stadium that stood in the near distance. He could hear the cries of joy that came from the spectators when their team scored, or the moans when their team conceded a goal. Naturally these sounds overlapped as there were two teams and two sets of spectators, but that never affected his ability to distinguish the sounds.

Years of supporting the Abes had taught him well, he surmised, as he he looked back on his favourite team from even before the war.... Things were not going well for his Abes, now facing the League leader Corran Serpents.

The Serpents had been the Abes nemesis in the times before the war. Their goalie was almost unbeatable, a spirit so fierce that she had transformed into one of the mightiest Aeons after her death during the war.

The other Serpent players were not far behind, giving the skilled Zanarkand Abes arun for it's money... In HIS Zanarkand he had made sure the Abes ruled, giving ever increasing skills to the Dream Zanarkand citizens who played for the Abes.. His love for Blitzball and the Abes had been his saving grace. One day, one of his best creations, Abes' captain Jecht, had come in contact with Sin...

And that caused a series of events that had Yuna and her team releasing him from his nightmare inside Sin. He was grateful his love of Blitzball had done the impossible, but much more grateful to Yuna and the kids who had released him. Even if they had sent his daughter to the farplane... That bitter, slightly insane Yunalesca wasn't the daughter he had known.

Yu Yevon sighed with regret yet again. So many lives and souls damaged by his hands... Grief and regret overpowered him once again. He turned to Kupo, his pet moogle and caressed it's head. It felt good having a soul to trust, even a tiny moogle

- "Boss thinking sad thing again ? Kupo makes tea for boss, cheers him up!"

- "No need, it was just a fleeting memory.." answered Yu Yevon

- "Nonsense. Kupo adds cupcakes too. Boss' face looks pale. Come boss, let's retire to your chamber. All this chill wind is bad for boss' old bones"

- "All right friend" chuckled Yu Yevon resigned. It was no use trying to dissuade Kupo of something, once the little moogle set his mind to it. He followed the stripped purple form inside his hideout.

(OOC - Perhaps a play between him and Yunalesca too, depending on who owns Yunalesca. He trying to get her to the good side, her trying to get him back to the baddies. Some pretty good shouting matches there ;) )

From Wikipedia (did you guys know I am part of the FF team at Wikipedia ?)

In ancient times, Yu Yevon was a highly advanced but tragically unstable summoner and ruler of Zanarkand, father of Lady Yunalesca. He is responsible for much of Spira's current tragic circumstances, first taking the lives of his people to create the "dream-Zanarkand," then creating and subsequently losing control of the gigantic entity, Sin, that he intended to protect Spira. The survivors of the calamatous events of Sin's genesis invented the "teachings of Yevon" and built a religion around appeasing Yu Yevon, who still resides within Sin and, to some extent, controls its actions.

In the end, Yuna's Guardians battle all the Aeons in order to fight Yu Yevon, who takes the form of a small, wispy being, in Sin's "Nucleus."

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