From Speakeasy
Sarah was born in the early 1980s. She grew up as middle class white trash in Suburban Detroit. She was a terrible student who skipped school and got into trouble often. Sarah lived in a trailer park for about a year and a half. Then a few years later she went to live in Southeast Hungary.
Role on Speakeasy
She was an early member of Speakeasy and as co-admin is charged with fixing the place up aesthetically, adding new features, and flushing spambots down the crapper. She hosts the fiefdom called Sarahstan, which revolves around her own weird little interests. She contributes many hot mamas to the BIGGLES Babes Thread. Sarah also is main contributor to the Hungary part of the International section, simply because nobody else gives a rat's ass about Hungary.
- Her diet consists mainly of Hot Pockets, Canada Dry and Honey Comb cereal.
- She's known to call herself a fehér cigány or white gypsy based on her nomadic, somewhat lazy nature and love of weird clothing.
- If she won the lottery, she'd like to buy land somewhere nice, build a yurt village and raise goats and llamas on a farm.
- Her name means Princess of God Wolf.
- She is an avid skee ball player.
- Her first celebrity crush was Ted Bundy.
- She believes even Jesus thinks she is an asshole.
- Outside of school, she has only read a handful of fiction books.