From Sotf Wiki
The Very Basics
- Bold: - Bolding text on the SOTF Wiki is very simple. To bold text, insert three apostrophes before and after the text which you wish to bold. It should look like this: '''Bolded text goes in here'''.
- Italics: - Much like bolding text, italics are also very simple to create. Instead of three apostrophes, only add two. It should look like this: ''Italicized text goes in here''.
- Bolded Italics: - Uh-oh, we're getting tricky now. Just kidding. If, for whatever reason, you want something both bolded and italicized, a combination of coding is in order. Here's what it should look like: '''''Five apostrophes will give you both bolded and italicized text in the box!'''''
- Line Breaks: - Obviously, doublespacing everything on a page doesn't always look great. Neither does this: Name: Whitney Age: 19 Locale: USA. Haven't figured out how to single space your lines yet? Insert <br> at the end of every line to separate your lines and make 'em look nice and neat. Here's how it should look:
Name: Here
Age: Here
Locale: Here
- Internal Links - You're typing along, writing up your eval for Jamie Jameson, and you notice that, hey, Joe Johnson is mentioned a lot in Jamie's profile. You want to link to Joe's so that people can see who on earth he is. How do you do it? It's really quite simple. To insert an internal (as in, to another page on this wiki) link, it should look like this: [[Joe Jameson]].
- External Links - You're writing up a profile, and you want to, say, reference a post on the forum. How do you link said topic into your writing? Here's how it should look as you're typing it: [http://urlforplaceyou' text-referencing-link]. Here's what the finished product will look like once you post your project. Survival of the Fittest.
- Headlines - Sometimes, when creating a wiki page, you'll need various sections like the ones illustrated on the Storyline page of this wiki. To make headlines for various sections, here's the formula: == Insert Headline Title Here ==
- Dividers - Need to separate one section of text completely from another? No problem! ---- will draw a divider across the page you are currently working on, much like the one seen below.